Nope, corvids still can't sing. 99% of the time. For 1% they're okay.

Nov 19, 2010 00:25

The Oast to myself. A pile of necklaces to be finished off. Chronic dullness. The remembrance of one of the very few musicals I like. Corvid downloads Les Miserables. ( A lot of singing and occasional sarcasm ensued... )


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Comments 8

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wraithwitch November 19 2010, 10:29:47 UTC
Ergh ECT - evil evil evil.
My neurons always cause me grief the little terrors - I'm used to it. I shall have my revenge... when I can *think up* a suitable revenge that doesn't scupper me in the process...


bytepilot November 22 2010, 12:36:15 UTC
Breath in, calming the mind.
Breathe out, calming the mind.

Suitable revenge for neurons that don't want to sit still and do as they're told. It's the equivalent of the naughty step for bad thoughts.


wraithwitch November 23 2010, 00:08:26 UTC
Neurons scorn the bad step. i don't think they have one. Really it's like me trying to reprimand Whimsy. It just doesn't work. But even if they're being a pain in the arse that's far better than having zombie-silent-People neurons.

In other words, I bitch about my neurons in the same way someone might bitch about a litter of cats in their house - occasionally irritating as all hell, but you wouldn't actually want to kick them =P


slavelabour November 19 2010, 06:35:16 UTC
You sound like you need a good holiday, dear. So let me ask: Does it help to let the neurons run loose? Or do they make things worse?

Your pic! Lovely, as ever! I'm putting in a request for you to post a pic where you're smiling and/or happy. It doesn't have to be recent but I don't think I've ever seen you smile!


wraithwitch November 19 2010, 11:34:19 UTC
*laughs* My neurons are like this all the time - most days I just ignore them. Occasionally I don't, which tends to involve a lot of gallavanting about like an insane five year old and talking all manner of weird and giggling quite a bit. Yesterday with the singing was quite a neuron day =)

*headdesk* - okay, I've just spent fifteen minutes looking through all the files of photos I have on Mercy to see if I can find one of me smiling. This was a lot harder than I realised. And smiling and happy both at once? Doubly tricksy!

(These days my smile looks more like a sarcastic grimace, which is a bit worrying now I think about it - need to fix that.)
This photo is from about 7years ago and I was dressed up as a mad vampire girl and enjoying myself immensely =)


slavelabour November 19 2010, 14:13:03 UTC
Wah! *glomps* So pretty! And I love the hair! Excellent, thank you!


bytepilot November 22 2010, 12:37:01 UTC
You're mouthwatering in that photo.


wraithwitch November 23 2010, 00:10:13 UTC
*laughs* the scowling sepia one or the little vampire girl one? i'm guessing the latter... Cinnamon did always look very meekle. I miss being her.


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