
Apr 20, 2009 06:08

This book came out with in the last 1-2 years. It was the author's first book.

Took place mostly in england long time ago. Time escapes me but its before electricity.

Starts off in India or somewhere of the like. This white woman is put on the auction block to be sold into slavery. A sultan is bidding on, and eventually wins her.

In the crowd is a english guy who happens to be visiting the auctions with a friend of his (the sultans nephew?) and is appalled by what he sees.

after the girl is sold, but before she can be raped, the man makes a daring and dashing rescue in which he fights off lots of guards, takes her out of her make shift prison/love shack, runs from roof to roof and eventually delivers her to her family's estate.

then it skips forward a year or several later....

Girl is a ship's captain working for her family (based in an American colony (because she is American too)). She is staying in england at a friend's estate.

Guy who is her friend's guardian's best friend comes to visit (who just happens to be the guy that saved her so long ago)...each of them recognize the other but does not admit it (for some odd reason) and they have this whole cat and mouse game trying to figure out if the other remembers.

The girl is once again a target, however, because she has some valuable information, a rug i think that is also a map. she is re-kidnapped by slavers and given to the sultan agian.

Her man and brothers go over to save her once more, start a revolution. only the girl is kidnapped AGAIN....but manages to escape while blowing up the ship and killing everyone.

she nearly dies but is saved by her father, who was thought to be dead but in reality, had been imprisoned in Africa for decades, and is reunited with her family and friends.

I can't remember the title or any character names. it seems like it's forever ever on the tip of my tongue.


british, english, 2000s, book, american, indian, author, history, character, automobile, african

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