Devil Ride 31/?

Dec 08, 2010 21:47

Title: Devil Ride
Author: xenalvr
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings and Disclaimer: CBS, P&G, Telenext et. al. own these characters, not me.

This story is set in an alternate universe, where Natalia Rivera's history and timeline are greatly altered. Most of Olivia Spencer's history remain intact. It contains adult themes and language, and deals with the sex industry, which might not be to everyone's taste, so please do NOT proceed if you are not of age or if any of that might offend you.

I've decided not to worry too much about pre-Otalia plotline discrepancy as this is an AU after all.


Olivia was as surprised as she thought Natalia might have been when the declaration of love spilled from her lips. A small part of her panicked but she managed to appear calm outwardly. Then she reasoned that there was nothing wrong for her to state what she felt, when she felt it.

Contrary to what many people believed, 'I love you' wasn't a question and didn't require an answer. 'I love you' was a statement of what someone felt at the moment of utterance, regardless of what the other person felt. Too much importance was placed upon the utterance of the words, and too often were the words used inappropriately, as a tool, to get something in return. She didn't want that with Natalia. She didn't want anything that wasn't freely given.

More often than not, she had needed validation from the people she had been with, and had been insecure that she wasn't enough. Hearing those three words would appease her for a while, but enough time would go by and she would go back to feeling insecure. She didn't want to be that way anymore, chasing after a few meaningless words of affection when there was so much more to be had.

Olivia pressed her lips against Natalia's damp forehead and inhaled deeply. The car windows had fogged up, creating a false sense of disconnection from the rest of the world. Olivia felt Natalia's breathing even out.

"You said..." Natalia started to say when she lifted her head from Olivia's shoulder. Her eyes searched Olivia's.

"I did," Olivia replied evenly, meeting Natalia's eyes squarely before she smiled. "And I do." She watched Natalia's eyes narrow slightly as she processed her response, then lifted a hand to smooth Natalia's hair from her face. "And that's that," she said.

After a long while of just staring at her, Natalia's face softened into a faint smile and she leaned forward to touch her lips to Olivia's. "I think this might be the best thing I like about being with you," she said softly when she pulled away.

"What is?" Olivia asked, her lips twitching. She liked their proximity, Natalia's comfortable weight, the honesty and genuine affection filtering through shuttered dark eyes. In that moment, Olivia knew what it felt like to be someone's choice instead of the runner-up she always seemed to be. She touched their noses together and stole a kiss from Natalia.

"Knowing when to push me and when to let me be. Knowing that I wouldn't be here if I didn't... feel the way I do."

Olivia smirked self-deprecatingly. "I wish that were true. I don't actually know all that."

"But you do." Natalia rested her forehead against Olivia's and smiled. "I guess we're just meant to be together."

Olivia's heart skipped a beat at Natalia's words. "You do seem to fit pretty well with me," she said softly, twirling a lock of Natalia's hair around her finger. "I like your hair. It's pretty... You're pretty..." Olivia sighed. "And I'm pretty lucky to have you sitting on my lap, looking at me this way."

She loved the way Natalia smiled so sweetly and coyly, the way her eyes slanted and her dimples showed. She loved that she could put that expression on her face.

"I love you, Olivia..." Natalia said slowly, as though she was testing out the words. "... and I'm the lucky one."

Olivia realised that she wasn't learning anything she hadn't already felt to be true; they were merely using the words to describe the way they felt instead of saying the words to convince each other that they felt that way. She leaned forward and caught Natalia's lower lip between her teeth. They shared a smile between slow, lingering kisses.

"As much as I'm enjoying this, I think we should go..." Olivia said finally when she began to feel heated up again from all their touching and kissing.

"I think you're right." Natalia rested her forehead against hers and sounded like she was trying to catch her breath. It made Olivia smile to know that she wasn't the only one who was this affected by their interaction.

Olivia busied herself with starting the car and turning on the air-conditioner in the effort to defog the windows after Natalia slid off of her to return to her seat. She idly watched Natalia put on her jeans and reached out a hand to snap the waistband of Natalia's underwear playfully.


She chuckled at Natalia's yelp and snatched her hand back before Natalia's palm could connect with it. Then when most of the front and back windscreens were defogged, she turned the car around and drove back up the dirt track.


guiding light

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