Devil Ride 29/?

Dec 06, 2010 12:19

Title: Devil Ride
Author: xenalvr
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings and Disclaimer: CBS, P&G, Telenext et. al. own these characters, not me.

This story is set in an alternate universe, where Natalia Rivera's history and timeline are greatly altered. Most of Olivia Spencer's history remain intact. It contains adult themes and language, and deals with the sex industry, which might not be to everyone's taste, so please do NOT proceed if you are not of age or if any of that might offend you.

I've decided not to worry too much about pre-Otalia plotline discrepancy as this is an AU after all.


Learning that Mallet was Natalia's old regular had made Olivia wonder, yet again, at how small the world could be sometimes. Apart from that, she really couldn't say that she felt anything with regards to the information. She didn't know much about Mallet, only that he was with the police and hadn't been in Springfield for too long. She hadn't even known that he was seeing Marina Cooper until Buzz mentioned their engagement in passing.

Natalia hadn't said much but it was obvious to Olivia that Mallet liked Natalia a little too much. To be fair, Olivia couldn't fault the man for his taste. But given that Natalia obviously had no interest in rekindling any sort of relationship with him, and was actually in one with her, Olivia was ready to kick some sleazy ass--police officer or not.

After a quick phonecall to Robert, Olivia looked over to the mall entrance and frowned when she no longer saw Natalia. She wrote Natalia a quick text message asking if everything was okay, then got out of her car.


After she pulled away from Mallet, Natalia scowled darkly at him. His face was hidden under the curved bill of a baseball cap; the nervous air he had about him set her nerves on edge. "I'd really appreciate it if you never touch me again," she said, her tone cool.

"I think someone's following me. We have to find somewhere safe to talk..." Mallet said instead of responding to her statement. "There's a game arcade here, come on," he said, reaching for her.

"I mean it. Stop touching me," Natalia said, moving to stand out Mallet's reach. "I don't understand what's going on but I need to go soon. Right here is as good a place as any for us to talk," she said, coming to a stop outside a shoe shop. "After this, I want you to stay away from me."

"Why are you so cold towards me?" Mallet asked, sounding stung. "I thought we had something."

Natalia frowned. "Business transactions--that's all we had," she said, grimacing a little inwardly as she said it. Then she took a moment to collect herself and squared her shoulders. "You were my client, nothing more."

Mallet shook his head. "That can't be true. Look at me. You see me. Everyone else sees Mallet but you know the real me. You're probably the only person left in the world who knows Tony Camaletti," he said urgently, searching her eyes.

The name rung a bell. No wonder 'Mallet' hadn't sounded familiar to her at all. Natalia had known him as Tony. "It was just work for me. I don't even remember most things that you've told me," Natalia said truthfully. "I assure you, I am not what you want."

"I know, you're mad at me because I left without a word," Mallet said in a low voice. "I'm sorry but I had to. Vizzini needed me in New York and I couldn't say no. I was that close to bringing the son of a bitch to justice... And after that -"

Natalia shook her head, not in the least interested in what Mallet was saying. "Look. I'm gonna be really honest here, okay? I'm not mad at you and I don't have feelings for you. I couldn't even remember your name," she said, staring at Mallet, hoping that he would see the truth of her words.

"What must I do for you to believe me? I love you. I haven't stopped thinking about you all this time and I've been meaning to look you up the moment I got out of this mess with Vizzini."

Natalia stepped a little further away from Mallet and crossed her hands before her, immensely uncomfortable at his declaration. "I'm with someone else. I don't feel anything for you."


A few heads turned at Mallet's outburst and he took a deep breath to calm himself. "I don't believe that," he said a while later, his voice strained. "Who is he? He can't love you or protect you like I can. I know you. I know who you are, what you do, and I love you anyway."

Natalia couldn't help the snort of disbelief that escaped her. "You don't know me at all," she said, shaking her head in slight bewilderment that this man could claim such a thing. "You know nothing about me. You paid for my time. That was it and that's all there'll ever be to it. Now my time can't be bought anymore. And I really have better things to do than stand here and listen to this. You should spend time with Marina instead," she suggested.

"Is that what the problem is?" Mallet asked, looking like he had suddenly seen light. "Marina is a good woman but she isn't you. She could never know me like you do."

Natalia almost threw her hands in the air in frustration. It felt as though they were speaking completely different languages. "No," she said firmly, knowing that she had to keep her cool. "I don't have a problem with you and Marina being together, except I now think she deserves better than you," Natalia said, shaking her head, unable to keep the sarcasm from her voice.

"I'll break up with her, if that's what's gonna make you happy," Mallet said. He tried to close the distance between them but Natalia retreated immediately.

"Look, this is crazy. I don't have any feelings for you. Stay away from me," Natalia said firmly. "This conversation's over. Don't ever look me up again." Having nothing else to say to him, Natalia began walking away.

"No, wait, Natalia..." Mallet reached out for Natalia to stop her from leaving. This time, however, she was ready for him. She lifted her booted foot and stomped down on him hard, then watched him jump on one leg, trying not to topple over.

"I mean what I say," Natalia said quietly, ignoring the inquisitive looks around her. "And I specifically told you to never touch me again." When she turned, she saw Olivia standing a few feet ahead of her with a smirk on her face, looking rather proud. She felt her heart skip a beat at the unexpected sight and she smiled faintly in response.

This might not be the last she would see of Mallet but at least he now knew that she wasn't someone he could coerce into doing something she didn't want to do. And quite honestly, there was absolutely nothing he could give her, not when she had someone like Olivia looking at her that way.


guiding light

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