New York adventures and life lessons learned on the train

Jan 25, 2008 19:54

Wow, it's Friday already. Huh.

Anyway, I got back from New York on Monday afternoon. I had a lovely little visit with Brittany: we ate some tasty food, visited a couple museums, watched a few movies, and chatted (with a dash of scheming) in between. :)

I arrived on Friday night and we had dinner at a little French place and then went to this fantastic dessert place called One Girl Cookies. It's a cookie bar! No, really, the sitting area is at counters so it's like a bar only with miniature desserts and tea instead of loud drunk people and dubious food. It's awesome. :)

On Saturday we ate brunch at Home (more tasty food) and then went to the J.P. Morgan Library & Museum (library geekitude!). Then after dinner (which we ate in the apartment), we went to see Juno (which is a cute, fluffy, funny, and heartwarming movie with fantastic characters; go see it! Also, it has catchy music).

On Sunday we had to wait around for the cable/internet guy, so we had tasty scones for brunch and then went to the Met in the afternoon. Sunday was also freaking COLD so we walked very briskly from the museum to the subway, and then made Brittany's siblings go out to fetch dinner for us later. :P

And on Monday we grabbed some tasty pastries at Koryodang before I had to catch the train back.

Things I Learned On The Train:
Somehow or other, Philadelphia is home. I always forget that the train stops there between D.C. and NY, but it does and every time I see the Phila skyline and the PMA and the boathouses along the Schuylkill River, my heart does funny little flippy things and whispers "home". (Not, you understand, as much HOME as California is, but as close as I've felt anywhere else.) Which is incredibly strange because I don't even like Philadelphia that much. There's cool stuff, but it's not a comfy city for wandering around alone. But I really love the townships on the Main Line. Bryn Mawr, of course, and Wayne ("Open Friday nights!"). I could walk everywhere there (bookstores, grocery stores, Peace-A-Pizza, Hope's Cookies... all within a twenty minute or less walk), it was lovely. So I'm thinking that's probably where I want to end up after grad school. If I can get a job thereabouts... If I can figure out what kind of librarian I want to grow up to be... But there is time enough to worry about that.

Other than that, I have been working. And generally being very boring. Spring term starts on Monday, so I'm trying to get myself back into school mode. But I am planning to have an Adventure (or two) this weekend before I get swamped with schoolwork again.

food: cookies, getting from here to there, home, food, friends, movies, bryn mawr, places: new york, libraries

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