the storm

Feb 12, 2014 18:47

Who the hell thought Pax was a good name for a crippling winter storm? We're waiting here for the snow to start. Looks as if they're ordering everyone off the roads in advance. #2 overheard the school principal telling someone school was closed tomorrow FOR SURE. And I don't doubt it.

I'm angsting over work, where I have an experiment set up that ( Read more... )

family, weather, work

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Comments 6

wendelah1 February 13 2014, 05:50:53 UTC
We're still having our drought. No rain in sight this week or next.

Stay safe and warm.


vjs2259 February 14 2014, 01:37:43 UTC
That drought sounds awful. Are there water restrictions? I've been reading about the price of almonds and things rising due to this.


wendelah1 February 14 2014, 01:47:43 UTC
Yes, in a sense water has been rationed here for as long as I can remember. We can only water outside on certain days. Low consumption toilets and shower heads are mandated. The water is priced in tiers and you only get so much at the cheap rate. Car washes all recycle their water.


vjs2259 February 14 2014, 12:05:44 UTC
I've lived in places where the toilets and shower heads were mandated in new construction (although I've always lived in old construction!) But tiered water pricing, wow. Do you regularly hit your limit of the cheap stuff or is it set at a fairly reasonable level? Lawns get a lot of the water here, but we don't have much of a yard and don't take care of it anyway. I'd love to rock the whole area. Or moss it, although that's a water hog until it's well established. I do water plants when it's hot and we've had some wicked hot summers the last few years. The state government pushed through a surtax on water but that was to help with the clean-up of the poor old Bay. I've been convinced for a while that water is going to be the next big focus of conflict.


kungfuwaynewho February 13 2014, 17:59:23 UTC
Ugh, that sucks about having to go in anyway. The only redeeming factor of massive storms is getting to stay home and be safe and warm and all bundled up. So hopefully it won't be too bad.

I am finding the winter storm naming thing to be really strange.


vjs2259 February 14 2014, 01:40:09 UTC
It wasn't too bad a storm though the driving was a little treacherous. I lived in Cleveland and Boston prior to this so I'm more used to it than most. It was spooky at work though. Not a soul on my floor. School's closed tomorrow too, but the boys are old enough to stay home by themselves.

It is an odd thing, the naming. It's so CNN, the whole banner across the bottom of your screen.


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