[Red West] The final Summing Up

Sep 04, 2023 09:31

Howdy, RW readers! ^^/

Some goodbyes are harder than others. Especially when you must say it to someone dear to you, who had been an integral part of your life for years. You can object that relations to fictional characters cannot be compared to love for real persons and I would agree with you. However, it does not mean it´s easy for me to part with Kame and Jin.

The current state of my mind is rather strange. I thought that I´d be immensely relieved once I would write that final word and leave the RW world for good. Instead… I don´t know. It feels like I haven´t fully realized yet, that my journey with those two really came to its end. Maybe, I had spent too many years with their story and therefore, I´m unable to imagine not getting back to it.

I had started writing Red West in February 2013, more than ten years ago. In the end, there are 3 books of more than a 720 000 words in total. Thinking back about it, I had no idea what a scope would placing my favorite J-pop idols into the Wild West world acquire. The whole story came to life one cold evening in the rented apartment, where I had been living alone, with no one special in my heart. Engulfed with them, I kept writing anywhere I could, anytime I found energy. Now, as it came to its final, it´s shortly before I´m going marry the man I love.

Damn, so many, many things changed… I´m not the same I was when this story began. It was the important part of my life and it definitely had a role in shaping me into a person I am now. Nevertheless, even though I will miss RW a lot, it´s time to let our dear Riders go and move on…

I still do love creating stories - that is one thing, which did not change in the slightest - so I wish to keep writing in the future as well. It remains to be seen how reality will allow me to devote myself to it.

To all those who persisted and reached this finale with me - I hope you enjoyed reading it at least half as much as I did enjoy writing it. I will keep all online doors open in case you would like to contact me. I will keep checking LJ; otherwise, you can find me also on Wattpad or AO3.

My gratitude belongs to my beloved beta-reader Atago-kun - Thank you for your patience with my poor gaps in English. And sorry to my dear Sis - I know that sometimes, I had been persistent to annoyance, while trying to get any kind of reaction out of you.

Thank all of you for reading until this point. I wish you a good time with reading more stories you will like. Take care and spend time on things you enjoy. Life is too short not to do so.

Yours, Kasumi

Ps: Naturally, RW III. is dedicated to Kamenashi Kazuya and Akanishi Jin. These two will remain in my fan-heart forever.

akame fanfiction, akame, akanishi jin, about writing, red west 3, 10ks, red west 2, red west, for my visitors, kamenashi kazuya

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