Topping Games [2/3 - Xigbar/Xaldin]

Feb 21, 2008 18:59

Title: Topping Games
Pairing: 2/3 - Xigbar/Xaldin
Written For: the month of February! It's a little late, but I'm catching up.
Type: humor, erk
Rating: R

"Xal - XAL!"

Xaldin smirked. "Whatever it is, the answer's no."

"You're gonna crush me!"

"You like it."

With a small 'shoop' noise, Xigbar teleported away from his position of being pinned to the bed and sat on the small of Xaldin's back, so he could lean up and bite at his ear.

Xaldin growled. "Get OFF me."

"You like it."

Another growl, then a sudden fierce whirlwind swept them both up and slammed them against the wall, Xaldin pinning Xigbar roughly, face to face. Their lips clashed, tongues warring and hands clenching tightly in each other's hair.

"Aw, you're such a bitch," Xigbar drawled, barely able to finish the phrase before Xaldin's lips attacked his again.

"You li-"

But Xaldin couldn't even complete that thought before Xigbar teleported again - upside down this time, and he grabbed for Xaldin's dreadlocked ponytail and yanked down, controlling the kiss.

Fuck. No. Xaldin shoved up from the ground on a column of air, bringing him level with Xigbar's crotch. He yanked the coat open, then grabbed for the freeshooter's pants fastenings.

SLAM. Xigbar wasn't having any of that. In a clever bit of spatial manipulation, Xigbar pinned Xaldin down - up - on the ceiling.

Xaldin groaned. "Xigbar... No. Just no. You are not topping."

"Why not?"

SLAM. A gust of wind, and Xaldin shoved them straight down, slamming Xigbar into the floor. "Just. No."

"Ow, fuck, man..." He squirmed up against him, then grinned maliciously. "Betcha five hunderd munny I could fuck you and you'd like it."

Xaldin ground their hips together, a low growl in his throat. "I'd like to see you try."

Half an hour later, Xaldin was beginning to doubt that blind confidence in his dominance. He was currently tacked to the wall with an assortment of gun arrows, one of Xigbar's knees shoved between his thighs, coat open, pants undone... and Xigbar's teeth on his neck, swiftly eroding his willpower.

"Nnnggh... Xigbar..."

The freeshooter grinned ferally, and pressed his hands against Xaldin's crotch. "Give in yet?" he purred, sounding far sexier than he legally had a right to.

"Fuck no," Xaldin growled, moaning in frustration.

"Good." Xigbar slid a hand up Xaldin's chest, trailing his fingers through his chest hair. "I'm not nearly done playing with you yet."

He teleported again, and Xaldin groaned. He'd appeared facing down, his knees spread on either side of Xaldin's neck - presently him with an utterly attractive leather-clad ass view. To make matters worse, Xigbar was pushing down - up - the waistband of his pants, and kissing and biting at his hips.

Xaldin let out another rather animalistic growl and struggled his arms ineffectually against his bonds. Jesus, what the hell were these warp snipe bullets made of? "Xigbar..."

Xigbar licked at his lips, cheerfully ignoring his almost painfully hard cock. "Ye~ah?"

"Nnggnlslh..!" Whatever Xaldin had meant to say, it was drowned out in a loud moan as Xigbar suddenly swallowed him deep, sucking hard. "Bastard..!"

Xigbar of course had to respond to that, and he let up to grin wickedly over his shoulder. "You like it."

"Your ass in my face does little to prove your point," he growled huskily, shoving his hips forward as best he could.

Xigbar laughed and spread his legs a little. "All part of the grand plan, Dilly boy."

"That's what I'm worried about," he grumbled, but that name - that stupid nickname - a fierce blush spread over his cheeks, and when he pulled one arm free of the gun arrows, ripping up the sleeve of his coat - he slid a hand between Xigbar's legs, and grabbed a firm hold of his crotch.

Xigbar moaned appreciatively, and shifted backwards - then slid his hands over Xaldin's inner thighs, and the lancer couldn't help but spread them.

{ + }

Braig's arm brushed against his neck and he shifted in his seat, unconsciously trying to bring them closer together. Braig chuckled and scooted closer, then pressed their chests together and kissed up the line of his neck. "Dilly boy~ ready for the big league?" he teased, and Dilan groaned, how could he be making jokes at a time like this? He was already so turned on he might possibly explode, but he wanted more - he wanted to go all the way.

"...Dil?" Braig paused, noticing the sudden shyness in his usually-aggressive partner. "What's wrong?"

He blushed, his hands coming to rest on Braig's hips. "I'm nervous, dipshit. I told you, I've never done this before."

"B'aw, Dilan. Don't be shy. You're in good hands," he added with a roguish wink.

Dilan blushed harder, but somehow that made him even more nervous. "Braig..." he pulled his lover against him, lips touching his ear.

"Y-yeah?" Braig was always a little breathless when Dilan touched his ears - well, any part of him, really.

"...Will you take me?"

Blink. "What, like... me on top?"

Dilan's blush intensified. "...Yeah. Just... I'd feel... more comfortable. For now."

Then Braig smiled, and Dilan felt his heart melt even more than it already had. "Sure thing, sexy. Anything for you."

{ + }

Afterwards, they lay in bed and Xaldin ran his hands idly over Xigbar's scars. The freeshooter shuddered heavily, still super-sensitive and totally exhausted. "...Man... you owe me five hundred munny now, loser."

Xaldin smirked. "No I don't."

"What?" Xigbar tried to sit up, but his muscles gave out on him and he collapsed against Xaldin's chest. "Why?? I won, didn't I?"

"You fucked me... but I didn't like it." Grin.

Xigbar propped up on his elbows and stared disbelievingly at his lover. "Are you batshit insane? You were screaming my name into the stratosphere!"

"Yeah, that's true..." Xaldin made to look like his was considering things. "But... I didn't like it."

"But.. why???"

Xaldin laughed, then leaned in and kissed the tip of Xigbar's nose. "Well, sorry about that, but you know..." a devious smirk crawled onto his features. "I suppose... that means... you'll just have to try again."

Oh. OHHHH. Xigbar caught on, and the glint of mischief lit up his one yellow eye. "Guess so, huh? Well, if you hated it all that much..."

"Never said I hated it..."

"...Nu uh. You had your chance. I get fucked next time."

"Oh really?" Xaldin chuckled. "...I bet I could make you top again."

Smirk. "...You're on."

xigbar, dilan, fanfiction, braig, xaldin

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