[Fanfic] Red West III. - Epilogue II.

Sep 03, 2023 20:06

Author: Kasumi
Summary: A direct sequel of Red West II. - Masterpost
Thank you: To Kamenashi Kazuya and Akanishi Jin, because this story wouldn´t have existed without them.

A/N: Attention! There are 2 parts of Epilogue. I have really done it in the end... The RW final is too long to be posted all at once... XD

I´m grateful for any opinion or advice, you help me hone my writing skills with them.
Thank you for taking time to read this story. I´ll be happy if you reward me with a comment for it.

Prologue // Chapter one // Chapter two // Chapter three // Chapter four // Chapter five // Chapter six // Chapter seven // Chapter eight // Chapter nine // Chapter ten // Chapter eleven // Chapter twelve // Chapter thirteen // Chapter fourteen // Chapter fifteen // Chapter sixteen // Chapter seventeen // Chapter eighteen // Chapter nineteen // Chapter twenty // Chapter twenty one // Chapter twenty two // Chapter twenty three // Chapter twenty four // Chapter twenty five // Chapter twenty six // Chapter twenty seven // Chapter twenty eight // Chapter twenty nine // Chapter thirty // Chapter thirty one // Chapter thirty two // Chapter thirty three // Chapter thirty four // Epilogue I //

Epilogue - part II.
Please, read part I. first...
Back in Montana…

“Do we really have to report it today?” Jin complained as soon as they passed the border stone marking Henderson´s lands.

Kame, who had been already expecting some usual objections, did not even turn to him. “We´ve already discussed it - better now than later. At least we can put the whole issue out of our minds.”

“But I hate us rushing here like obedient dogs.”

“This is a mutually beneficial cooperation,” he reminded impatiently. “We´re not his servants.”

“Bah!” Jin snorted doubtfully. “I still think he sees us that way.”

“That´s his problem, not ours,” Kame assumed calmly.

“How come you always find the right argument?” Jin wondered, spurring Kuro a bit to catch up with his sturdy horse. Kame had borrowed it from Mr. Harada, since it would be too risky to ride Ukushi these days.

Kame gave him an inquiring look, not sure, if the other was joking or not. “It´s not the first time you insist to have this useless conversation on our way to Henderson´s ranch.”

His lover frowned at him: “My complaints are justified. Why should we behave like…?”

“Jin,” he interrupted him sharply, but still with understanding. “I know you hate this place. I don´t have any good memories of it either… But would you let me go to him alone?”

Finally, his annoyed companion gave up: “…no,” he murmured with a hunched back.

After that, the rest of their way to the main gate passed in silence, even as they rode through it to the vast gardens, accompanied by bored looks of the present guards.

Cora was heading for the main door thoughtful and still surprised by the unexpected offer.

A few months ago, she would have not even imagined that she would be walking through these spacious, nice corridors and rooms with such a life-altering perspective on her mind. It was a great opportunity, so good that she could not help but wonder what would be the catch in it.

When she was a young girl, she definitely did not plan managing a brothel in her future. Some dreary circumstances had led her steps to admirable Madame Sukina and after her retirement, she passed on the business to her. It was not an easy job, but believing that she was not good enough for anything else, she had treasured it. Therefore, even though she realized there were good intentions behind it, she was still upset that the City Council decided about its closure last week. She worried for her girls, who were about to lose their only way of income and she was determined to find some means to help them out.

Cora knew whose intervention was behind this, so she was not very eager to accept the invitation to visit Henderson´s ranch. However, she had been trying to find a way to thank the man for what he did for quite some time, so she decided to take a chance and tell him what she thought about his cheeky interventions personally. However, their conversation did not turn out how she had expected at all.

She had already realized that Cameron Henderson was a way more than only a former butler of a rich man, who bore a grudge against Jin and Kamenashi. He was a closed up and unavailable man with high demands of those who served under him. Nevertheless, there was a kind side inside of him, which she had spotted by almost a miracle. His attitude was still reserved and serious, but she doubted he would have offered her this job, just because he liked her. He did not owe her anything and he assured her that she did not owe him anything for what had happened either. He was a calculative, proud person, yes, but Cora did not feel dishonesty in his words. He did not even demand an immediate decision of her, which she appreciated. He definitely managed to surprise her greatly, and she needed some time to think about it.

Once she walked outside, she raised a hand to shield her eyes in front of the bright sun. Once her eyes accustomed to the day light, she spotted two riders dismounting their horses nearby. In that moment, one of them called to her.


She hesitated, but then she headed to them slowly. She knew that the two of them cooperated with Henderson in some way, so it was not surprising to see them here. However, Jin refused to talk about it, so she quite wondered what could be in it.

“Hi, guys,” she greeted them with a small smile.

“Hello, Cora,” Kame nodded, focusing on tying the reins of their horses. He had always been so polite towards her, not giving her more attention than was necessary. She had a feeling that Kamenashi somewhat knew she had been infatuated with Jin before. Fortunately, she did not feel any resentment from him; he just kept his distance.

“Henderson keeps chasing you around as well?” Jin wondered caustically.

She sighed: “He´s not that bad, Jin.”

Having a conversation with him regarding the current owner of the rebuilt farm was always troublesome, but after what she heard today, she was not willing to let Jin have his way.

Her former bouncer grimaced: “I find it hard to believe.”

“Even after everything he did for the city?” Cora reminded him impatiently. “Since the City Council has been established, many things changed for the better with him in lead…”

“He´s doing it just for money and reputation,” he opposed right away.

“Helping me out was not for money that´s for sure,” she found another argument quickly.

“He just wanted to get you on his side,” Jin insisted.

Cora folded her arms defiantly: “And now you´ll tell me that he was planning to go blind in the process, huh?”

“Hem…” Jin cleared his throat, losing words for a while.

There was not much he could say on that. Everyone knew that during the New Year´s celebrations Henderson stood up for Cora, when some drunken cowboys ambushed and harassed her. Unfortunately, during the fight with them, he went half-blind after hit right into the eye.

“Just for you to know, he even offered me to work for him,” she decided to drop another little bomb, while there was a chance.

Jin´s eyes widened. “What? He wants you to be his personal wh-“ he stopped in the last second, under her sharp stare. It hurt Cora that he thought of her that way, even though it was understandable that this was his first reaction.

“No,” she emphasized. “He offered me to be the head of his staff. Here.”

“What if he just wants to get under your skirt?” Jin mumbled doubtfully.

“Even if, I think I can handle that,” she assumed already upset. “Now, if you excuse me…” and with that, she turned away, heading for the stables. Let Jin think whatever he wants. Also thanks to his reaction, Cora realized that she had a real chance to do something about her life now, and she would not let it slip.


Jin watched Cora leaving quite disturbed: “I don´t believe it…” he exhaled. Did Cora really think that Henderson changed?

Then Kame approached him and squeezed his shoulder. “Jin, when will you finally get out of your head that Henderson is the second Karnaka?”

He gave him a frowning side-look.

“Come on… He even gave us the house back,” his dear one urged.

“Not without a price,” he murmured.

“Which was reasonable,” Kame emphasized the undeniable fact. “I understand your doubts, I did not believe him at first either, but could you give our agreement at least a chance?”

Jin eyed his serious expression closely: “Why do you keep standing up for him, Kazuya?” he asked with a heavy mind.

“Because I believe that not every dispute must end in bloodshed,” there came a meaningful reply, which actually made Jin stop and ponder it a bit. “I´m really glad Henderson took that little friendly step and that we could follow suite.”

Jin sighed. It made sense at least.

“You´re right. No promises, but I´ll try…”

“Good. Now come… Let´s get over this,” Kame gently pulled his hand toward the entrance of the house they had kept visiting quite regularly after a rather curious conversation, when Henderson stopped by for an unexpected visit…

Cameron Henderson raised his stern eyes to them, after he settled himself.

“Don´t you want to sit down as well?” he gestured in the direction of free chairs around their small kitchen table.

“I´d rather remain standing,” Jin growled, still quite anxious about the presence of this man in their home.

Henderson shrugged. “As you wish, but I believe this will be a rather lengthy conversation… In case you two are as sensible as I think you are.”

Kame returned the man´s inquiring gaze, before he moved and slowly sat down opposite to him. Jin gave him a disapproving look, but did not comment it and only remained standing behind his chair, staring at their visitor.

“Why are you here, Henderson?” Kame asked, also carefully inspecting the man´s expression. There was something different about their foe and it was not only an eye-patch over his left eye.
Henderson remained silent for a while, eyeing the walls of the small kitchen, the entrance to the next room, the packed shelves above the stove and the tidy table, before his eyes focused on Kame again.

“You´d like to settle down here for good, I suppose?”

Kame did not expect such a straightforward question and did not know what to think of it, so it was Jin, who reacted instinctively and without thinking: “If no annoying dick will try to kick us out, then yes,” he growled with a clear hint on their issue with Kamenashi lands ownership.

It almost seemed to Kame that Jin´s reaction amused Henderson.

“I see… In that case, I´ve got a proposal for you two.”

“What makes you think we want to listen to it?” his partner reacted caustically.

Kame turned to look at him:

“Jin, since he bothered to come by, we can at least hear him out,” he spoke seriously. “Is that all right with you?”

Jin made a face, but then nodded nevertheless.

Kame turned back to Henderson. “Go on.”

The man placed both hands on the table in front of him freely, before he started to speak again: “Let´s say that I pondered our… existing relations and figured that it would be more convenient for all of us to cooperate.”

Kame frowned: “Are you serious or are you here to blackmail us again?” he asked sternly, suspicious of the man´s intentions.

Now, Henderson seemed to be a bit tired: “I believe I said it quite clearly. No, I´m here to propose cooperation.”

Then he paused, waiting for a while, if any of them had anything to else to say. This time both of them remained silent.

“I would leave this house in your charge, without any rental payment, plus the adjacent lands. I suppose you´re not interested in the mine…” he made a short, significant pause, “so I shall keep that part, as well as most of the woods.”

“You mean to discard Karnaka´s last will?” Kame asked doubtfully.

“Partially,” Henderson nodded and slowly pulled out some paper from his leather bag. “I already prepared the draft for you to check it out if you want.”

Kame´s eyes narrowed at the document, before he took it in his hand. Jin ignored it, trying to figure out if Henderson was making fun of them or if it was some kind of trick.

”Sounds too good,” Kame stated then. “What do you want of us in return?”

Henderson slightly nodded: “Naturally, I´ve got some conditions… Kamenashi, I´ve heard you´re a quite efficient Indian Agent, so I´d like you to take care of any possible Indian issue on my lands as a priority.”

Kame straightened up in his chair, pondering Henderson´s words.

“To handle these issues is my job in general anyway, so I´ve got no problem with it,” he replied then seriously. “What else?”

“The other thing concerns Akanishi,” Henderson shifted his look at the older one, who kept staring at him with disbelief. “You shall apply for a vacancy on the sheriff´s deputy spot.”

Jin scoffed: “Why the hell should I do that?”

“Like that you will have an influence on the happenings in the city, which…”

“Will be convenient for you,” Kame completed him right away.

Jin moved and pressed both his hands on the table, leaning closer to Henderson. “We will not be your puppets,” he growled determined.

Henderson shook his head calmly, not bothered a bit: “Certainly not. I´d consider it more like a kind of collegial relationship.”

Kame eyed the man intently now: “Give us an example. What would you like to influence?”

Jin gave him a look, which clearly meant: You don´t actually believe him, do you?

“Fair enough,” Henderson admitted. “Well, first of all, I´d like to increase the security. More city residents mean more criminals. Solely Sheriff´s office is far from enough to watch over everything; there should be more men in charge.”

“True,” Kame nodded. “What else?”

“I´d like to open another grocery shop, to give that stingy Franko some competition.”

“While stuffing your pockets with money,” Jin noted sourly.

“Sure,” Henderson nodded right away. “Also, I think it´s about time to close that filthy brothel and give those women a more proper job. And similar things.”

On one side, Jin did not like the idea of them to be included in anything remotely related to Karnaka´s former butler, but on another - Henderson´s plans were damn coherent and reasonable.
“How can we know that you´re not lying?” Kame asked just what he intended to mention as well.

Henderson gave him a long, direct look: “You can´t,” he replied calmly.

They looked at each other wordlessly. Jin shook his head slightly. He did not agree, but he was willing to let the decision up to Kame.

“Let´s say we would accept it,” Kame spoke then, using almost the same tone as Henderson himself at the start of their conversation. “What would be the first thing you want us to… cooperate on?”

Henderson leant back in his chair with a content smile, as if it was not a hypothetical question, but as if they already agreed.

“Finding out the dirty secrets of our dear Reverend.”

Both Jin and Kame stiffened and Henderson´s smile even widened. He probably figured that he hit the bull´s eye. They remained silent, so he continued.

“I´ve got a good reason to assume that there´s quite a few people in our city, who have a… problem with him. Including you two.”

In that moment, Kame realized that no matter the doubtful motivations behind Henderson´s offer, it would be more than convenient to cooperate with him. This man was perfectly informed about what was happening in the city. All things considered, it would be better to have him on their side.

“What would you do if we refuse?” Kame asked more curious than worried now.

“I wonder about that too… Would you try to make our lives hell again?” Jin noted gloomily.

Henderson shook his head slowly: “I simply do not consider that as an option…”

They did think about it all, quite thoroughly and in the end, they agreed. Even if in the beginning, it was only to make sure how serious Henderson was about his statements. So far, it definitely seemed that very serious.

The former Karnaka´s right hand could have been only a calculative bastard who intended to use them, but he was right. They could make things better for everyone, not only for themselves. It was a great motivation for Kame and he managed to persuade Jin as well. Only the future could show if this agreement would really persist, but Kame was glad they went for it. If things would go wrong, they would not have to regret that they did not try at least.

Now, they were in the same room as a few times before, with one great change Kame noticed almost right away. Before, when they had started visiting Henderson´s farm on meetings, there was a huge painting of Raynold Karnaka hanging on the wall, which naturally made them both grimace sourly at the sight, but now it was gone…

Kame had a feeling it would not be wise to comment it, so he pretended not to notice anything out of ordinary, but inside, he considered it more than a good sign for their future cooperation.

When Danny had announced the arrival of more visitors, Cameron thought it was about to be one of those busy, busy days once again.

First, he checked off the last item on the list of tasks, which were necessary to complete for the spring seeding, while Danny was looking over his shoulder. Only then he focused on two men on the opposite side of the table, while his assistant took the list back and left.

Akanishi sat there with elbows on his knees, pretending to inspect the dirt on his shoes. It was obvious he would rather be anywhere than in his study. He kept coming to his ranch just because of his companion. Kamenashi next to him seemed to be rather comfortable in his chair, calmly waiting for him to finish his task. When he caught Cameron´s gaze, he returned it without a flinch. It seemed that at least Kamenashi realized the advantages of their agreement and in the end, Cameron was sure he would persuade Akanishi of it as well.

“So? How did it go?” he asked then.

Kamenashi described their confrontation with Gilbert Kapner and the result of their negotiations with Mormons concisely and to the point. He was quite sure that the strict and somewhat crazy community would take care more than well of their fortunately former reverend.

“Good job,” Henderson nodded after he finished. “Do you have anything else for me?”

Akanishi raised his head suddenly: “I´ve got a question.”

Cameron expected nothing more than inquiring questions coming from the stubborn youngster. He always had some, though recently less of them than before.

“What are you curious about this time?”

The young man´s eyebrows pulled together, but otherwise, his face remained unmoved: “Why do you want Cora to work for you?”

Ah, so they bumped into my future head of staff on her way out, Cameron realized.

“Not your business, just as her decision,” he replied calmly.

This time, such a response did not meet with compliance, since Akanishi´s eyes darkened: “Fair enough,” he stated to Cameron´s surprise. “But if you hurt her in any way, our deal is over.”
Cameron leant back in his favorite chair and gave him a serious look: “I would expect nothing less of you.”

Akanishi remained silent.

“Can I ask something too?”

Cameron raised his eyebrows slightly. Kamenashi as well? They were rather curious today. They were almost amusing like this.

“You can, though I do not guarantee an answer,” he reacted condescendingly.

“Why did you want to get rid of Kapner?” Kamenashi asked right away. “His cooperation was valuable as well, wasn´t it? Was it something personal?”

Cameron stared at the young man for a while. Well, well, it was no wonder this slim person took it from a mere bartender to the important Indian agent with such a bright mind. He could have brushed him off, but from some reason, he wanted to tell the truth.

“I simply despise shallow men like him…” he spoke slowly. “Perverted liars are of no use to me.”

“Interesting. You cooperated with another creepy pervert for quite some time with ease,” of course, Akanishi had to say something to it as well.

Cameron focused on him again, seeing that dark remainder of painful memories in the stiffness of his jaw. He wanted to defend himself, to admit that Grenet was just a dangerous tool which he was about to get rid of anyway, but then he reconsidered.

“You don´t believe people might change?” he asked instead.

The dark eyes narrowed: “What does that have in common with it?”

“More than you think,” Cameron stated seriously. “For example, you had changed from the moment I saw you here for the first time as well. Quite a lot.”

Akanishi stiffened a bit: “Still not following you.”

Cameron looked him in the eye: “Back then you cared only for yourself and for your revenge. You would do anything to get it done, no matter who would be hurt in the process. Now, you care about others, even for harlots. You´re even willing to work for me if it means safety for those you care about. You would not call this a change?”

Akanishi fell silent for a while. It seemed that he somewhat got to him finally. Kamenashi´s eyes were wandering from him to his lover and back again, but he did not say anything.

“Kamenashi as well,” Cameron continued calmly. “You know him the best - does he seem to you as the same person in comparison to your first meeting with him?”

Akanishi did not move an inch and just stared at him, which Cameron returned.

“I still don´t trust you,” he stated then quietly.

Cameron almost smiled. Finally, he at least managed to sow a seed of doubt in Akanishi´s conviction that he was not to be trusted under any circumstances.

“I don´t mind,” he reacted slowly. “Our relations were never based on anything close to that. But you don´t have to trust me to realize that this settlement of ours works quite well, right?”

“Maybe…” Akanishi admitted coldly and stood up. “Here. This is the list of people I suggest to another deputy. Three people are not enough; there are more issues in Bozeman every day.”

Cameron nodded. Such an initiative from Akanishi was surprising, but convenient. “Good… I will leave the choice up to you,” he assumed.

Lost on words for reaction, Akanishi blinked and Kamenashi gave him a surprised look as well.

“If you don´t have anything else, please leave me to continue my work,” he released them impatiently. It was more than enough for honest conversation with them for one day.


Danny was just about to head to the kitchen to arrange some proper meal for lunch, when a voice calling his name stopped him on the edge of veranda. He turned around to see Kamenashi and Akanishi heading to him.

“Yes? What is it?” he asked once they reached him.

“Was it you?” Kamenashi asked out of the blue.

He titled his head: “What do you mean?”

“Was it you who led Henderson to the idea of using us instead of fighting us?”

Danny´s eyes widened: “What? How did you…” he stopped under Kamenashi´s serious look. “I just talked with him about you a few times,” he admitted. “But that was it… It was his idea to cooperate with you two.”

“Really?” Akanishi reacted doubtfully.

Danny shrugged: “Why are you bothered by it? Isn´t it better like this for everyone?”

Kamenashi chuckled: “McFly… You´re smarter than you look.”

He shook his head: “Look, I might have mentioned it, but Mr. Cameron changed in this past year. It was his decision not to go after your necks anymore. I´m glad I can work for him and you should be too.”

Once Danny McFly parted with them and went after his duties, they headed to their horses in more or less thoughtful silence. They already released the reins and were about to mount when Jin stopped and looked at the pretty house in front of them.

“I admit that this arrangement has its advantages,” he spoke quietly and turned to Kame, who was watching him closely. “But… What if Henderson just represents the lesser evil? What if it means that by collaborating with him, we are no better than people we were fighting against so far?”

Kame gave him a serious look: “Maybe. But even if that´s the case, I think that main point is if we consider it worth the results.”

Two days later, Liwan appeared on their doorstep.

Kame was just gloomily going through the reservation reports from Fort Benton, which they finally bothered to send him after the harsh winter. Frost and hunger caused more deaths than he had thought it could. Despite his unceasing interventions, the provided supplies were not sufficient, even though he managed to involve also Henderson and persuaded him to provide the remnants of the last year´s stock for half the government price. After all, he was rather glad for the disturbance in form of a door knocking, since apart from the Indian issues, mainly his mare kept occupying his mind.

If they calculated correctly, her time should soon come. That was why he stayed at home most of the time now as well, while Jin attended to his duties in the city.

Kame was honestly happy to see his blood brother, until he realized Liwan´s face was more serious than usually. Once they sat outside under the open sky, since Liwan usually did not enter any house until it was necessary, Kame found out the reason. He came to tell him of his father´s departure to the Eternal Hunting Grounds.

The grim news hit Kame hard. He had admired Cloud Dancing and owed him a lot. There had been many times when the old shaman´s skills helped not only him but also his mother and Jin. They remained sitting there, remembering the old days and he was just about to ask how Beara was handling it, when a pained neigh reached them from the small stable behind the house.
Kame flinched and scrambled up to his feet: “Ukushi…” he exhaled tensely.

Since the painful reminder of the mine collapse was slowing him down, Liwan was much faster than he and was already soothing the anxious mare as Kame limped inside breathing hard.

“Ponopoka is coming,” his blood brother spoke in a quiet voice, but Kame noticed the strange tension in it.

Nervous, but still more slowly now, not to disturb his faithful animal, Kame went around to check Ukushi´s pelvis. Just as Harada said, he found a translucent bag that strained a narrow shape from the inside. The little one was definitely on its way. Ukushi neighed again and he really did not like how it sounded.

“Something wrong,” Liwan spoke again, still calmingly tapping the mare´s neck. Kame´s hands were trembling, as he raised them to check the state of the birth more closely. Repeating Harada´s lectures in his mind, he carefully felt for the shapes under the soft layer and… then he realized.

“There´s only one leg.”

Liwan gave him a sharp look. “Not good,” he said.

“I know…” Kame felt the knot of anxiety in his stomach. They had to help her; otherwise, Ukushi could be badly hurt during the delivery. Nevertheless, even though he knew a lot about horses and he witnessed a few births during the years spent with the Blackfeet Tribe, he was not so experienced. What if he would make things worse for her?

“My brother can do it,” Liwan spoke firmly, apparently believing in his abilities.

Kame returned his warm gaze, feeling Ukushi trembling under his hand. It was better to risk it than do nothing at all.

“I… We need some water and… light,” he exhaled heavily.

“I see we came just in time.”

With a surprised relief, Kame turned to the owner of the voice. “Jin… How comes you´re already at home?”

Jin took off his hat and wiped the sweat of his forehead: “Kuro almost tore his reins to persuade me something is happening here.”

“Good horse,” Liwan commented calmly.

“That he is,” Jin nodded with a smile. “So, you´ve heard Kame, Mike,” he turned to the wide-eyed boy on his side. “Let´s go fetch everything necessary.”

By the time the two of them were back, their arms loaded, Ukushi was already lying, still apparently in pain. Liwan was sitting by her head, whispering some Indian words.

Kame´s hands were trembling hard, when he washed them in the water, while Jin fastened lanterns to the beam above them.

“I can see its head!” Mike yelped excitedly, peeking from behind the adults.

“Yeah, that´s good,” Kame took a deep breath. “But we need to get that other leg forward too.”

Jin placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him an encouraging smile, which was what Kame desperately needed.

“Let´s do this then…”

It took forever, but according to Mike, both Ukushi and Kame were incredible. The little foal´s birth was such an exciting sight, that he did not even mind that scary Indian anymore.
He did not know exactly what Kame had to do, but after some strenuous exhales and with his hands in the mare´s back, he started to pull and that curious thing was starting to get shape. He and Jin kept helping it, until that wet and dirty creature was completely out. Ukushi remained lying there, snorting tiredly, while they stood there, amazed by the appearance of tiny thing in strange wraps.

“It´s… not moving,” Mike breathed out right in the moment, when Kame knelt down again, carefully tearing the birth wrappings.

Jin, now clearly anxious as well, handed him a clean cloth and Kame cleared the small horse’s nostrils with it.

“Come on, little one,” he spoke shakily. “Don´t let your mother down now…”

And then finally, the foal´s head shifted and slowly rose. Kame looked up to Jin, his face bright and relaxed.

“It will be all right now…”

His statement made Jin grin relieved, while Mike shouted out with happy excitement and Liwan even smiled.

The first rays of sunlight shone through the soft morning haze floating above the grassy slope behind their house. A white mare grazed on dew-rich grass and her newborn foal clumsily hopped around her, caring more about the milk in his mother´s teats than about learning how to run properly. Meanwhile, the black stallion trotted nearby, on guard against any intruders. The sight was like a beautiful painting of a gifted artist, bringing peace on mind after the anxious night hours.

Except for the muffled chirping of birds, it was quiet all around. Liwan had left as soon as it was clear that both animal mother and her newborn would be all right. Kame understood his haste. With his father gone, all the shaman responsibilities fell upon his blood brother´s shoulders. Liwan had to be there for his tribe. They parted warmly, and Kame promised to come to the reservation soon to check on the current situation. Mike was sleeping on the couch in their salon, exhausted from helping them watch over the foal for most of the night. After what happened with the reverend, the boy clung to them like a tick, but they didn't mind at all.

As for the most precious person in his life, his steps could be heard on the new boards of their widened veranda and shortly after that, a small cup filled with alluring dark liquid appeared in front of Kame´s eyes.

He gave Jin a bright smile and gratefully accepted the coffee, sipping in slowly, while his partner sat down right next to him on the stairs, with his own cup in hand and looked in the same direction.

“You were amazing last night,” Jin stated softly then.

Kame took a little shaky inhale: “There was nothing more I could to. I´m happy it worked.”

“Me too. And I guess Kuro is the happiest of us all.”


“Have you chosen a name?”

“Well, Liwan suggested Kéya…”

“What does it mean?”

“A turtle.”

Jin chuckled: “Fitting, since it took the little one so long to get out of his mother´s womb.”

Kame smiled as well: “I agree.”

“So? What now? Any plans when our precious foal is finally here?”

“I assume that a little visit in Wyoming is in order?” Kame asked.

Jin sighed a bit: “Well, I thought about it and… We have a ton of responsibilities here now. To work as a deputy is… more tough than I had thought. Not to mention your Agent´s tasks.”

“Don´t say…”

“Don´t mock me, I know you´re usually the one reminding us.”

“Your point then?”

“So… What about we would invite them here instead? The upper floor is almost done and the situation calmed down in general. I know it would be risky, but…”

“I like that idea a lot, Jin.”


Smiling at each other, they kissed softly. Then Jin´s body tilted a little to the side, attaching to Kazuya´s shoulder. Like that, the two of them remained sitting there quietly, basking in the growing sunlight, relishing the peaceful view of their home. In their hearts, they knew what the other felt, so there was no need for further words.

- The End -

akame fanfiction, red west 3

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