Children's book about a duck (NOT Make Way For Ducklings)

Feb 06, 2012 19:06

When I was a kid I had an illustrated book published in probably the '40s-'60s about a little girl (whose name I have forgotten) who got a duckling as a birthday present. Her parents (and I think just about everyone else she knows) tell her ducks are trouble but she doesn't care. Of course, the duck gets into a ton of scrapes throughout the book. As the duck (which I seem to remember is just called Duck) grows, it is transferred to exponentially larger swimming receptacles. I remember it swimming in a washtub and I think later a watering trough? Eventually the duck gets too large/troublesome to keep and the girl and her family have to drive out to the local pond to set Duck free. Also somewhere along the line (near the end I think) Duck lays eggs which hatch, so its name is changed to... Mrs. Duck.

I can ALMOST see the cover in my head but not the title. Anyone else read this one?

EDIT: AAUGH after some extensive Googling and misremembered titles I finally found it. It was A Duck For Keeps. (

!found, 1950s, 1940s, 1960s, book

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