if i could escape, i would but first of all let me say

Dec 02, 2007 22:15

I don't really want to go to work (the place where I'm temping asked me to temp through Monday) tomorrow. It's not that I don't like the job anymore, but I don't very much like not having a space to work (I'm sitting on a high kitchen chair on the other side of the current assistant's cubicle at the moment, but mostly I'm standing due to the nature of the work she's having me do) or unclear instructions (it's been busy, but late in the week I got the impression that it wasn't only my fault that I wasn't understanding everything I was told), or no real computer or phone (I use a spare laptop that isn't connected to the company network, so all I can do is check someone else's email and create FedEx forms).

Plus, they're still saying Monday is the day they "negotiate" with my recruiting agency, and. . .that was fine when I wasn't going to be there, but now I'm going to be there and if they truly do want to "negotiate" instead of giving me the salary I want, it'll be awkward. . .

Because I like this job, but I'm old and toughened up now, and if I don't get the salary I want, I'll just walk out. Someone else will pay me that kind of money.

Also, last week was so crazy busy it was quite a shock to my system after weeks of sitting around, and I think by Friday that had lowered my tolerance for other people's attitudes/quirks/unclear demands/unwillingness to pay me what I want.

Oh, plus--I'm going in early because I have to leave early. I don't even know why I'm doing that, since I don't have any real training on the job as it is, just the job as it was last week, which apparently will never happen again in the history of this company, and I don't really know what to do or anything. . .I'll just be there before anyone else, sitting around. Oh well. Getting paid for that, at least.


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