First Voyage; Introduction {Video}

Apr 15, 2011 01:08

{There's a video feed coming in, of a large early Victorian sitting room and fireplace. The first thing one might notice, however, is not the period furniture or the formally dressed man in the middle of it, but rather the crowd of animals puttering around him. They're smaller animals, to be sure, but there are a lot of them-a dog, guinea pigs, ( Read more... )

introductions, one man zoo, suddenly--animal clinic

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tadwizard April 15 2011, 13:25:17 UTC
[Tony has a beautiful rainbow boa coiled around his shoulders.] And this is Machu.


whynotamus April 16 2011, 06:07:59 UTC
Good-day to you. {Looking directly at Machu.} And good-day to you, sir! My, what spectacular colouring. Wherever did you find such a marvellous creature?


tadwizard April 18 2011, 03:18:00 UTC
He was my ex-boyfriend's. He left him behind when he left the Barge.


whynotamus April 18 2011, 08:05:59 UTC
Oh. Ah. {Awkward pause.} That is very good of you, snakes have such distorted reputations. {Still a bit awkward.}


tadwizard April 18 2011, 21:58:57 UTC
Yeah. [Awkward pause as he realizes the reason for the awkward pause.] Really, they're not bad.


whynotamus April 18 2011, 22:29:31 UTC
Ah, well, I will defer to you on this, as I...have no experience...on the matter. {He's...not talking about snakes.}


tadwizard April 18 2011, 22:42:13 UTC
...yeah. [Tony's sensing this.]


whynotamus April 18 2011, 22:57:33 UTC
{Awkward shift back to talking about the snake.} Do you know how old he is? Or from where your...acquaintance obtained him?


tadwizard April 19 2011, 00:35:05 UTC
He's about...a year and a half old. And I don't know where he's from. He came from the Admiral, but I don't know where he got him.


whynotamus April 19 2011, 17:55:15 UTC
He's a remarkable specimen. Quite creatures, snakes. So few of them have anything much to say; the most valuable bit of snake tongue you can learn is 'I'm sleeping; I'd rather not be bothered,' since it the most likely thing you're liable to hear.


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