Translations for the new single's messages. This one is for Aiba. I'll do all of them as they show up.
みなさんこんにちは、相葉雅紀です。これは『One Love』のPV撮影中に書いてます!!楽しい一日ですよ!!ワキアイアイとした空気の中で出来てます。楽しみにしてて下さいね!!すごく柔らかい雰囲気のPVになると思います。
Aiba Masaki
Hi everyone, Aiba Masaki here. I'm writing this during the photoshoot for the 『One Love』 PV!! Its been a fun day!! We've been able to do it in a very harmonious environment. Please look forward to it!! I think this PV has a very soft and pleasant feel to it.
Actually I really love this song. It really makes you feel warm inside. The thing I love most is waking up in the morning and opening the curtains and then listening to this song... If you think I'm trying to deceive you, please try it at least once!
Notes: None. This was pretty straight forward. D: