Someday (9/?)

Jun 05, 2008 18:41

Title: Someday
Chapter Title: Tenderness (9/?)
Author: wakingnitemarex / hatemetoday_xx
Pairing: Cookstro
Rating: MC [Mature Content]
Word Count: 2869
Summary: Someday I'm gonna be your lover, and someday, you're gonna be all mine..
Disclaimer: In a perfect world, I would own these three men, since the world isn't perfect, we have fan fiction. I don't own any of the other characters mentioned, either.
Author's Notes: Here it is, bbs. Sorry about the wait. Hope you enjoy it. The chapter's ending is rather fluffy, hope you don't mind. :D Feedback is loved, as alwaus. <33 [I'll cross post to all the coms as soon as I get home. I'm heading out the door, like, now.]

Chapter 1 PG Chapter 2 PG Chapter 3 M for Mature Chapter 4 PG 15 Chapter 5 M - R Chapter 6 PG-15 Chapter 7 PG-15 Chapter 8 R - NC17

The first thing Michael sees when he steps into the apartment is Jason's discarded shirt on the floor, and he lets out a low sigh. Warily, he heads towards the bedroom, hesitating at the door. He listens, and hears only silence, thus assuming that it is safe to enter.

He was only half right. It was safe to enter in the sense that he clearly wasn't interrupting anything, but even if he maybe he should have been, he hadn't been prepared to walk in on the two men laying together, completely naked.

"Could you two please try to remember that you're not the only ones that live here?"

At the sound of Michael's voice, Jason gives a small squeak of surprise, and rolls off of David, immediately grabbing for the blanket at the end of the bed. He's wearing the expression of a child who's just been caught sneaking sweeties out of the cookie jar, which, Michael supposes, is probably rather accurate.

Unperturbed, David just props himself up on his elbow, and looks at Michael, smirking. "Not like you mind."

Michael raises an eyebrow at him, "Pardon?"

"Nothing." He looks over at Jason before pulling the trembling boy back down against him, the blanket now covering both men from the waist down, which is all that really matters. David kisses his forehead gently to sooth him.

Michael takes a moment to finish processing the scene. His gaze falls upon the belts that are hanging loosely from the bedposts, and his attention returns immediately to Jason. His face is burried in David's chest, he is clearly embarrassed, and one of his hands is resting, palm down, against David's chest as well. There is a thick bruise forming in a ring around his wrist, and the flesh is stained with smears of blood from where the leather dug in during his struggles.

Michael honestly isn't sure what to make of this. Should he be angry, because, clearly, Jason has been hurt, or should he just accept it and move on, since Jason didn't seem at all bothered by it?

As if David is reading Michael's mind, he slides his hand carefully up the younger boy's arm, stopping to gently caress his wrist, a sad smile on his face. He looks up at Michael again, reading the conflict in his eyes. He gives the eldest man a reassuring smile as his other hand dances up Jason's back, stopping to rest on his neck.

The younger boy shivers, then presses a kiss to David's chest. He slowly turns his face to look at Michael, a pink blush dusting his cheeks. Michael can't help but smile at the glowing innocence that Jason continues to exude, even after what Michael can assume has just happened.

"You guys should get cleaned up," Michael says after a moment, "Then figure out what you're doing, because, in case you forgot, they want us to know by our rehearsal slots, tomorrow."

David groans, "But I'm comfy," and pulls Jason closer.

Jason giggles and props himself up to look at David. "C'mon, babe, you can't let me distract you from why you're really here." He kisses David's nose.

David smiles, and strains his neck so that he can lean up and press his lips to Jason's, then lays back down. "Alright. You go on, I'll be there in a minute."

"'Kay," Jason stands awkwardly, and Michael tosses him his bathrobe, which has been hanging on the back of the door. Jason catches it, pulling it on immediately. "Thanks."

"No problem," Michael replies, keeping his gaze averted for Jason's sake.

Jason slowly makes his way across the room, and steps into the hall, leaving the door opened behind him.

David sits up, running his hands through his hair. "Sorry about that, man. Guess we lost track of time."

Michael shrugs, looking over at the man on the bed. "Don't you think you're moving a bit fast. He's just a kid."

"He's not a kid," David replies automatically, then gives a small shrug, "And, no. I don't think so." He moves to the edge of the bed, using his foot to pull his boxers closer.

"Right." Michael is still not convinced.

He reaches down, picking up them up, and shuffles into them before standing, and letting the blanket fall away. He gathers the rest of his and Jason's clothes, and bundles them up.

"You know," Michael pauses until David turns to look at him, "I didn't only mean physically when I told you not to hurt him."

"I know," David responds after a moment, "And I don't plan to hurt him. Ever."


"Mikey.. can't you just give us your blessing, and trust me?"

"You want my blessing?", he asks, raising an eyebrow, and almost letting out a laugh, "Then fine, you have it. Just know that if you hurt him, or break his heart, I'm not gonna be very happy. Or forgiving."

David nods, "Thank you," and with that, he leaves, heading to the bathroom. He locks the door behind him when he enters, and sets their clothes down, then strips back out of his boxers.

He steps into the shower behind Jason, and slips his arms around the boy's waist, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. Jason leans his head back against David's chest, and sighs softly.

The two men remain like that for a long moment, silently, with the warm water beating down over them. It feels like forever is passing.

Jason finally turns around to face David, and tilts his face up, kissing him, his hand sliding up David's back to rest at the base of his neck.

David kisses him back, pulling him closer. The kiss is slow, and extremely precious, and it surprises David how much he likes this gentility.

Jason slowly breaks the kiss, and steps further under the shower head. David just watches him for a moment, admiring his undeniable beauty, and Jason blushes as he notices.

The rest of the shower is uneventful. They both wash, barely talking, just letting their kisses speak the words that they can't seem to find. They both know that nothing really needs to be said, anyway.

When they are both cleaned, dried, and dressed, or half-dressed in Jason's case (his shirt still lying by the front door), they venture out to the living room, and David turns on his laptop. He pats the seat next to him, and Jason sits down, resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

David smiles softly, and turns his head just enough to press a kiss to the top of Jason's head, then turns his attention back to the computer screen.

After a while, he finds a good site with a list of Michael Jackson songs listed by year, and decides on a few song.

"What d'you think, Jay? Since MJ was your idea to begin with.."

Jason looks over the list for a second, then points to something on the screen. "This one."

"Billie Jean?" He smiles, "Alright, babe." He minimizes the window and opens his music downloader, typing the song title into the search bar.

He's lucky, because one of the first covers he listens to clicks with him immediately, and he glances at Jason, who's eyes are closed, and gentle smile on his face as he listens.

"I like this," David murmurs, and Jason's eyes crack open a bit.

"Do it, then," he says before kissing David's cheek.

Michael just happens to be coming out of the bedroom as they're listening to it. He pauses. "Wow.. that's really beautiful. Is that what you're singing?", he asks, glancing over at the men on the couch, and David nods. "I take back my comment about you not being able to do Michael Jackson. You'll do amazing on this, Dave."

"Thanks." He cancels the other downloads, and passes the laptop to Jason, who immediately types 'Fragile' into the search bar. "Did you figure out what you're singing yet?" David looks over at Michael for a second.

Michael nods, "Sorta. Still can't decide between We Will Rock You, and We Are The Champions."

Jason glances up from behind his eyelashes. "Do both", he tells him as if it's an obvious response, before looking back down at the computer screen, clicking on the two downloads that he needs; the English and Spanish versions of the song.

Michael just blinks at him for a moment, then sits down. "Y'know.. that might actually work." He looks thoughtful for a moment, already planning out an arrangement. "Yeah.. Yeah. I might do that."

Jason just smiles, "'Welcome."

"Thanks, Jay."

David wraps his arm around Jason's shoulders. "You're just full of good ideas today, aren't you?" He nuzzles Jason's neck softly with his nose, then presses a soft kiss to the skin.

Jason smiles brighter. "I guess.. yeah!" His eyes close as he relaxes into David's touches, "Mmm." Slowly, his eyes flutter open again, his eyes refocusing on the computer.

The three roommates work on their song choices well into the night, all of them fixing around their arrangements until they're perfect. Jason falls asleep long before the other two men finish, curled around himself on the couch, with his dreads hiding most of his face.


The next day is insanely hectic. Between studio rehearsals, and regular practicing, Jason and David barely have a moment to breath, much more, to see each other.

It isn't until around 7 p.m., after dinner, when they can finally head home. Michael, bless his soul, has made plans to spend the evening with his wife, and so the new couple have to apartment to themselves for a few hours.

Jason flops down onto his bed, rolling onto his side to look at David. He yawns, then laughs. "Why is life so non-stop around here?"

David just chuckles, and sits down next to the boy, sliding his hand up Jason's leg. "'Cause it is." He leans down, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's temple.

Jason rolls back over onto his back, arching up slightly that his lips meet David's. The kiss is soft, and sweet, and over way too soon.

The older man shifts his position until he is straddling Jason's chest, then smiles. Jason returns the smile with a lazy one of his own.

"I take it you're not gonna let me sleep, are you?" Jason quirks an eyebrow, gazing up at David, who just smirks.

"Not unless you really just want to sleep."

Jason thinks for a long moment, before grinning. "I suppose I could last a few more hours."

"You could, could you?", David asks, sliding back so that he's sitting over Jason's hips.

Jason nods, "Mmhmm." His eyelids flutter softly closed, his eyelashes casting long and delicate shadows over his cheeks, as David's hand works slowly to unbutton Jason's shirt. His eyes open again when he feels David's lips against his skin, and he smiles. He lets out a soft moan as his boyfriend's tongue trails over his left nipple, and he can feel the blood that's rushing straight to his cock.

David smiles when he feels Jason going hard beneath him, and he brings one of his hands up to gently pinch Jason's right nipple while he continues to suck on the left one.

"David", Jason gasps softly, his eyes fluttering closed again. He arches his back against David's touches, and moans again when David kisses a trail up over his chest, and throat, skipping over his lips to kiss the tip of his nose, his eyelids, and his forehead.

Jason pouts softly, opening his eyes a crack. He reaches up to gently caress his lover's cheek. "Kiss me." It comes out more as a plea than a demand, but that's okay.

David purrs softly as Jason's hand gently strokes his cheek, and he obliges, pressing his lips delicately to Jason's. He keeps his eyes open, watching as Jason's close, his soft eyelashes dusting across the apples of his cheeks.

"God, you're beautiful," he murmurs against Jason's lips, and he sees the boy blush, "So beautiful." He gently runs his fingertips over Jason's cheek, across his bottom lip, and down his neck, before kissing his lips again.

"No 'm not," he breaths against David's fingertips. His hand slides up to rest at the base of David's neck when he kisses him again.

The older man frowns slightly, "You are, Jason." He trails his lips down Jason's neck, to his shoulder, "Every. Little. Bit. Of. You.", and each word is punctuated with a kiss to Jason's golden skin.

Jason doesn't reply, knowing that there's no point in disagreeing. He pets David's hair gently, and opens his eyes to look at him. A soft smile graces his features as he watches him. David is the beautiful one, not himself. His hand moves to cup David's chin, pulling the older man's face back up to his own, then presses his lips to David's. His tongue slides shyly across David's bottom lip, and his lover's mouth opens to allow Jason access. His eyes close as he gives a contented purr.

David's eyes close as well, and he gently strokes his tongue against Jason's. He's not used to Jason's shy, gentle ways, but he can adapt. For awhile.

He rolls them over so they are both laying on their sides, and snakes his arm around Jason's waist to pull him closer. Jason's opened shirt slips off, and he purrs again when he feels David's fingers lightly tracing over the skin on his lower back.

Jason slowly slides his hand up the front of David's shirt, laying his palm flat against his lover's heart.

David's slides his free hand up to cover Jason's, intertwining their fingers. He breaks the kiss, bringing his mouth to Jason's ear, softly whispering the words, "Every beat is for you." He kisses Jason's cheek when he sees the blush forming there.

Jason's eyes open slowly, his curly lashes framing the blue oceans perfectly. "You're really sweet, Dave," he murmurs shyly. He meets David's gaze, and David's heart practically melts, and he has to grant his angel another soft kiss for that.

Jason smiles, leaning in as David starts to pull away, which is far too adorable. He rests his forehead against David's chest, and breaths in the older man's scent. He carefully slips his hand out from under David's, and moves it to the hem of his lover's shirt. He fiddles with it for a moment, twirling the fabric around his finger, before finally starting to inch it up, revealing David's stomach. He shuffles down a bit, pressing his lips to the exposed skin.

David's hands move to play with Jason's hair as the boy's kisses trail back up, the shirt being pushed further up his body until he has to pull it off. He gasps softly as Jason's lips close over one of his nipples, his teeth biting at it ever so lightly. Jason's teeth release him quickly, his tongue flicking over it again and again with little kitten licks.

Jason looks up at him, through his eyelashes, while his tongue continues, and David actually moans. That boy is far too precious. His hand moves to the back of his boyfriend's neck, guiding him back up so that they are face to face.

Jason blinks at him, wondering if he'd done something wrong to make David stop him. His lips slowly slip into a pout, and his eyes sadden.

David watches Jason's reaction curiously, until realization dawns on him. He chuckles softly, then presses his lips to Jason's nose. "Don't look so sad, baby," he pulls the boy closer, if that's even possible, and presses their lips together. He feels Jason's body surrender into his arms, and he smiles into the kiss.

His tongue slowly moves into Jason's all too willing mouth, carefully exploring every inch of it, before it gently caresses Jason's tongue.

Jason gives in entirely to David, and just loses himself into the kiss. He's not sure if he's ever been kissed so tenderly before, but if he has, he can't remember it. There's so much love poured into this kiss, from both men, and Jason wonders how David could have ever thought that he'd be bad for him.

When David finally pulls away, resting his forehead against Jason's, panting to catch his breath, the same words escape from breathless lips simultaneously.

"I love you."

chaptered: someday, singer: david cook, fanfic, singer: michael johns, pairing: cookstro, singer: jason castro, tv show: american idol season 7

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