[Fanfic] Red West III. - Chapter thirty three

Apr 25, 2023 21:05

Author: Kasumi
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Western, Drama, Romance, Adventure, Historical fiction
Warning: AKame pairing - AU; vulgarisms, violence, explicit content
Summary: A direct sequel of Red West II. - Masterpost
A strange company of three young gunslingers and one Indian is on their way to Montana, while the infamous Black Riders continue their fight against Silver King of Colorado… Will they succeed or fail in the clash with the cruel environment and heartless Governor? Will their friendship, brotherhood and love persevere or be destroyed by greed, bloodshed and vengeance?
Thank you: To Kamenashi Kazuya and Akanishi Jin, because this story wouldn´t have existed without them.

A/N: Just one more chapter (and quite probably Epilogue) to go...

I´m grateful for any opinion or advice, you help me hone my writing skills with them.
Thank you for taking time to read this story. I´ll be happy if you reward me with a comment for it.

Prologue // Chapter one // Chapter two // Chapter three // Chapter four // Chapter five // Chapter six // Chapter seven // Chapter eight // Chapter nine // Chapter ten // Chapter eleven // Chapter twelve // Chapter thirteen // Chapter fourteen // Chapter fifteen // Chapter sixteen // Chapter seventeen // Chapter eighteen // Chapter nineteen // Chapter twenty // Chapter twenty one // Chapter twenty two // Chapter twenty three // Chapter twenty four // Chapter twenty five // Chapter twenty six // Chapter twenty seven // Chapter twenty eight // Chapter twenty nine // Chapter thirty // Chapter thirty one // Chapter thirty two //


Loads of tiny white pieces were floating in the air. They were wet and cold, but He did not mind. He had seen those useless things before and He was used to them. Sooner or later, they always appeared again.

This time too, they quickly connected on the ground, creating the strangely thin layer and changed the scenery around Fence. The younger Companions seemed to be nervous about it, but He just laughed at their inexperience. He was sure that White would stay calm as well.

White… He was missing Her fragrant presence.

It was getting dark, so the eyes of big House seemed to be brighter than before. Behind them, many Humans were getting their deserved rest.
He was happy that Master and his Mate were together again. Like that, their Herd could return soon, back to His White. He could not wait for it. However, He had to be patient.

He had felt the uncertainty of Master´s Mate before, when he was riding on His back and He saw how funny his walking was. He needed Master´s help to get inside House, after they finally stopped clinging to each other, making those weird sounds.

It might take a while before their Herd would leave. Then for now, He could have some fun with that useless stuff from Sky…

Shaking his big head, Kuro snorted the annoying snowflakes out of his nostrils and started trotting lively around the fence, creating the huge puffy clouds of scattered snow behind his hooves.

Pleasant warmth and cheerful voices were filling the spacious dining room of Tanaka´s ranch. After necessary additional introductions, everyone gathered there for dinner. Its scent still lingered around; even though there was nothing left of it anymore and the small glasses with whiskey replaced the empty plates.

The candle chandelier was illuminating the faces of five family members sitting around the long oak table - four brothers with their mother at the head. Ryo, who got along quite well with Koki´s siblings, gladly joined their wide circle as well as Leo, who kept loudly praising the cooking skills of Mrs. Tanaka. As they had already found out, during summer, she always hired someone for helping out in the kitchen, but after the herding season ended, she took care of feeding her family herself.

Cullen took up the armchair in front of the fireplace, for once refraining from his caustic remarks. With an unusually satisfied expression, he was just wordlessly digesting the best meal he had in quite a while. Across from him, on the spacious sofa, smiling Jane kept throwing checking glances to her left side, where the last two members of their company were sitting next to each other.

At first sight, Kame was paying attention to the loud exchange of opinions by the table. Yet, his eyes were glassy and one of his hands in inconspicuous connection with Jin´s. The older one apparently did not give a damn about being sociable, with his look focused on the crackling fire in the spacious hearth.

They had been like this ever since they came inside - Kame was pale and absent, while Jin red-eyed and very silent. Jane assumed those two probably needed more alone time for themselves.

Already during the delicious dinner and also after they were done with it, both Tanaka family and Black Riders were engulfed in quite an exciting conversation. Everyone had to share their story about how they ended up on the ranch. No one could avoid it, since the lady of the house herself demanded the proper explanation, with strong emphasis on the fact that she wanted to hear the truth.

It was actually quite surprising how warmly they were all welcomed in Mrs. Tanaka´s home, considering Koki´s past rueful descriptions of their endless fights about his involvement with the gang. Even more, when apparently mostly Koki enjoyed sharing his part of mine adventures. His brothers did not fail to remind him several times that they took a good care of their ranch, while he was just loitering around. Yet not even their mockery discouraged him from talking.

Mrs. Tanaka kept on her strict attitude, as she listened to everyone, scolding them whenever they used too rough words, regardless of whether it was her son or the Riders´ leader. Nevertheless, Jane caught the woman smiling gently, when she thought no one was looking. She understood her more than well. Who would not be happy with their family gathered together like this?

The youngest family member - Juri - was the most excited about all those thrilling stories, while Cullen was the calmest, apparently not giving a damn about exaggerated nonsenses some of them described.

While it was obvious that Jin was not inclined to recount his arrest story and Ryo was the one who talked the most about it, Kame´s narration had the greatest success. Though he did not describe his escape from the collapsed mine in many details, everyone was listening to him with bated breath. Considering the hopeless situation Kame had been in, his survival was a miracle. Almost as if someone was looking out for him…

After everything necessary had been said, Mrs. Tanaka heard out many repeated thanks for providing them all the temporary sanctuary. The Black Riders practically did not let her speak; apparently worrying she would throw them out after finding out whom she had actually sheltered. Yet, that was not the case and the woman just requested Koki to pour her more whiskey. On the other hand, her older sons made the Riders swear not to cause any troubles during their stay, which they hastily promised.

It was a very cheerful evening. Everyone was overwhelmed with relief that they finally managed to meet alive and well, for once not bothering with the hand of law or vagaries of weather. And it went by fast…

Shortly after Mrs. Tanaka finally persuaded Juri to go to sleep, Jane thought that it was more than enough for one day. She got up on from the sofa and with hands on her hips turned to Kame.

“You,” she addressed him purposefully harshly. “Enough of slacking, time to treat your leg.”

Kame looked up to her sheepishly: “But I can do it-”

“No buts,” Jane cut him off and grabbed his hand. “Up you go.”

He let her pull him up on his feet, his hand slipping from Jin´s grip.

“And you,” she spoke to the older Akanishi in a voice, which finally made him stop staring at the glowing embers. “You reek of prison. Ask our generous hostess for some water and wash yourself, be so kind.”

Jin´s eyebrows went up in surprise, but he did not dare to utter even a word of protest.

“As for the rest of you,” she glared at other present Riders, each of them more or less successfully hiding their amused grins. “Nobody´s going to prepare our sleeping places in the attic for us. Drink the rest of that warmed whiskey and away with you! We bothered Mrs. Tanaka more than enough already.”

“But Jane, you don´t have to be so…” Leo started, but his fiancée´s look made him bite his tongue before he could say more.

“Yes, dear?” Jane urged with a sweet, yet dangerous smile.

Leo cleared his throat: “You´re right, of course.”

“Good,” she smiled even wider and then led Kame away from the dining room.

Only after the sound of their footsteps died down in the corridor, the Koki´s younger brother Hyouga leant over the table: “Man, she´s hot, but I don´t envy you…” he whispered.

Ryo chuckled, while Leo shrugged, grinning more amused than upset: “She´s worth it.”

“You´ve heard her, boys!” another female voice whipped the air above their heads. “You must get up soon to clean up snow!”

Hyouga gave their mother his most pleading look: “But, Mom, we haven´t finished the bottle yet and we´re having quite a fun…”

Mrs. Tanaka gave him a steadfast look: “What did you say, son?”

“That we´re going right away, Mother,” he assured her, promptly standing up from the table.

“It looks good, but I would keep the healing wrap around it for this night as well,” Jane assumed after inspecting Kame´s right leg. The awful swelling finally subsided and not counting the dark bruises, it looked much better. Both she and Liwan were worried of inflammation, but it seemed Kame got out from the worst. What a luck he had…

“Agreed…” a quiet murmur came as a reply.

Jane raised her eyes. Kame was looking down on his leg, a thoughtful wrinkle on his forehead.

“What´s bothering you?” she asked as she started to wrap the clean bandage around the layer of herbal ointment, which she had applied before.

“You think I might persuade Mrs. Tanaka to let also Liwan come?” he wondered quietly.

Jane thought about it for a while. “You worry about him, right? In this weather…” she waved toward the window.

“Not really, he can take care of himself, but… I would like him to be here with us.”

“I understand… I think it would be better if I try to talk to her instead of you,” Jane assumed.

Kame frowned even more: “Why?”

“Well, she might take it better from me, as from another woman, I mean. Moreover, I´m not closely related to Liwan, so my point of view will be more objective. What do you think?”

“I see… All right, I will be grateful, Jane. Thanks.”

“You´re welcome,” she assured him.

“Here you go!” Juri´s voice sounded from behind the door, before it opened wide.

Jane looked back over her shoulder. The apparently excited boy led the tall man inside. Of course… She knew that he would come.

“Get a proper rest, okay?” she urged on Kame.

He nodded obediently, but his eyes already focused on Jin. Suppressing the smile, Jane stood up and turned to her hopefully-soon-to-be brother-in-law.

“That´s much better,” she commented Jin´s wet hair, shaved face and clean shirt, apparently borrowed from one of Tanaka brothers.

Jin looked at her, seeming to be a little clueless. “Ahem, thanks?”

“All right, you take care of Kame now, he´s yours anyway,” she stated bluntly and focused on the boy. “Juri, aren´t you supposed to be in bed?”

“Well, I… Jin wanted to know where Handsome is… I didn´t mean to…” Juri was apparently a bit startled now.

Amused, Jane grinned at him: “It´s okay, I won´t tell your mother. Come with me now…”

Grabbing his tiny shoulders, she gently pushed the boy out to the corridor and closed the door.

Clutching the arms of high chair, Kame carefully observed his lover standing in the middle of the room. Jin did look better than when he found him lingering outside by the fence, but his eyes were still sunken. He was looking at him as if he thought that Kame might disappear any second…

Anxious from that dark gaze, Kame pushed himself up on his feet, faster than he should have. His right knee buckled under him and he staggered heavily. Jin was by his side in an instant and supported him firmly. Gratefully and with pleasure, he leant against his warm, firm body.

“Thanks…” Kame sighed, once again realizing how much he had been missing the other´s presence.

“You should be more careful,” Jin noted in a hoarse voice. He did not say much since the moment he cried his heart out on Kame´s shoulder and if he did, it was in connection with his well-being. It made Kame´s heart ache.

“Yeah… Help me to bed,” he asked him softly.

Wrapping Kame´s hand around his neck, Jin led him there slowly. Then he helped him to sit down on the mattress and remained standing, staring at his bandaged leg.

“Jin…?” Kame addressed him questioningly.

“When exactly did that happen? When… when you were…” Jin could not or did not want to finish the question, but Kame knew more than well, what he meant. It was one of the most difficult moments in his life. He would be never able to forget those awful minutes of being trapped under the huge boulder, helplessly looking on as his friends led the love of his life away in the scary waterfall of soil and pebbles…

“Yes… It was bad, but it will be fine,” he stated as firmly as he only could.

Jin´s eyes met with his. Suddenly, there were too many things in them. Kame would not be able to describe that gaze even if he wanted to. Instinctively, he reached out and grabbed Jin´s wrist. He persistently pulled until the other gave in and sat down next to him. Then he covered his smoothly shaved cheeks with his palms.

“I won´t go anywhere without you, Jin,” he assured him. “So don´t look at me like that.”

Jin closed his eyes and breathed out shakily: “I´m sorry…”

Unsatisfied, Kame pressed his lips together - that was not what he wanted to hear.

Leo knew his older brother well and he was right. Jin had been on a very dark place for quite long and it was not easy for him to come back. His mind was not here, in this room with him.

“Kiss me,” he requested hoarsely.

A soft sigh escaped from those full lips in front of him, but otherwise, Jin remained motionless. Kame was determined not to move first. He had to make his foolish boyfriend believe in his presence fully and he could not figure out a better way.

He soothed his temples slowly, half closing his eyes and even lowering his voice. “Please, kiss me, Jin,” he repeated his request pleadingly.

What took only a short while, was like ages to Kame. Then Jin finally pressed his trembling lips against his in a soft kiss. Kame felt as his anxiety disappeared right away. It was such a well-known, good feeling. Nothing could make him feel more relaxed. Therefore, when Jin moved away, he was not willing to let him go so easily.

Kame firmly grabbed Jin´s neck and seized his lips eagerly again. Impatiently, he probed out with his tongue and after a tense moment, he found his companion coming to meet him. Then Jin´s hands circled around his waist and pulled him close, just as possessively as before.

They ended up in a long, breath-stealing kiss. Hands wrapped around each other, feeling the warmth of the other´s body, tenderly enjoying the closeness of their loved one... None of them remembered if they ever kissed in such a desperate manner.

When they finally pulled apart, neither of them had enough. Yet, for the moment, it served its purpose.

“I´ve missed you so much, Kazu,” Jin´s breath tickled his cheek. “So damn much…”

Kame slowly let his fingers slip down the other´s hair and then he gripped Jin´s shoulders.

“I figured,” he reacted with his throat tight. “When I heard you let himself be arrested… You shouldn´t have, Jin.”

“I know. I just…” Jin shifted his head only so that he could look in his eyes. “I could not see any other acceptable option.”

Kame chuckled bitterly. “You´re such a fool… Only thanks to you, I survived. I cannot imagine what I would do, if…” he stopped in the middle of the sentence, unable to continue.

Jin´s grip around him tightened. “I won´t ever let you go again,” he promised hoarsely.

“I count on that,” whispered Kame and closed that short distance between their lips again.

It was like waking up from a nightmare knowing in advance that it would never repeat again.

Jin slowly opened his eyes only to focus them on the profile of young man sleeping next to him. Disobedient strands of hair were falling into his face, shaking with his slow exhales. The first sunbeams going through the window were creating the shining background of that peaceful view. To Jin, Kame was never more precious person than in that moment. Not to wake him up, he moved only slowly and supported his head with one hand, so that he could watch him properly.

Kazuya was his way out of Hell. In his loving arms, Jin could finally reconcile with the unbearable pain he felt before, when he believed that he had lost him. Only thanks to his presence, he could forget that anxiety from the idea of spending another day without him. He was able to deal with anything now.

Jin reached out his other hand and touched Kame´s cheek. He gently caressed it, before he continued to chin and then to neck. He pushed the blanket aside slowly and soothed the bare warm chest. He could not resist but follow the outlines of his boyfriend´s muscles, enjoying the warmth of smooth skin. Knowing that Kame went to such great lengths just to be with him, even badly wounded was the most comforting feeling ever.

“Good morning…?” a voice softened by sleep greeted him.

Jin just smiled and let his hand continue the loving ministrations of any skin he could reach.

“Are you enjoying yourself or trying to seduce me?” Kame asked softly.

Only then, he looked up to the other´s face and to those eyes, which were watching him warmly.

“Both,” he replied meaningfully and bent down to those tempting lips. He gave Kame the most affectionate kiss he could only manage, before straightening up. “I love you, Kazuya.”

A beautiful smile brightened Kame´s face even more than it already was. “And I´d love you to wake me up like this every morning for the rest of our lives.”

Jin chuckled: “Quite demanding, aren´t we?”

“Not really. You can count on the proper reward…”

“Really? And what it would be?” he wondered mischievously.

With a quick move, Kame suddenly wrapped both arms around Jin´s neck and pulled him down.

“I can show you,” he whispered against his lips shakily. “Or you can show me…” he added provocatively.

“Gladly,” Jin agreed eagerly, his hand already slipping lower under the warmed up sheets. “But next time, don´t accuse me of being the seductive one…”

“Thank you so much for staying with us, Mister!”

The elderly woman´s voice certainly reached all the way down the street. Although she was a pleasant host in general, Danny could not wait for them to be gone. Already after few days, her piercing voice was literally stinging his poor ears. However, he was not surprised she was so grateful, since Mr. Cameron had left significantly more bills than he had to on the reception counter.

“Come back again any other time!” the hotel owner bowed to his boss.

Danny had an impression that the woman was overdoing it a bit. She was even considerate enough to arrange a carriage for them, which was about to take them to the railway station. For that, he was the one being grateful. It was more than convenient that they could catch one of the first test train rides to Columbus, which would shorten their travels a lot.

Mr. Cameron seemed to be finally satisfied with the way the wagoner attached their luggage to the carriage and turned to the widely smiling woman.

“I will remember that,” he reacted in a voice perfectly balanced between condescension and gratitude. “Thank you, Madame. Goodbye.”

Not waiting for the woman to react, Mr. Cameron got into the carriage swiftly and Danny followed him with quite a relief. Once they settled in the surprisingly comfortable seats, the wagoner made the horses move promptly and they set off through the busy morning streets.

After the first scare, the ominous winter clouds evaporated towards the east. Danny was glad that they were about to leave before the heavy snow would block the most comfortable way back to the Rockies, but still, he was confused that his persistent and patient boss would have given this whole issue up so easily. He decided to pack up right after they found out that the Marshals Office set Akanishi free. However, he did not think it would be wise to poke into Mr. Cameron´s decisions.

“What´s on your mind, Danny?”

The sudden question and sharp gaze startled him a little. The seat did not feel so comfortable anymore. Yet, he already knew he could not afford to let the question unanswered.

“Well… I was just wondering, sir.”

“About?” Mr. Cameron encouraged him.

Danny took a decisive breath. “After everything you had done to… get your revenge, why would you just leave now?”

The answer came faster than he expected. “Do you think there´s anything else to do here?”

He blinked and looked away to think about it properly.

“Well… I don´t know,” he admitted in the end.

He thought that his boss would not bother with his hopeless dullness anymore, but Mr. Cameron actually replied the question to him.

“Billings is basically the cradle of Black Riders. They certainly have some friends here, who would be willing to help them. It would be waste of time to search for any Akanishi around here, no matter if it´s only the older one around or the younger as well.”

Danny nodded, listening closely. That made sense to him.

“He will come back to Bozeman, anyway,” Mr. Cameron concluded his explanation.

He stared his calm boss incredulously: “Excuse me, but how can you be so sure about it, sir?”

“You can only call it a premonition, but that old hut is his home,” the older man reacted slowly. “Otherwise, he and Kamenashi would not fight so hard to keep it. Sooner or later, Akanishi will come.”

The cold wind was chasing a few puffy clouds on the otherwise pure blue sky. The tiny part of it was visible through the skylight above the gathered Black Riders, illuminating their serious faces.

After the sudden blizzard, the sun came out again, melting the first snow pack, but it would be the time for real winter soon enough. Kame could literally feel it in his slowly healing leg. If they wanted to travel back to the frontier, they should set off sooner rather than later.

To discuss what exactly to do next was the very reason of their meeting in the barn. Yet, as Kame observed the expression of their young leader, he did not think that any quick travelling was a part of Leo´s plans… Especially after Koki announced he would like to stay home for the time being.

After a moment of quiet pondering, Leo - sitting on the huge barrel - looked directly at sheepish Rider.

“So… This is what you decided for sure, then?” he asked rather softly.

“Yeah… I´m sorry, Chief,” Koki mumbled meekly. “It´s not that I don´t want to be a part of the gang anymore, just…”

Leo stopped him with a raised hand. “It´s okay, I understand, Koki. No need to apologize.”

“As I know him he would reconsider this so called decision three times before the year is over,” Ryo noted teasingly.

“Hey! I would expect a bit of understanding from my best friend,” Koki growled.

Ryo openly laughed at him. “That´s why I say this! I already understand how your thinking works, buddy.”

“Insensitive jackass,” Koki turned away from him insulted.

“There´s no need to argue about it,” Leo stated amicably and turned to his fiancée, who was standing by his side, smiling at him encouragingly. “There´s one thing I… we need to tell you, guys.”

“You mean to disband.”

Cullen´s words brought the shocked silence upon them all.

Leo gaped at his older companion for a long moment, before he chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. “How comes you always know, Cullen?” he asked in disbelief.

The older man shrugged: “Life experiences do me a good service. Something you kids are just about to learn.”

“Do you really enjoy condescending yourself above us all so much?” still upset Koki snapped.

Cullen almost burst out laughing, which made them all stare at him even more surprised. “Please, I don´t even need to try,” the man stated amused.

“Anyway, it´s as our old wolf says, so…” Leo took up the word again. “We would like to somehow… settle down,” he reached for Jane´s hand, which she squeezed back firmly.

“Well, honestly, I expected this to come one day,” Ryo sighed somewhat surrendered.

“Me too,” Jin joined him. “I´d be quite surprised about the opposite actually.”

“So, I guess you´ve got no problem with it, Brother?” Leo mused with his eyebrows up.

“Do you need to ask?” the older Akanishi grinned.

“No,” Leo repaid him with the same, before getting serious again. “I care about you all, guys, but I don´t see the point in going on. Since I´m not able to imagine what we should be doing next, I´m not fit to be the leader of any gang anymore. I enjoyed being one though, you can bet on that,” he added in the end.

“I don´t agree with that unfitting-leader part, but otherwise, I get you,” Ryo nodded.

“Thanks…” Leo appreciated.

“So… This is it? The end of Black Riders?” Koki seemed to be openly sad about it.

“Well, at least for now,” Jane spoke suddenly.

Leo turned to her surprised. “What do you mean, sweetheart?”

“I just thought about it now…” she stepped forward a little. “What about we would promise that in case any of us would be in need, we would gather as Black Riders again to help them?” she made a suggestion in a serious, hopeful tone.

Everyone looked at each other. Then they started smiling widely.

“Sounds good,” Koki sniffled, trying hard to cover his eyes shining with tears.

“I absolutely agree,” Ryo joined him cheerfully.

Kame exchanged the short look with Jin, before the replied for both of them: “You can count on us.”

“Dear… I love this idea,” Leo praised his fiancée.

Jane turned and winked at him.

“Cullen?” the Riders´ leader turned to his first man.

“Well… Do you really need to hear anything from me?” Cullen snickered.

Something bothered Leo about that answer, but he did not know what it was.

“So, in that case…” Kame was the one to speak then. “We already talked about it with Jin and we would like to return to Bozeman soon.”

“I expected that,” Leo nodded. “But…”

“Wait!” Jane cut in suddenly. “But you will stay for a while longer, right? You must actually!”

“That´s what I meant to ask them as well, dear,” his fiancé complained gently. “Though… a bit less desperately.”

“I sense some fun is about to come,” Ryo declared playfully.

With a mysterious smile, Leo stood up and hugged Jane around the waist: “For once, your sixth sense is right.”

It did not take long before the warm hands of Manitou´s son melted the thin white layer completely. The winter was here for sure, but it seemed there was still some time to get home, before it would show the nature its full power.

Liwan turned away from the view of the mighty river when he caught the sound of hooves and male voices. He stood up from the flat stone warmed up by the sun and looked down the hill at his modest camp in the leeward of a great rock, which looked like the clenched fist. Two riders just arrived there, one helping the other to get down from the saddle of the noble black stallion.
The young shaman observed the unusual couple for a short moment, before he set off on the way down.

“There he is! I told you there´s no need to worry for Bear.”

Akanishi seemed to be more than cheerful considering all the troubles he had caused for everyone. Liwan eyed him from head to toes, which made the smile on the gunslinger´s face falter.

“Liwan…” Kame breathed out in relief and went to meet him, still limping and with help of the crutch, but obviously moving more freely than before.

Liwan returned the firm, friendly squeeze with which Kame grabbed his forearm.

“Are you all right?” his blood brother wondered, observing his face closely.

He suppressed a lenient smile. “That goes without saying,” he reacted with the Palefaces´ sentence, which he wanted to use sometime. “My brother looks better as well.”

“Also thanks to you,” Kame admitted humbly. “Thank you for the herbs.”

It came natural for him to take care of his brother in any way he could, so Liwan simply nodded and then focused at his companion again.

“So… You came to your senses, Akanishi?”

The young man´s shoulders sagged even more, which was a sign that there was some shame in him.

“Yes,” the gunslinger confirmed seriously. “I´m sorry… And thank you. For Kame.”

That was a good start, so Liwan observed him more kindly now. “Have you apologized to others as well?”

“I did,” Akanishi nodded immediately without any sign of annoyance.

Even better, Liwan thought of his reply. It was good that Akanishi seemed to mature after his foolish adventure in prison. Good for Kame, at least. Liwan was already a little tired from all the troubles this man brought upon his dear blood brother. Naturally, he did not mean to tell either of them about it though.

“Come to fire,” he invited them. “Cold not good for my brother´s leg.”

They gathered around the small campfire and Liwan quickly added some dry, fallen tree branches to it. Akanishi helped Kame to sit down and then made himself comfortable right next to him. Liwan did not comment it, but he was glad to see them like this. His blood brother almost killed himself only by worrying for Akanishi. At least now, Kame finally seemed to be at peace.

“What my brother decided to do?” Liwan asked.

“I wanted to leave as soon as possible, but Jane and Leo talked us into staying until their wedding,” Kame announced hesitantly. “And Mrs. Tanaka changed her mind, so if you want you can come to the ranch as well and…”

By that time, he was already shaking his head, which made Kame stop talking.

“Home. Liwan must go,” he stated firmly.

His blood brother did not seem happy about it, yet neither surprised. He just sighed wordlessly.

“You two really know each other too well,” Akanishi murmured, extending his palms toward the fire. “Kame told me that you´ll be eager to go.”

“But that doesn´t mean that I wouldn´t like you to stay and go back with us,” Kame tried one more time.

“My brother is better and in good hands, so Liwan can leave now,” he insisted.

“I understand,” Kame nodded. “But… Be careful,” he urged.

Liwan gave him the serious look. “My brother and Akanishi as well. No more mines or prisons. Please.”

Akanishi grinned sheepishly. “Roger that. And I won´t let Kame step inside any mine for the rest of his life.”

His lover gave him a quick glance. “Nobody will be able to make me enter any, believe me.”

Such a reply was acceptable. “Good. Will my brother come to reservation later?”

“Sure,” Kame nodded right away. “I must return to my duties soon, otherwise I will be fired. Once we get back to Bozeman, I will visit you as soon as possible.”

Liwan did not let it show, but he was happy to hear such a response. “My heart will be waiting for my brother then.”

Maria Tanaka proved herself a real treasure when it came to arranging such a sudden, special event as the wedding of Leo and Jane was. Not only she allowed them to organize it on Tanaka property, she also found and was willing to lend Leo an old, well-preserved suit after her husband. Then she took Jane to the city on the short women-only-trip, where they managed to negotiate quite a good price for wedding dress from one of Mrs. Tanaka´s good acquaintances.

They had to remain inconspicuous, so the ceremony in city church was out of the question. Fortunately, based on some unspecified unrequited favor, Koki´s oldest brother persuaded the local circuit preacher to come and lead the ceremony at the ranch, even though it was not the bride´s home as was the usual custom.

In the end, the hardest task was to persuade Cullen that it was safe to hold a wedding at Tanaka´s ranch, since he seriously considered leaving before it would happen. It took all the Riders to make him stay.

After some necessary food shopping, Mrs. Tanaka made the kitchen her kingdom, expelling anyone else out. Only after very persistent persuasion from Koki, she let Kamenashi in to help her.
For the ceremony itself, they adjusted the unused part of spacious barn and decorated it with white sheets, conifer branches and colorful ribbons. It was simple, but more than sufficient, since the bride herself stated she had always pictured their day to be more romantic than ceremonial.

Despite that everything was quite hastily arranged, the wedding made that freezing day bright and enjoyable for everyone. Leo Akanishi was nervous, yet apparently excited, while Jane Briggs was indeed beautiful and obviously the happiest bride ever.

When that most important moment came, everyone enthusiastically gathered in the decorated barn. They stood there in their best possible outfits - which mostly meant they had washed their usual clothes - in two lanes creating the short aisle for the lovely bride, cheering as she approached.

“Isn´t she the most beautiful person you have ever seen?” Leo leant toward his brother, whispering a little shakily.

Jin´s eyes flickered to Kame, who was standing at the end of one line, still leaning over the crutch, yet without any sign of pain. There was no one with brighter presence in the barn for him. As if feeling his look, Kame tore his eyes off the slowly walking bride as well and their gazes locked for the shortest, warm moment.

“Of course, she is,” Jin confirmed his brother´s statement smiling, considering that this sweet lie could be forgiven to him this time.

The priest seemed to be a bit nervous about the top-secret issue, but he relaxed once he realized that those two standing in front of him would be happy no matter what he said to them. They were more than content just with the fact of being together…

“Congrats, Bro,” Jin grinned at his blushed brother, when his turn came to congratulate the new weds. Next to him, suspiciously quiet Cullen was hugging Jane lengthily. “You´re a damn lucky man.”

Leo returned his firm grip and smiled at him widely. “Well, you are too…”

Both of them looked aside for the moment, to the corner of the barn where Kame was trying to quietly persuade Juri that it was all right to give Jane only some dried flowers.

“I think I understand better now, what he means to you,” Leo continued seriously. “And no matter what I might have said before, I´m glad you have him, Jin. Really.”

“…me too.”

Still a little incredulously, since who would have guessed that his crime companions would seriously become his good friends and even marry at his home, Koki looked around his family members and noticed something unusual. His mother was standing aside from others and her eyes were somewhat glassy.

“Mom?” he approached her with a smile.

She put on her usual stern face, when she turned to him. “What is it, son?”

“Thank you,” Koki stated quietly.

His mother narrowed her eyes. “Oh… Why are you so unusually nice to me?”

“I mean it. You´re amazing,” from the sudden impulse, Koki gently kissed her cheek.

Maria Tanaka was quiet for a while, before she cleared her throat and spoke again: “Does it mean you will stay a bit longer this time?”


Then they all drank and ate, they sang and danced. Well, with the exception of Kame, since he was forbidden to do the last based on the ban from the bride herself.

After all those difficult times they had to endure, spending that merry day with those whom they liked and considered family and friends, creating such a lovely common memory, was the greatest reward they could ever wish for. Even though it was only harder to say goodbye after that…

The first thing they arranged after the wedding was sending the telegram to Colorado. They let Jack and Nick know about the happy news and assured them that they did not need to worry about them.

The newlyweds decided to visit Jane´s family in Wyoming first and if possible to settle down there, at least for a while. They successfully persuaded also Cullen to go along with them. The old man did not even protest much, which made Leo suspicious about his behavior even more than before. Cullen was hiding something from all of them, and he was determined to have a serious private talk about it with him at the first opportunity.

Not surprisingly, despite all the taunts, Ryo was about to stay at Tanaka´s ranch for some time. He claimed that someone had to keep an eye on the biggest moron of their former gang, but everyone knew that he just did not want to separate from his best buddy so soon again. And Koki could feign ignorance, but he certainly felt the same way.

Anyway, Kame with Jin were the first to leave the ranch and not even another snowfall, which was just about to start, could hold them back any longer…

While most of Tanaka family members parted with the two inside the warm house, the former Black Riders came out to say their goodbye, not being discouraged by the light snowfall. They surrounded the couple in front of the barn, where they were preparing to leave.

“Must you really go back already?” Leo was apparently not eager to let his older brother out of his sight.

Jin turned to him from altering Kuro´s saddle: “Yes,” he nodded decisively.

“Both of us have a job,” Kame, patting the soft neck of the apparently impatient black horse, joined him.

“Not to mention there´re some unsolved things to deal with…” Jin noted with a sigh.

“People who don´t even know we´re alive…” Kame mused gloomily.

“And more other things, which would not interest you,” Jin finished with a shrug.

“You complete each other quite nicely, I see,” Leo pointed out amused.

“When will be the wedding?” Jane, clinging to his husband´s side, grinned at them.

“Oh, wait!” Koki, shifting from one foot to another in the futile attempt to warm up, yelped. “And who would dress as a bride in that case?”

“My bet goes to Kame,” Ryo reacted immediately.

Everyone in the small circle around them laughed, while Jin and Kame just exchanged a short, wordless look.

Then Leo squeezed Jin´s hand firmly, parting with him almost threateningly: “We will keep in touch.”

“Damn right,” Jin nodded. “No more gangs, got it?”

“No more gallows, got it?” Leo hit back.

“For once I must praise you for such wise words,” Cullen commented condescendingly.

The former Black Riders laughed again shortly, partially because they really had fun, but more likely just trying to cheer their parting moment up a little. Nevertheless, it did not go by without many hugs and hardly suppressed tears and it took a while, before Kame and Jin finally mounted Kuro.

“Will you really be all right like this?” Ryo wondered incredulously, eying the two of them squeezed in one saddle.

“Don´t worry, we´ll take the train to Columbus and we can handle the rest of the way,” Kame assured him.

“Not to mention they´re used to this position, right?” Koki blurted out bluntly.

Without any warning, Cullen slapped him over the head, while Jane hissed at him: “Pervert!”

Neither Jin nor Kame seemed to be bothered though, as they just smiled at their friends and raised their hands for the final goodbye. Kuro jumped in joy a little, once his master allowed him to move forward.

“Let us know that you arrived to Bozeman safely!” Leo could not help but call after them.

Jin shouted the answer over his shoulder: “And you send us the location of your nest of love!”

Once Jin turned forward again and gently incited Kuro to move faster, he chuckled in a way, which raised Kame´s attention.

“What is it?” he asked, comfortably leaning over his chest.

“Well… It´s true that this position brings some memories, doesn´t it?” Jin explained his amusement.

Realizing what his lover meant right away, Kame started smiling as well. “You took the words out of my mouth…”

Then Jin tilted his head. “Not to mention the associations I have with the train…” he murmured to Kame´s ear huskily.

That was something was made Kame feel kind of hot. “Keep the dirty talk for later, okay?” he requested seriously.

“Why should I?” Jin wondered.

“I´d rather not start striping out here in this cold,” he stated meaningfully.

Jin straightened up behind him: “…I must agree with this argument.”

“I´m glad you do… Let´s go home, Jin.”


- To be continued -

akame fanfiction, red west 3

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