Fic: A Drabble A Day Digest (May 1 - 7)

May 07, 2014 10:01

Title: A Drabble A Day Digest (May 1 - 7)
Author: QWERTYfaced
Wordcount: 100 x 7
Rating: G through PG
Characters: Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Mozzie, Diana Berrigan, Clinton Jones, Theo Berrigan, June Ellington
Genre: Drabble, gen, humor, angst
Notes: For various prompts at whitecollar100, and my A Drabble A Day personal challenge.
Summary: I'm trying to write a drabble every day in May. Here's the first week's worth! They're all gen, and mostly humor, though "Finding Summer" is a bit angsty.

May 1 : The Start of Something (Bent)
May 2 : Leather and Lust (Leather)
May 3 : By Any Other Name (Burn)
May 4 : Husband of the Year (Launder)
May 5 : Our Hope for the Future (Toes)
May 6 : Drastic Times (Wake)
May 7 : Finding Summer / Special Recipe (Grass)

character: neal caffrey, genre: gen, character: june, character: clinton jones, character: mozzie, type: fanfiction, character: diana, author: q, genre: angst, rating: g, character: peter burke, character: elizabeth burke, rating: pg, genre: crack/humor, word count: 100 (drabble)

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