[Fanfic] Red West III. - Epilogue I.

Sep 03, 2023 20:01

Author: Kasumi
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Western, Drama, Romance, Adventure, Historical fiction
Warning: AKame pairing - AU; vulgarisms, violence, explicit content
Summary: A direct sequel of Red West II. - Masterpost
A strange company of three young gunslingers and one Indian is on their way to Montana, while the infamous Black Riders continue their fight against Silver King of Colorado… Will they succeed or fail in the clash with the cruel environment and heartless Governor? Will their friendship, brotherhood and love persevere or be destroyed by greed, bloodshed and vengeance?
Thank you: To Kamenashi Kazuya and Akanishi Jin, because this story wouldn´t have existed without them.

A/N: Attention! There are 2 parts of Epilogue. I have really done it in the end... The RW final is too long to be posted all at once... XD

I´m grateful for any opinion or advice, you help me hone my writing skills with them.
Thank you for taking time to read this story. I´ll be happy if you reward me with a comment for it.

Prologue // Chapter one // Chapter two // Chapter three // Chapter four // Chapter five // Chapter six // Chapter seven // Chapter eight // Chapter nine // Chapter ten // Chapter eleven // Chapter twelve // Chapter thirteen // Chapter fourteen // Chapter fifteen // Chapter sixteen // Chapter seventeen // Chapter eighteen // Chapter nineteen // Chapter twenty // Chapter twenty one // Chapter twenty two // Chapter twenty three // Chapter twenty four // Chapter twenty five // Chapter twenty six // Chapter twenty seven // Chapter twenty eight // Chapter twenty nine // Chapter thirty // Chapter thirty one // Chapter thirty two // Chapter thirty three // Chapter thirty four //

Epilogue - part I.


Territory of Montana, Bozeman City
April 1883
The expected storm was coming.

Over the past few days, the daily temperatures had been too high for mid-spring season and it was only a matter of time for thick, menacing clouds to gather above the impressive outlines of the Rocky Mountains. With the approaching evening, the cold wind rose, bringing Bozeman citizens close the windows and light up the candles on their parapets.

Small, goldish lights were also flickering behind the church windows, creating a bit creepy view in combination with the dark background of rustling trees. The building was supposed to be empty by this time of the day, yet quiet boyish sobs echoed within its walls decorated by simple religious paintings.

“Don´t make a fool of yourself, kid. You kept coming to me voluntarily, didn´t you?” a slightly angry voice sounded from the small sacristy.

“I… I thought that you can help my grandparents,” a tearful voice of a young boy replied.

“Of course I can and I will. However, you must make some effort as well. God rewards those who try hard, do you understand?”

“I think so…”

“So, be obedient and take it in your hand… Yes, like this. Squeeze it harder. Good…”

For a while, the boy´s stifled crying merged with the male moans, both sounds coldly emphasizing the emptiness of the building dedicated to prayers.

“…all right, get up now.”

“But… Reverend, I…”

“I said - get up, boy.”

Rustling of clothes followed, and then a chair rattled across the wooden floor.

“Stay like this… Perfect,” there came a satisfied grunt. “What a nice, smooth skin you have…”

“No, please… Reverend, I don´t like this…”

“Hush, God Almighty is watching you. He shall evaluate how you handle this lot.”

The boy yelped and then started to stutter: “Will God… cure… my grandparents if I bear… this?”

“Of course He will… Now, be still,” the man ordered him harshly. “Be a good boy and this repayment to God might be even enjoyable for you.”

Then, completely unexpectedly, a loud click resonated in the room and a gun barrel buried hard between Reverend Kapner´s ribs.

“I´m afraid that your God has other plans for you, preacher,” the menacing words sounded right next to his ear.

Kapner froze like a statue, with his hands still possessively placed on the boy´s alluring hips.

“Let him go,” the uninvited guest spoke again, his voice dripping with ice-cold disgust. “Now.”

Disturbed by the sudden threat, Kapner backed away stiffly and his eyes flinched to the side. He almost cursed aloud. A young gunslinger dressed all in black keeping him in check was no one else than Jin Akanishi.

His precious catch raised his tearful face to another figure, which appeared in the sacristy just as inconspicuously as the black-haired intruder did, and burst out crying.

“Kame…” Mike from Harada´s stables wept ashamed. “What…? Why…?” that naive, fragile child could not even finish the question.

“Dress up, Mike,” Kazuya Kamenashi urged the boy kindly, though with his sharp, accusatory eyes focused on him. “I´ll take you out of here.”

“How dare you?” Kapner growled angrily. He finally shook off the first unpleasant shock and now stared at them both hatefully. It did not matter that they caught him out in such a situation. He had already played it out with other people before and he could do it again.

Kamenashi ignored him and helped Mike to put on his coat, whispering something to him, while Akanishi twisted his gun until it dug painfully into Kapner´s side. “Shut up,” he recommended him.

“Let´s go,” Kamenashi took the still crying boy´s shoulders and gently led him away. Their steps died down as they crossed the church and left through the main entrance.

For a change, Akanishi poked with his gun in the middle of Kapner´s lower back. “Sit,” he ordered.

“What do you think you´re doing?”

“Ask that yourself, you old pig,” Akanishi hissed. “Sit down or I´ll make you.”

Kapner obeyed and sank into his chair, which he had pushed aside before, away from the narrow table. The brazen gunslinger remained standing in the corner of the sacristy, aiming at his stomach.

“You´ll regret this! To threaten the man spreading the word of God like this…”

“You´ve got no right to preach about anything at all,” Akanishi interrupted him with apparent distaste. “Did you really think that just by moving to a different town you can do whatever you want again? Well, you were wrong.”

That statement stunned him at first. It seemed that Akanishi knew more than what was convenient for him.

“I have no idea what you´re talking about,” he spoke haughtily, pretending to have the upper hand.

“I´ve never liked priests, but you´re making me sick,” Akanishi growled. “Preaching to everyone how to behave properly, while harassing kids of your own parish? You´ve reached the new level of disgusting.”

Kapner clenched both hands info fists. How much this bastard actually knew?

“Awful lies and baseless accusations,” he insisted stubbornly.

“Damn, what a hypocrite!” Akanishi reacted annoyed. “We did not come here with our eyes closed! We saw what you wanted to do to Mike!”

“The boy was here to get a lesson about God´s judgment,” he stated sharply. “He came to me of his own accord.”

The gunslinger´s expression darkened in anger: “He´s just a kid! And apparently far from being the first one you intended to misuse!”

“You´ve got no proof,” Kapner opposed stiffly. “Not to mention that you should consider your own situation first.”

“My situation?” Akanishi repeated caustically.

“Don´t play dumb! Both you and Kamenashi, you reek of sin.”

In response to that, there came a bitter chuckle: “You´ve guts to speak of sins? Whom do you think people would believe? Which accusation is worse, huh?”

That finally made Kapner admit this could really be a problem. Those two were indeed popular all around the city. Nobody really cared about what Indian agent and Sheriff´s deputy were doing at home; they did not bother anyone with their relationship. However, as came to his case, it could be very troublesome, if the other citizens knew the truth…

“So, let´s get to the point. You will leave town,” Akanishi concluded. “Today.”

Kapner scoffed, the realization hitting him. They wanted to get rid of him and at the same time, they could not risk the direct confrontation.

“And if I won´t?” he asked defiantly.

“Then by the morning, everyone will know what type of reverend you actually are,” another voice joined them in the sacristy.

Kapner glared at Kamenashi, who just returned. Those two could use a proper lesson themselves. He settled down so well in this city and now, he should just throw it all away? No way.

“You won´t do that,” he reacted upset.

“What makes you think so?” Kamenashi wondered in a detached tone.

“Because then I'll reveal you two,” he threatened right away.

“I see…” Kamenashi shrugged. “Suit yourself then.”

What? Kapner was bewildered that the younger of the two was neither bothered by this possibility.

“So, again - since your head is too thick,” Akanishi spoke this time. “We´re somewhat heroes around here, in case you haven´t noticed. The others won´t believe you, if the two us deny your stupid accusations.”

“Not to mention that we can tell the parents of all those kids you dared to harass about your perverse appetites,” Kamenashi suggested dryly. “Like that you might even experience what the lynching really is like…”

That thought terrified him. “You won´t dare!”

Kamenashi just smirked and an almost devilish grin spread on Akanishi´s face, as he stepped closer and very slowly pressed the barrel of his gun against Kapner´s temple.

“I´ll gladly give you one more option. I will put a proper bullet in your shitty head and we´ll drop your body in the nearest ditch. What say about that, preacher?”

Realizing the ice-cold threat in the gunslinger´s voice, Kapner felt his guts tighten in fear: “You… you would… have committed a… a grave sin…” he stuttered.

Kamenashi approached him from another side, in that moment very different from the polite young man he knew. “There´s no need to worry about us that way, Kapner,” he spoke right next to his ear quietly. “You wouldn´t have been our first kill…”

The crackling thunder above Bozeman put quite a dark ending to his sentence.

It did not take him long to gather all the travel necessities and personal belongings. Despite that Kapner hated to admit it, it was not the first time someone forced him to leave the comfortable place and escape under the cover of night. However, this time, it really made him upset.

Kapner shot those two impudent youngsters a murderous look. They were standing in the doorway, the storm raging behind their backs. They did not let their eyes off him, focused on his every move, not giving him space to try anything. He would love to make them pay for that haughtiness of theirs, even though they were both too old to be taught properly for his taste, but now it was not the time. It was better to retreat and reconsider what he could do then.

“Done?” Akanishi encouraged him to move on by swinging with his revolver.

“Yes,” he growled.

Internally furious, Kapner buckled the second bag packed with his stuff and grabbed the long coat from the hanger. Kamenashi already slipped out and only Akanishi stepped aside to make him way to the door.

Kapner stomped out. The attack of cold raindrops only worsened his mood. To prepare his wagon for the journey was much harder and longer task thanks to that. The harnesses were all slippery and horses restless because of the storm. Before he was done with preparations, his bags on the cargo space were already soaked with water. All that time, those two just kept watching him motionlessly, standing out of the reach of rain in the doorway of his house.

Yet, when Kapner finally climbed up on the trestle, his coat soggy and covered with mud, they appeared on each side of the wagon on their own horses.

“I know my way, no need to do me company,” he snapped, but the only reply was the barrel of one of the revolvers peeking from under Akanishi´s coat.

Gritting his teeth, Kapner urged the horses to move and accompanied by raging thunderstorm, he left Bozeman´s borders along with his escort.

At least some luck smiled at the angry reverend, since the storm was strong, but short. As soon as the last city houses disappeared on the horizon behind them, the stabbing pouring changed into the simple drizzle.

Staring ahead, Kapner was listening to the horses´ hooves softly sloshing through the puddles and mud, stubbornly not even looking back at the two riders. Sniffling and trembling with cold, he kept wondering just how to outsmart them. What argument could intimidate them enough?

The night fell quickly and even though the clouds scattered a bit and the road was still faintly visible in front of him, he would rather stop and rest until morning. However, he doubted his taciturn guards would have let him… Wait, the silence behind his wagon was somewhat hollow…

Kapner glanced back and his jaw dropped. As far as he could see, the road was empty. There was no sign of Akanishi or Kamenashi. They left without him even noticing it. Turning back forward, he smirked. Two softies, they had no idea what they got themselves into…

Kapner let the horses follow the road to east, thinking out the best course of action. He still had some friends in Billings, but it would be too risky to return there. It might be better to retreat to Wyoming, at least for a while. So in Livingstone, he should head south. There was thirty miles in front of him to get there. If he would continue through the night, he should get to the city by morning…

Suddenly, something disrupted his planning thoughts. At first, he thought that he overheard, but then it sounded again - the clatter of many hooves and snorting of horses in front of him. The riders emerged from the dark sooner than he could start wondering who might wander around in the middle of the night.

Kapner stared in shock, as six riders surrounded him, faces in shadows, but the specific clothes of the most of them, he could recognize anywhere.

Alarmed, Kapner swung with the reins, but two riders grabbed his horses each from one side and stopped them before he could make them speed up to trot.

“Not so quickly, Reverend,” the young man´s voice familiar to Kapner said.

“There´s someone who desires to meet you,” another one, quite mocking one, completed him.

Two torches suddenly lit in the dark, just to assure Kapner that his assumption was correct. One of those two bastards holding his horses was Tanaka, who used to work in Henderson´s gold mine and the other one was definitely his cheeky friend. However, that was not the worst. There was also an older man approaching him through the circle of riders - the leader of Mormon community, which Kapner used to belong to once…

No… Not this.

Kapner could still vividly remember the faces of his cute kids, which had caused his quick fall back then. The community rules were ruthless and he had barely managed to escape.
The tall Mormon smiled dangerously: “We shall take you back where you belong…”

Kapner jumped up as a startled rabbit and rather fell than descended from the trestle. This was his only chance to escape the revenge of Mormons. His horror did not allow him to think clearly enough to realize there were too many of them. The other members of the religious community blocked his way, while four of them dismounted and approached him with ropes in hands.
“Vengeance is mine; I will repay, said the Lord,” the Mormon leader stated, as his men pushed and kicked Kapner down to the ground to tie him up.

They waited tensely until the small light shone in the distance and waved in their direction two times. Only then, they dared to relax. Their plan apparently worked out, also thanks to their friends.
Gilbert Kapner was a sadistic bastard, who more than deserved what was coming for him. There was no better way to get rid of the perverted man for good. To prove his deeds to the right authorities without any evidence would be almost impossible. At least that was what they considered before they put the whole plan in motion.

“To hell with that hypocritical pig,” Jin commented, cowering in his soggy coat. “Who would say that my fellow prisoner in Billings was not only full of bullshit talk?”

“It´s good that you remembered his name,” Kame agreed.

They knew many things about the so-called revered thanks to Mr. Rogerson - the annoyingly loud drunkard whom Sheriff Brady arrested at the same time they sentenced Jin to death. Back then - and also when they contacted him - he had revealed even things they would rather forget…

Kapner had served as a pastor in four cities before he appeared in Bozeman. There had been complaints and suspicions accompanying him of various kinds, but no one was very eager to talk about them. He used to abuse young people frequently, either girls or boys and the rumors about him to be actively involved in lynching were not just rumors. He apparently even enjoyed participating in it. A bloody pile of shit had been piling up upon Kapner´s head for decades… Until he stumbled across someone was not willing to tolerate it any longer.

“Though… Do you think we made the right decision?” Jin asked then gloomily.

Kame took a deep breath and gave a proper thought to his answer. “I will never forget what Lena told us about him, crying. I will never erase the image of him trying to misuse Mike. So yes, I believe it was the right decision to give him over to Mormons… It would only hurt the people we care about, if the truth came to light in Bozeman. Like this, Kapner gets what he deserves.”

Jin sneezed and nodded, while sniffing again. “Damn right.”

Kame eyed him cautiously: “Let´s go back, before you catch a cold again.”

That was no need to say it to Jin twice. Just the idea of hot tea and warm bed with Kame in his arms urged him to haste.

“I´ll be fine. I´ve got you to treat me back to health, don´t I?” Jin winked at his partner from under the brim of his hat, as they turned their horses back to the west.

Kame raised his eyebrows. “If I remember correctly, you could do nothing but lie around complaining the last time.”

“That was because you didn´t want to sleep with me,” Jin murmured, a little hurt.

“And what was my reason, I wonder, huh?” chuckled Kame.

“Okay, okay, let´s head back quickly, but first…” Jin grabbed Kame´s sleeve and pulled him close for a wet, demanding kiss. “Now, I feel much better,” he grinned.

“Lord will reward you for helping us to achieve justice,” Mr. Young addressed them and shortly bowed his head. “Thanks to you, I shall finally fulfill my oath of vengeance. This sinner shall be executed by the law of God.”

A little anxious, Ryo nodded: “We´re glad we could help,” he replied for both of them, since Koki was just glowering at the mentioned sinner with a gag in his mouth.

“Safe travels,” the old Mormon parted with them and jumped into the saddle, to which let the long rope tying Kapner´s hands.

Both Koki and Ryo quietly watched as the dark silhouettes merged with the night.

“Man, these freaks give me the creeps…” Koki shivered then. “Was it really okay to let them have him?”

Ryo eyed him surprised: “Do you know what he did?”

“Well, Kame wrote that….”

“Not only in Bozeman,” his friend interrupted, shaking his head. “To these Mormons.”

Koki frowned: “I guess it was something really ugly.”

“That it was,” Ryo confirmed darkly.

“Then I don´t wanna hear it.”

Both Riders mounted their horses as well and looked at each other.

“So… Since we´re done with this and already out of the city, shall we make a visit?” Ryo wondered.

Koki grinned: “I wanted to suggest it myself. West or south?”

“We should not bother Jin and Kame so much,” Ryo assumed. “We visited them a month ago…”

“Bother? They were happy to see us!”

“Yeah, they were super excited about you to meddle with their private life all the time.”

“Hey! That´s not true!” Koki defended himself aggrieved.

“We promised Leo and Jane to see them too, remember?” Ryo reminded him.

“Yeah… I do. South it is then,” Koki agreed. “But I will let you ride first only if you recall that bullshit about me meddling with… Hey! Wait for me!”

Territory of Wyoming, Casper Town
“I cannot imagine anyone better suited to raise this little one than you two.”

Jane raised her reddened, tearstained face in surprise and Leo turned from the rain-spattered window, his expression glum and worried. They gathered in the dimly lit, spacious bedroom, the warmest room of the whole house of Jane´s family.

“What?” Cullen, standing above the wooden cradle, reacted on their intent stares. “That´s why you asked me to come, to hear my opinion, didn´t you?”

“Well, yes…” Leo admitted slowly, uncertain how to react. “I just didn´t… Your faith in us regarding such a thing…”

“Express yourself properly, you´re a grown up and married man,” Cullen scolded him with a small grin.

On that, Leo smiled at him: “I do appreciate what you just said.”

“Do you really think that we should accept it, Cullen?” Jane asked, in an unusually weak voice. She had been close to her cousin and her sudden passing struck her hard. “I´m glad you think so highly of us, but…”

Cullen eyed her seriously. “Listen and remember, dear. I think that if you agree to take care of him, then the poor kid will be quite lucky, considering the situation he´s in now.”

Finally, also Jane seemed to calm down a little: “Thanks…”

In that moment, the soft whining sounded from the cradle, which quickly turned into the ear-splitting cries. Both Jane and Leo rushed to check on the newborn, so Cullen stepped aside.

“What is it? You´re hungry again? Come here…” Jane took the baby up into her arms carefully, which helped to hush him a little. Fortunately, her voice and touch seemed to have a rather calming effect on him.

“Don´t pamper him though,” Cullen added with a sigh. “I´ve got a feeling, you will tend to.”

Both of them looked at him again.

Leo shrugged: “It will be quite hard, but we will try,” he promised.

“You look tired, Cullen,” Jane noted worriedly, slowly swinging the baby of her late cousin in her arms.

Cullen suppressed a sigh. Their prettiest gang member always had a keen eye…

“Remember my age. I´ve got a damn right to be tired, my dear,” he reacted evasively.

Jane´s expression told him that he did not convince her, but she did not press him and focused on the baby again.

Her young husband approached him and grabbed his shoulder: “Thank you.”

“No need to,” Cullen shook his head. “Enjoy the moment of peace, it seems to me he´ll be yelling soon enough again.”

Leo chuckled: “Yeah…”

Then Cullen grabbed his hat and let Leo and Jane take care of the little one.

The rain even hardened as he stepped outside on the veranda, so he decided to wait for a while, before heading back to his cottage on the edge of wide lands. However, before he managed to sit in one of the chairs, another strong spasm in his chest made him bent down. It was the third one that day… They were coming back more frequently now.

Cullen leant over the nearest pillar, laboriously gasping for breath. It was good that the two of them asked him to come. It would not be long before they would not be able to ask him for any advice…

The burning cramp passed after a while and with a heavy exhale, Cullen finally sat down. He was glad he agreed to go with Leo and Jane to Wyoming. Like that, he could spend his last days on this incredibly pretty farm with the view of prairie, which reminded him of the early adventures with Black Riders - the best group of friends ever. What more could an old bastard like him want?

State of Colorado, Denver City
“How could they dare to fire me from the Senator chair? Just after two months! This is ridiculous!”

Horace Tabor raged as he paced across his noble office from one side to another, his face red and mustache bushy.

“Let me tell you this as your friend, Horace,” the mayor of Denver spoke, putting aside the glass of whiskey. “It was not exactly a smart move to show off with that pretty mistress of yours, while still engulfed in the divorce battle with your wife.”

“Elizabeth is my wife!” Horace snapped. “Not that frigid, stingy hag!” he was apparently unable to acknowledge what a huge scandal he had caused by his reckless decisions.

Mayor Morris shook his head slowly. “Not yet, at least not officially. Not until Augusta signs the papers,” he reminded him patiently.

The sharp slam resonated through the room, when Horace hit the table with his open palm. “As if! I could wait for that forever!”

“Well, it´s seems that Elizabeth is not that patient either,” Morris could not help but comment mockingly.

Half the city knew that Tabor´s little whore moved away from the Brown Hotel again, after some not very nice argument with her false husband and spent days locked up in the residence he had bought for her. Not to mention the mayor knew firsthand that Baby Doe tried hard not to be bored there alone…

“She will crawl back!” Horace fumed.

You´re more likely to crawl back to her… Morris thought.

Before he could make another comment aloud, a female voice outran him.

“I´m pleased to shorten your endless waiting, Horace.”

Former Senator Tabor turned on his heel so vigorously that he almost lost his balance. Both present men focused on the tall woman in the open door quite surprised. It was impossible for her not to overhear their previous conversation, but she did not seem bothered by it.

“I knocked, but it seems you missed it,” Augusta Tabor gave them the smallest of lenient smiles ever and stepped forward with some folders in her hands, leaving the door wide open behind her.

“You!” Horace exhaled, glaring at his annoying spouse. “When did you return, woman?”

“You seem to be even more pleased to see me than I expected,” Augusta reacted prudently. “Good afternoon, Mr. Mayor,” she greeted him on the way.

Morris could not help but stand up and bow slightly: “Nice to see you again, Madame.”

A little taken aback, he realized he really meant it. Mrs. Tabor´s presence was like a whiff of fresh air in the smoky office. Her dress was rich, but not as uptight as she used to wear before and her still dark hair was half falling down her bare shoulders from the simple bun. Her face was bright and relaxed; the opposite of how she usually looked like anywhere near Horace.

“I returned just yesterday,” she replied her husband´s question calmly. “And I came as soon as everything was settled.”

“What are you talking about?” Horace growled.

“Here,” Augusta let one of the folders fall down at the table. “The signed divorce papers,” she commented lightly and dropped the second one. “The settlement of our properties and…” the third one falling down was a think envelope. “…my congratulations on your fake marriage.”

Horace stared at her and then at the files.

“What the hell?” he yelped then, apparently completely out of balance from this turn of events.

Augusta raised her eyebrows: “Isn´t it what you hankered for all this time?”

“Are you kidding me?” Horace snatched her elbow and pulled her close. “What´s up with you all of the sudden?”

“Let me go,” his ex-wife´s smile disappeared in the blink of an eye.

However, Horace was beside himself. Instead, he squeezed her harder and Augusta hissed in pain, when he shook with her furiously.

“Did you enjoy playing with me for so long, damn woman?”

Suddenly, some hard steps entered the room.

“Everything all right, Augusta?” the question resonated with unspoken threat and made Horace Tabor freeze. The impressive figure of Captain John Walker stood in the middle of his office, staring at him without a bit of respect.

“Yes, absolutely. Thank you, John,” Augusta reacted gratefully and slipped away from Horace´s weakened grip. “Read them,” she recommended him sweetly. “I think you´ll find the distribution quite fair. We will be staying in Leadville for a while, if your lawyer needs to contact me.”

Mayor Morris had to turn away to cover his amused expression. Who would say that Augusta Tabor could be like this?

Augusta? John? We?

Those words echoed in Horace´s head, swirling and getting apart, as he helplessly tried to put them together. What in the hell? When did those two…?

Augusta calmly crossed his office and took Walker´s offered arm.

“What… is… this?” Horace finally made some words leave his lips.

“This?” Augusta repeated, before pretending the sudden understanding. “Well, I´m sure you remember Captain Walker, Horace.”

He could not help but growl in anger: “Stop ridiculing me!”

Augusta blinked innocently: “With what?”

“By showing off with this…” finally, all the pieces fell together in Horace´s mind. “Is he your lover?”

“Oh, I did not mean to bother you with that, but since you´ve already mentioned it… Yes, he is,” Augusta nodded with a bright smile.

Horace gasped for breath: “You´re kidding…”

His ex-wife expression turned cold: “I´m deadly serious. And let me tell you that he makes me feel a hundred miles better in bed, than you ever could.”

John Walker kept on his impassive expression, but one could see from up close that the corners of his lips flinched in a smile. Both of them were mocking him! Horace fell silent. How could this be…?

“Have a nice day, Mayor,” Augusta parted only with his cocky friend, who seemed to enjoy this theatrical performance and left the room in firm connection with John Walker.

Well, that was something, Morris thought.

He cleared his throat and risked a look at - so far still - Lieutenant Governor. Horace Tabor looked like struck by the lightning. He decided it would be wiser to leave the man alone.

“I´ve got some appointments, so…” Morris excused himself, left the offered whiskey untouched and was gone, while Horace Tabor still stood there like a statue, his mouth open and his expression full of shock and self-pity.

“Oh, my….” Augusta giggled quietly, as they went through the main door open for them by one of the servants. “I cannot believe I said that.”

John looked at her not without pride. “It was perfect. He deserved each word and worse.”

“Well, the truth is, that I was not always a spoiled Silver Queen from Leadville,” she assumed, when they stopped on the pavement, right under the windows of Horace Tabor´s office. “I guess I just remembered it.”

John´s hand slipped around her waist: “I never took you for one…” he assured her. “Though the ´queen´ part fits you quite well.”

Augusta raised her eyebrows: “Should I take it as a compliment?”

He stepped even closer to her: “And never as anything else.”

When John seized her lips then, Augusta did not push him back, even though they were on public eye. After all, she was a free woman now.

Jack could not help but laugh when crossing the street. He was damn lucky to arrive in such a moment for another delivery. He could not wait to tell Nick about how Tabor´s wife screwed him over.

He thought about running the latest and last errand for the poor rich man, but then he reconsidered.

Fuck this job, he thought, dropped the letters to the nearest water barrel and happily started running. It was about time to follow their leader´s ´order´ and go to Wyoming for the surprising christening. He was curious as hell to know where Leo and Jane got that baby they were supposed to adopt.

Harvey barely managed to step aside, when some blonde youngster dashed around him laughing like an idiot. He seemed somewhat familiar… No, it was no one who would know him. Which was good. It would not be convenient if anyone saw him leaving this house. No matter how enjoyable was to fuck his demanding client, he would not want any word of this to reach any close to Tabor´s ears, until he would be long gone from the city.

He did not really expect that this little spying work would end up in a comfortable bed, with a pretty woman writhing beneath him, moaning in pleasure, but he was not about to complain. Not to mention it felt good to get back to that asshole, who was unable to reward anyone´s efforts properly.

So, what now? He was quite thirsty, so a pint of beer would come handy...

Harvey altered his hat against the sun and looked around the street, searching for the nearest pub. His eyes fell upon the couple riding across the distant crossroads.

Well, if that woman does not look like Augusta Tabor…

That was a nice opportunity. Maybe she would like to hear more about what Baby Doe was doing behind the closed door. Harvey grinned. It seemed that with some effort, he could still find some Tabor related job around. It would be more amusing that his usual job of hunting stupid heads. Especially, when none of them was half as interesting as Black Riders had been.


- Please, read the rest in Epilogue II -

akame fanfiction, red west 3

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