the storm

Feb 12, 2014 18:47

Who the hell thought Pax was a good name for a crippling winter storm? We're waiting here for the snow to start. Looks as if they're ordering everyone off the roads in advance. #2 overheard the school principal telling someone school was closed tomorrow FOR SURE. And I don't doubt it.

I'm angsting over work, where I have an experiment set up that needs done tomorrow or not at all. It's part 2 of a projected 4 and the first part didn't go real well. I set up experiments 1-2 weeks in advance so who knew Pax was in the works? *sigh* It's not like I WANT to go to work; I just feel guilty having all the prep go to waste. So I'll wait and see. Vicious killer storms have petered out before, and it's all supposed to be done by morning. I could go in and salvage some of it in the afternoon. Yuck. At least I got everything else buttoned down (until Friday anyway).

If the University closes and I work anyway I usually slope off early later in the week. Not exactly kosher, but it alleviates some of the resentment. But I also feel bad for all those essential employees who have to work no matter what. They have just as much trouble, and potential danger, getting in but it's required. A couple of years ago when we had Snowmaggedon they put up the essential folk in nearby hotels, preferentially asking the single and/or childless to cover for those who couldn't leave dependents.

Waiting on R to get home then we're all settled under one roof for the storm. We'll have dinner and a fire and some wine if we have any...looks like there's a bottle in the rack. Sufficient unto the day is the weather thereof. Stay safe and stay warm.

Total aside: I haven't forgotten that 15 characters meme. I've finished one for
wendelah1  except for verb tense difficulties and am halfway through the other.
idella , yours may be more of a thought experiment as I'm further away from one fandom than I thought. They will be coming along.

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family, weather, work

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