Nope, corvids still can't sing. 99% of the time. For 1% they're okay.

Nov 19, 2010 00:25

The Oast to myself. A pile of necklaces to be finished off. Chronic dullness. The remembrance of one of the very few musicals I like. Corvid downloads Les Miserables.

Sonos Player: *some bunch of ropey songs I'd never heard.*
Corvid: Ergh. Why did I download this?

Sonos Player: At the end of the day you're another day older...
Corvid: And that's all you can say for the life of the poor - it's a struggle, it's a war...
Corvid’s Brain: WTF? How come we know the words?
Neurons: Lalala. Heehee - you just wait...

Corvid: *sings against herself mostly as Javert, sometimes as Valjean*
You must think me mad!
I've hunted you across the years
A man like you can never change - a man such as you...
You know nothing of Javert
I was born inside a jail
I was born with scum like you
I am from the gutter too!
Neurons: Wheeeee!

Sonos Player & Corvid: Cunning little brain, regular Voltaire
Thinks he's quite a lover - but there's not much there.
What a cruel trick of nature landed me with such a louse!
God knows how I've lasted living with this bastard in the house!

Sonos Player: Scarce to be counted,
Corvid: Changing the keyholes to order and light... Keyholes?! Chaos - chaos dammnit!
Neurons: Eeep - sorry - ink smudge on the mental lyric sheet!

Sonos Player: 'Ow do you do? My name's Gavroche...
Neurons: Have you worked it out yet?
Corvid: Here in the slums of Saint Michele
We live on crumbs of humble piety
Tough on the teeth, but what the hell!
....... (raises eyebrow) Worked out what?
Neurons: Why you know all the lyrics?

Sonos Player: Marius what's wrong with you today?
You look as if you've seen a ghost.
Corvid: Nope, he’s just an idiot.
(sings) You talk of battles to be won
And here he comes like Don Ju-an...
Neurons: We preferred it when you misheard it as a sarcastic ‘don’t-you-ask!’

Sonos Player & Corvid: Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance?
The blood of the martyrs
Will water the meadows of France!
Corvid: *coughs falls over*
Neurons: Ahhahaha - your lung capacity is for shit!
Corvid: Fuckoff.

Sonos Player: Who is this hussy?
Corvid: I know this house I tell you
There's nothing here for you, just the old man and the girl -
They live ordinary lives...
Neurons: *catching sight of Corvid’s reflection in the glass* Heee - you look like a steampunk Eponine.
Corvid: Is that a way of saying I look for shit but I’ve got a really cool waistcoat, a swishy skirt and grubby but quite artful feathers?
Neurons: Ummm...
Corvid: *rolls eyes* Cheers.

((Neurons: Put up the picture with the questing spiggly feathers! Questing spiggly feathers! Or ignore us and put up the one that looks like you wanna stab Marius...
Corvid: I do wanna stab Marius - he's a git.
Neurons: Oh. Fair enough.))

Sonos Player: In the rain the pavement shines like silver
Corvid: All the lights are misty in the river.
In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight,
And all I see is him and me for ever and forever...
Neurons: *sarcastic giggling* You and your imaginary ex - ring a bell?
Corvid: Shut up... You at the barricades listen to this!
No one is coming to help you fight,
You have no friends - give up your guns or die!
Neurons: Eeeep! Shamblies! Grab a rifle! Stand to! To arms!
Corvid: ........ I’m pretty sure there weren’t zombies in the novel - and I’ve read it, in two days straight, GCSE school days what’s more - didn’t get a lot of sleep, but still, shamblies I would have remembered.
Neurons: Eeep - shuttup and get a rifle and a bloody bayonet! STAT!
Corvid: WHICH of you little bastards just uttered that?!

Sonos Player: Well, someone's got to clean them up, my friends
Corvid: Before this little abyss disappears into the mud
Someone's got to collect their odds and ends
When the gutters run with blood...
Neurons: Told you. Shamblies. Totally.

Sonos Player: Damned if I'll live in the debt of a thief...
Corvid’s Brain: Oh - holy fuck! My little sister and I used to dress up lots and act out chunks of Les Miserables with her being Valjean, Gavroche and Mme Thenardier and me being Javert, Eponine and Thenardier. All the other parts we skipped or flanged ‘cos we didn’t think they were so good. Ha! Fekk. Wonder if Katie remembers that?
Neurons: *snort* Told ya that was why we knew all the words despite 15ys storage.

Corvid: Damned if I'll yield at the end of the chase
I am the Law and the Law is not mocked
I'll spit his pity right back in his face
There is NOTHING on earth that we share -
It is either Valjean or JAVERT!
Neurons: Y’know, you can almost sing when you’re pretending to be a bloke and spitting nails.
Corvid: Uh. Thanks.

Sonos Player: There's a grief that can't be spoken...
Corvid’s Mother: *general awful shambliness of heartbreaking proportions*
Corvid: .....There's a pain goes on and on... Universe your sense of timing is evil. Fuck off, the song is depressing enough without your input....
Phantom faces at the window...
Neurons: Ah, one of your hallucinatey second-sight/get-committed days where you're seeing mass graves and eviscerated soldiers and stuff?
Corvid: Phantom shadows on the floor...
Neurons: That’ll be a yes.
Corvid: *ignores them* Empty chairs at empty tables
Where my friends will meet no more.

Sonos Player: Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Sonos Player & Corvid: Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Corvid: ...... Yes. ... Stupid music. *sadlyfoxears* At least I've finished putting crimps and clasps on my necklaces.
Neurons: *brightly* There's a film of Les Miserables.
Corvid: Ye-es, and I recall it was shit and the only thing of note was Marius' well-cut coat for fekk's sake.
Neurons: You could watch it again just in case?
Corvid: *rolls eyes and is eloquently silent*
Neurons: But - angst! Melodrama!
Corvid: *Remains eloquently silent*
Neurons: So we'll just download it on the quiet, yes? And if you want to watch it then - eeeep! DON"T KILL US! DON'T KILL US!


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