And here is Ohno's message for the 『One Love』. I've already translated Aiba's
『One Love』!!いいねぇ~!!いい曲だねぇ~!最初聴いたとき、ん?どっかで聴いたことある?っていうくらい自然に耳に入ってきたよー!ということは最高 にステキな曲ってことです!レコーディングのときもすごく歌いやすくていい流れで歌えました!だから皆もいっぱい聴いて『One Love』にハマっちゃって下されぇ~!!
Ohno Satoshi
『One Love』!! Awesome!! Its such a good song, huh!! The first time I heard this song I thought, "Eh? Haven't I heard this somewhere before?" It sounded just that natural to my ears[1]! In that way its the most lovely song[2]. During the recording too, it was so easy to sing; it went smoothly[3]. Therefore, everyone please listen to 『One Love』 a lot and get hooked on it[4]!
[1] Lit. "It entered my ears just that naturally."
[2] Here he says ステキな and that word can be translated like 30 ways: beautiful, lovely, dreamy, splendid, marvelous, magical, just to name a few. I translated it as I felt was approriate, but since each of these words has different conotations in English, take your pick.
[3] Lit. "We were able to sing it flowingly."
[4] The word he uses here is 嵌る, which also has many applicable translations. I just picked 'to be hooked' cause its way more funny than the rest. I also think that is what he meant. XD