Where amazing happens

Nov 29, 2007 22:27

I was going to tell you the story of how I had the most spectacularly made of fail moment at the library today, but it's too long.

Then I was going to tell the briefer story of how I once returned a Blockbuster video to a mailbox, yet another of my finest hours, but I don't feel like that one, either. And anyway, that's basically the story.

But I will say this: So I'm temping this week, hoping to get a job offer, and I'm in my potential-boss's office looking for some papers. I've heard him saying he's going to a Gonzaga basketball game, and I ask if he's a fan, and we get to talking about the sport, and this happens:

Me: "I'm a die-hard Lakers fan."
Him: "Uh-oh, I'm a Clippers fan [ha ha]."
Me: "Oh, that's no good [ha ha]."
Him: "Cuttino Mobley is a friend of mine."
Me: "Yeah? Ask him how he likes being on the second-best basketball team in L.A."
Him: ". . ."
Me: "Uh, I talk a lot of trash."
Him: "That's great!"

I mean, OMG, me. What. . .why can I not keep that under control? Here I am, auditioning for a position, and I TALK TRASH to someone about not only his TEAM, but his FRIEND, and that someone is in the position of deciding things about me. It just. . .it just spills out.

But . . .I totally talk a lot of trash when it comes to basketball. It doesn't matter how bad the Lakers get, because I'm crazy and love them so much. Me and Kelly Kapoor.

Great Moments In History.


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