First Voyage; Introduction {Video}

Apr 15, 2011 01:08

{There's a video feed coming in, of a large early Victorian sitting room and fireplace. The first thing one might notice, however, is not the period furniture or the formally dressed man in the middle of it, but rather the crowd of animals puttering around him. They're smaller animals, to be sure, but there are a lot of them-a dog, guinea pigs, ( Read more... )

introductions, one man zoo, suddenly--animal clinic

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Comments 101

[video] young_idealist April 15 2011, 08:35:15 UTC
Welcome aboard! [Most Englishmen notice Armand's French accent, if they care about that sort of thing.]

That is quite a menagerie you have there. Perhaps you could talk to Count D. He is very fond of animals, too.


[Video] whynotamus April 15 2011, 09:57:13 UTC
{He'll notice, but not say anything.} Thank you! Wonderful to hear there is another about with similar interests. I will definitely seek him out. Yes, I didn't quite think I'd be able to have this many with me, but as it turns out this is a very large ship.


[Video] young_idealist April 15 2011, 11:41:53 UTC
It is rather large. And I think you most definitely added to the population.


[Video] whynotamus April 15 2011, 11:50:29 UTC
Yes, yes, {laughs} I rather think I did, didn't I? I am just ever grateful that there is enough room. I'd hate for everyone to fight over spaces to sleep.


darknessb4me April 15 2011, 09:43:22 UTC
You brought all your fucking pets. All of them. Why.


whynotamus April 15 2011, 09:59:17 UTC
Now, really. {Language, language.} I wouldn't call most of them pets, as they do take quite good care of themselves. I prefer to think of them as companions; I do believe most are here of their own accord.

{Pause.} Well, not here, in this place, but with me, that is.


darknessb4me April 15 2011, 10:20:23 UTC
[It would be faster just to say "because i am a batshit hippie," Arthas thinks.]


whynotamus April 15 2011, 10:46:10 UTC
{...It would be faster, and not entirely inaccurate, no.}

Leaving them behind simply just wouldn't do. Chee-Chee has accompanied me on most voyages, and Polynesia all of them, save one. The moon is not so agreeable to parrots, you see.


strangehstorian April 15 2011, 09:44:48 UTC
Welcome to the Barge, Doctor!

[Utterly unfazed.]


whynotamus April 15 2011, 10:00:48 UTC
Thank you, Miss! We are quite glad to be here! Chee-Chee seems upset at having left some of his friends behind but he'll soon come around. It isn't as though he is alone here, despite what you might believe to hear him carrying on, good heavens.


strangehstorian April 15 2011, 10:22:13 UTC
Do they all speak coherently on your world?


whynotamus April 15 2011, 10:44:36 UTC
I should think that all animals speak coherently on every world. {Multiple worlds! Yes, yes this is entirely fascinating!} So few have taken the time to sit down with them and listen. Or, more to the truth, so few have had the opportunities I've had. Polynesia has been a most excellent tutor in the art of animal language.


tadwizard April 15 2011, 13:25:17 UTC
[Tony has a beautiful rainbow boa coiled around his shoulders.] And this is Machu.


whynotamus April 16 2011, 06:07:59 UTC
Good-day to you. {Looking directly at Machu.} And good-day to you, sir! My, what spectacular colouring. Wherever did you find such a marvellous creature?


tadwizard April 18 2011, 03:18:00 UTC
He was my ex-boyfriend's. He left him behind when he left the Barge.


whynotamus April 18 2011, 08:05:59 UTC
Oh. Ah. {Awkward pause.} That is very good of you, snakes have such distorted reputations. {Still a bit awkward.}


vinkus_witch April 15 2011, 13:28:29 UTC
Fascinating. [Chistery comes up beside her, and points at Chee-Chee and makes a noise.] And this is Chistery.


whynotamus April 17 2011, 18:25:01 UTC
Good heavens! I don't believe I've ever encoutered a winged monkey before. Can he fly? Most remarkable creature.

{And Chee-Chee is making a chimpanzee fuss meanwhile.} Yes, Chee-Chee. I'm sure he's being well cared for; there's nothing to worry about. {Looking back at the video.} Terribly sorry about that, Chee-Chee does sometimes assume the worst. Are such monkeys common in your country?


vinkus_witch April 18 2011, 22:29:00 UTC
He can fly, and yes, he's being well cared for. Flying monkeys are very rare, actually. And...I can infer what Chee-Chee's saying, but I can't quite understand him, but I understand his concern. The worst is usually correct.


whynotamus April 18 2011, 22:56:09 UTC
Fascinating, so very fascinating. Those wings must be so very powerful; he just might get Chee-Chee jealous. There are really only two ways Chee-Chee sees the world, either in animal is in great distress and there is no place for them but here-well, I say here but I refer to our house in Puddleby-or everything is so much better somewhere else and he can't wait to leave.

{Dolittle puts his hands on his hips, giving Chee-Chee an amused look.} He always seems to come back, though.


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