Devil Ride 30/?

Dec 07, 2010 12:16

Title: Devil Ride
Author: xenalvr
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings and Disclaimer: CBS, P&G, Telenext et. al. own these characters, not me.

This story is set in an alternate universe, where Natalia Rivera's history and timeline are greatly altered. Most of Olivia Spencer's history remain intact. It contains adult themes and language, and deals with the sex industry, which might not be to everyone's taste, so please do NOT proceed if you are not of age or if any of that might offend you.

I've decided not to worry too much about pre-Otalia plotline discrepancy as this is an AU after all.


The drive to Sam's place would take them just over three hours. This time, no longer looking over her shoulder for Phillip's menacing presence, Olivia had set her GPS for the journey. This time, she was happy and couldn't wait to see Sam and Emma. She snuck a peek at Natalia and smiled faintly to herself; she couldn't wait for Sam and Emma to meet Natalia either.

They hadn't spoken since they had left Springfield and Olivia was enjoying the silence. She liked conversing with Natalia, but even more so, she liked that she could be silent with Natalia. She thought back to when she saw Emma last and realised with a start that she had met Natalia for the first time that same day. She snorted softly under her breath when she recalled her rationale for picking Natalia up; the irony did not escape her. Then she frowned in disbelief at the timeframe; she couldn't believe the level of trust that existed between them, almost right from the very start. In fact, everything that had happened from the moment she slowed down her car to speak to Natalia had been unexpected.

This had been quite the ride. Olivia thought back to their first night together at the hotel; the memory of the bewilderment that had leaked through Natalia's guarded face made her lips twitch. She had confused the poor woman so, offering to pay her for ten hours of her time, then not asking anything of her. She was glad that nothing had happened between them during their initial time together because if something had, she didn't think Natalia would be seated beside her right now. She would have left once the ten hours was up without a backward glance, and Olivia wouldn't have wanted her to stay. Instead, she had gotten the chance to know Natalia.

Natalia had a quiet strength that was so different from her own fiery temperament. And today, she had displayed it at the mall. Olivia replayed the memory of Natalia's boot coming down on Mallet's foot and smirked. It was hot. Natalia was hot. So hot, in fact, that Olivia had to take a breath to calm her raging libido. She didn't want Natalia to walk away safe and sound from her dangerous past and creepy ex-client, only to have everything taken from her in a car crash.

"You look pleased about something."

Natalia's voice interrupted Olivia's reverie and she threw a glance her way. "I was just thinking..." she said with a faint smile playing on her lips. She let her gaze linger on dark features and a prominent dimple before turning her attention back to the road.

"Do I wanna know what of?" Natalia asked teasingly, making Olivia's smile deepen and a slight blush to creep up her cheeks. "Oh, so it's like that, huh."

Olivia lifted a brow. "Like what?" she challenged, then tilted her head in shy surprise when Natalia trailed the back of her fingers down her cheek and lightly traced the outside of her ear. She had come to accept that Natalia's touch did funny things to her insides, more so than anyone else's touch ever did.

"Thank you for caring, Olivia."

Olivia frowned slightly at the quietly spoken non-sequitur. "What do you mean?"

"You came to look for me, to make sure I was okay. Thank you."

Olivia shook her head and playfully narrowed her eyes at Natalia. "It's not like I did anything."

"You did. You let me fight my battle, but you were there in case I needed help. That... that means a lot," Natalia said thoughtfully. "You didn't jump in wanting to save me. It's one of the things I like best about being with you."

Natalia was stroking her cheek again; Olivia leaned into the touch briefly. "Does that rank above or below my stunning smile?" she asked lightly, not wanting the conversation to take a serious turn. She smiled when Natalia chuckled softly. "Or my incomparable driving skills? And I must totally score points for my quick wit, right?"

"Well... you are a fantastic kisser. And your voice... I like your voice. Very much. Too much, in fact," Natalia said, making Olivia blush. "I like your strength..." Natalia continued, her voice lowering as she trailed her hand down Olivia's forearm, making her muscles jump under her skin. "... and I like your softness..." Olivia swallowed when Natalia leaned in close, so that her breath lightly brushed her ear. "I can't decide. I might have to take notes when we make out next so I can tell you the exact order of what I like best about being with you."

"Okay." Olivia knew that she sounded strangled, but she couldn't help it.

"How about now?" Natalia suggested cheekily.

"What?" Olivia hurriedly turned her face and tightened her grip on the steering wheel. "You wanna make out now?" she asked, thinking that she sounded a little frenzied and cleared her throat self-consciously.

"All the time, Olivia. I want to make out with you all the time." The matter-of-factly manner in which Natalia answered her made her blow out a breath and shift a little in her seat. "How long more do we have on this drive?"

"About an hour," Olivia said, glancing at the time on the dashboard. "Why?"

"I wish you weren't wearing jeans," Natalia said softly, running her hands down Olivia's thigh, making her breath catch. "I want to taste you."

The memory of what they did at Buddha Bar crashed through Olivia's head; she took a deep breath and swallowed. Then she let the breath out. "Stop it. You'll kill us."

"Then pull over."

Olivia frowned. "What?" She turned to meet Natalia's dark eyes.

"Pull over and fuck me, Olivia."

Olivia shivered at the quiet command in Natalia's voice. She stared at Natalia for a short moment before returning her attention to the road, incredibly aroused at the suggestion and its delivery. She briefly wondered if her car windows were tinted enough, then caught sight of an exit ahead for Dresden Cooling Lake. She made a quick decision and took the exit.


The anticipation of what would happen once the car stopped made Natalia's stomach flip and blood sing. She began pulling off her jacket and smiled to herself when she saw Olivia swallow. They shared a heated look and Natalia blew out a shaky breath. She saw Olivia turn the car onto a dirt track and reached down to take her boots off. Olivia engaged the car's auto lock and the sound made her stomach flip again.

The area around them looked undisturbed. The brush wasn't thick but it didn't look like there was anyone around for them to hide themselves from. When Olivia finally found a spot that she was happy with and killed the engine, Natalia already had her jeans off. She leaned on the car door and parted her legs slightly, loving the look of lust on Olivia's face as she worked her seat belt free.

"What are you doing to me?"

Olivia's voice was thick and it sent a shiver down Natalia's body. "Push your seat back," she said breathlessly. After Olivia did as she was told, she climbed over to straddle Olivia, sighing when she felt warm hands slipping under her top and sliding up her back to fumble with her bra clasp. Natalia rested her elbows on Olivia's shoulders and framed Olivia's face with her foreams. They were both breathing heavily even though they hadn't even kissed.

"I can smell you..." Olivia murmured huskily, her eyes darkening.

"You turn me on so much," Natalia responded softly, moving her hips slightly. She nuzzled Olivia's neck, breathing in her scent. "Fuck me, Olivia. Make me yours."

She heard Olivia whimper, then growl at her words. Her underwear was pushed aside and she was suddenly filled up with Olivia. Breath rushed out of her lungs and her eyes rolled back when she heard Olivia groan. She began moving slowly, impaling herself on Olivia again and again, feeling hot wetness rush out of her to coat Olivia's fingers. Her centre kept bumping against Olivia's thumb; the staccato contact caused her need to climb jaggedly, with no end in sight. She moaned loudly before crushing their lips together in a heated kiss, wanting more of Olivia everywhere.

"I can't get enough of you," she husked out before closing her teeth around the tender flesh just below Olivia's ear. She pressed down on Olivia and gyrated her hips slowly. When Olivia circled her centre with her thumb with varying pressure and speed, Natalia thought she might go crazy with need. They found a rhythm and began moving together. She stared into hooded green eyes that were dark with passion and lust and wondered if she might drown in them. Then Olivia lowered her face and bit on her nipple through her blouse, causing her head to snap back and body to arch forward. She was so close. Her thighs were weak with pleasure and her mouth was dry from crying out. And Olivia, Olivia was driving her crazy with her touch.

"God, I love you, Natalia..."

Natalia's eyes shot open at the whispered words. Before her mind could process anything, before her lips could form a reply, her orgasm crashed through her, robbing her of her breath and senses.


A/N:I was feeling a little naughty...

guiding light

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