Someday (1/?)

Apr 26, 2008 21:47

Fic Title: Someday (1/?)
Chapter Title: Someday
Author: wakingnitemarex /hatemetoday_xx
Pairing: Jason Castro/David Cook
Rating: PG-13 (will slowly get higher)
Summary: Someday, I'm gonna be your lover, and someday you're gonna be all mine
Disclaimer: I do not own Jason Castro, or David Cook. Nor do I own the lyrics to "Someday" by JC. The fic, and the last 2 'sections' of the song are all that belong to me. :]
Word Count: 745
Author's Notes: So, this is my first AI chaptered fic, at least, I'm planning for it to be. I have a tendancy to not finish things. Feedback would be appreciated and probably make me more likely to continue.

I watch from a distance
Your chest rise, and it fall
And I catch you every time under the covers and in my arms
But it's just a dream, it's all make believe
Cause we're just friends, and friends that's all for now
But it won't be long before you hear this song

David leans against the door frame, watching Jason play his guitar. His eyes are closed as he loses himself into his music, and he doesn't realize that David is there. The emotion that is clear in every syllable makes David feel guilty, makes David feel like this is a private moment that he shouldn't be witnessing, but he can't seem to make himself look away, or even move, for that matter, so he just stands there, watching and listening.

He slowly looks over the boy before him. His eyes raking over Jason's eyelids, and David finds himself wishing that his eyes were open, he yearns for their oceanic depth, they pass over the beautiful, serene smile playing at his lips, moving onto the torso that seems as if it was sculpted to be pressed against the guitar, he finally ends with watching Jason's hands. Those beautiful, slender hands.

And someday, I'm gonna be your lover
And someday, oh, you're gonna be all mine
Someday, best friends forever

He watches as Jason's fingers pick at the strings, as his hand slides up and down the fret-board. The gracefulness of the motions are mesmerizing, and David refuses to believe that his playing resembles this even slightly. Jason's eyes are still closed, and David finds himself entering the room. He moves quietly, barely breathing, lest he startle his angel and make him stop. He pauses a few feet away from the bed where Jason is sitting, not sure if he wants to move closer. No, that's a lie. He knows he wants to move closer, he just isn't sure if he should.

When I think of this whole world and all that it should be
I close my eyes and all I see is you next to me
But it's just a dream, it's all make believe
Cause we're just friends, and friends that's all for now
But it won't be long before you hear this song

David has heard Jason sing this song before, but he knows it's never sounded quite like this. It's never sounded quite so sincere, never been quite so genuine. He swears he can hear the pain in Jason's voice, knows Jason has stopped believing the lyrics. And David doesn't like that one bit. It helps David make up his mind, and he does advance, stopping only once he's reached the end of the bed.

Someday, you're gonna be my lover
Oh, someday, you're gonna be all mine

Jason's eyes snap open as he hears David's voice blending with his own, and his voice dies as he stops strumming, too surprised to continue, but David isn't done yet.

Today, I'm your's forever.
Oh, someday.

David crawls slowly onto the bed, resting in front of Jason. He reaches out, cupping Jason's cheek in his hand, and leans in, inhaling deeply. A smile slips across his face as Jason's eyes meet his, and he sees the amazement dancing in them. He closes the distance between their lips, softly pressing his to Jason's. Jason closes his eyes first, and without them to keep him drawn in, David's close as well. It feels like forever before Jason's hand moves to rest at the base of his neck, and David shivers at the contact; for a guitarist, Jason has amazingly soft hands.

Jason finally breaks the kiss, blushes, and averts his gaze, and David chuckles, using his hand to guide Jason's face back to his. He kisses Jason's forehead gently, before dropping his hand away and leaning back. Jason slowly lifts his hand away from David's neck. The dusting of pink across his cheeks is the most adorable thing David has ever seen, and it makes him smile wider.

They stay like that for a long moment, just watching each other in comfortable silence, and David finally stands up, then walks away, leaving a happy, but very confused Jason in his wake.

chaptered: someday, singer: david cook, fanfic, pairing: cookstro, singer: jason castro, tv show: american idol season 7

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