
Oct 02, 2010 00:12


call me heartless for the fact that i am ignoring any connections with this part of the family. yes, i am. this i admit. yes, i am biased against them while showing more attention to my father's siblings. so? my family is screwed up, and i do think i have to make a choice one way or another. my father is one hell of a petty, stubborn male chauvinistic pig who cant take criticism from outside. my mum is just one hell of a stubborn mule who refuses to take in any advice from us (me and my dad). what kind of family is this? fucked up!

as a wife, should u not know how to be a good wife, follow your husband? at least know ur standing! yes, you may say this is an extremely old-fashioned way of thinking but if you cant take it, why marry in the first place??
same here, why get married with someone who is not a christian like you? such religious difference continues to deepen as your personalities are just vastly apart and will never be resolved...never...over my dead body i swear.

my choice is clear. i chose to favour that direction as i find it more worthwhile in putting my efforts to maintain that relationship. since my mum is not that authoritative, i follow where the power lies. fuck whatever past relations i had with them. now, i cant be bothered if the family stays intact. i can sense that you guys dont even communicate. continue to go to ur sister's place and then result in the break up of this family. just continue. i am bothered by this sense of uneasiness but what can i do now? i am telling myself to just ignore them. the more i communicate with them, the more i know something is amiss and i cant do anything about it. now i shall minimize my contacts so that i shan't be bothered. mum: if you still wanna keep this family intact, stop frequenting ur sister's place. i am not the least interested in this family anymore. i swear.

fuck this family.


cold-blooded, family, irritated

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