Sick, but blissfully happy...

Nov 21, 2007 15:35

"I have shed my tears for Brom... and yet my heart is not broken. Do you think me wicked?"
"No... but perhaps there is a little bit of witch in you, Katrina."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you have bewitched me."


Geez, is it so much to ask that I stay healthy through an entire holiday season? -_-

I've been feeling a bit under the weather for awhile now, but this morning I woke up with an incredibly sore throat and then on top of it, within moments of waking, I was horribly sick. Add to that, all over muscle aches and well.. blarg. There you have it. This prompted me to have to stay in bed all day and not get anything done. I am so thankful for having my laptop right now as I was able to have my music because I could just sit it on the table next to my bed. Ecamer was very nice and took Kindergoth out to the mall for the majority of the day so I was able to rest. He came back armed with presents in the form of books. ^___^ The Ghost Chaser Chronicles and the HUGE 682 page Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures. The Element books are absolutely fantastic in my opinion. They are filled with a plethora of information that my mind just soaks up like a sponge. And this particular book is perfect because it will save me a lot of time doing research for the book I have been trying to write. I can hardly wait to get started. I just need to find the file with all the information I have already gathered....

Today also marks the painful anniversary of signing my rights away to my son. (Who, by the way, is doing alright.. he finally started talking again, but not very much. He is so different then the little boy I remember raising. The adoptive parents are still very apologetic for neglecting to tell me anything and not allowing me to see him. They don't call me anymore because he seems to be doing better, but I call just to check up anyway. I am trying not to call every day... I'm afraid if I do, they will freak again and change their number on me. :/)

Anyway, I digress... In the past, this day has been incredibly hard for me for a lot of reasons. Today, I actually had a fantastic friend help me through it. While Ecamer was out with Kindergoth, Bastian stayed around and told me stories to help me forget my sickness and everything els. Granted, he wasn't actually in my house, but he was here in another sense and that was good enough for me. And when I became too tired, he allowed me to rest. It was strange though.. It felt like he never left my side for even a moment. And when Ecamer came home and woke me, he was still there. ~smiles~

*** And let me just take a moment to say I love LJ for putting in the automatic save draft feature because otherwise I would have lost my entire post just now. (Darn me for tripping over wires while climbing out of bed) ***

My SIL just called and offered to take Kindergoth for the time while Ecamer is at work tomorrow. So yay, I will get four more hours of rest before having to take my sickly self over there. Heh..

Ok.. I promised a dearly loved one that I would try to get something into my stomach other then tea, so.. I'm going to go do that. And then perhaps lay back down because every time I get out of bed, I am freezing despite the nearly 80 degree weather.

I hope you all have a fantastic day of feasting.

me, health, friends

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