Book about digging to China

Mar 03, 2013 22:09

When I was a kid, I read this (fictional, of course) book about a little girl who dug a hole all the way through the Earth to China. What made it stick in my head is I remember trying to replicate what she did by digging a hole in the garden with my hands, but the dirt kept falling back in the little hole that I'd made so I gave up. I also remember studying geography after that because it fascinated me to know that China was supposed to be on the exact other side of the Earth from the USA.

Another reason I'd love to read this book again is I told my niece and nephew about it when they were both under the age of 10 and then we went to the park. My nephew got a bunch of kids and they started trying to dig a hole in the playground dirt. XD Eventually he turned and said to me, "You're right, it can't be done." Still makes me LOL to think of it.

It was an American book published sometime before 1985. I've tried searching for it but had no luck. Does anyone remember it?

childrens' book, book, 1980s, 1970s

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