Surgery Update on my Dad

May 17, 2006 15:29

He made it through with flying colors. By less than four hours after they finished the surgery, they had him off the ventilator and sitting up! The doctors said that everything went perfectly, and they didn't even have to give him blood during the surgery. They ended up doing a triple bypass (instead of the planned double), and he got a bovine aortic valve instead of the earlier planned pig valve.

One downside, that will hopefully get him motivated to quit smoking is that the anesthesiologist said that his lungs were all black when they had him open on the table.

It's hard to believe that just a few hours ago his heart was on a tray in some ice outside his body, and he was on the full cardio/pulmonary bypass machine.

All the nurses and doctors said he's done wonderfully and is making quicker than usual progress so far on recovery... they had said that he might not wake up until 5-6 hours after the completion of surgery, so he was ahead of schedule.

So thank you to everyone who has given good wishes, and keep them coming. He'll be in the ICU overnight and then will spend another 5-6 days in the hospital.

My aunt has decided to stay to keep my Mom company for one more night, so my brother Nick will be driving me home. He's got to go install two doors at his new house (under construction) before we take off, so I have no idea when I'll be leaving. We're still at the Mario Castega house on the hospital campus (where I stayed last night).

Thanks again everyone for the prayers and vibes and healing karma!

dad, heart, surgery

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