Title: Topping Games Pairing: 2/3 - Xigbar/Xaldin Written For: the month of February! It's a little late, but I'm catching up. Type: humor, erk Rating: R
Title: Mirror, Mirror Pairing: 2/2 - Xigbar and Braig Written For: the month of February! It's a little late, but I'm catching up. Type: food for thought Rating: PG
Title: All That Matters Claim: Ansem's Apprentices (Dilan/Braig) Written For: kingdom100 prompt- 068. Truth Dedicated to: x-iland, for loving me :3 Rating: PG
Title: All of You Pairing: Dilan/Braig Claim: Ansem's Apprentices Written For: kingdom100 prompt- 016. Time Dedicated to: x-iland. You know why. Rating: PG
Title: Mature Adults Pairing/Characters: The Apprentices Written For: kingdom100 prompt- 038. Ice Cream Rating: L for LOL (and uh. PG-13 for potty mouths.)
Title: Thirty Dirty Dates [ Victory ] Pairing: Dilan/Braig Written For: 30_dates prompt 4 - shopping Type: lolz and hawt Rating: PG-13 implied >D A/N: Screw canon. There's a mall at Hollow Bastion, okay? They just never told Sora about it. Or maybe it was destroyed by Heartless. Whatever.