Sep 08, 2004 18:59
Spent last night over Amanda's place till 2, at a sort of real world watching party(I hate MTV but I've watched the Real World since season 1 NYC). I also helped Amanda with her webpage homework, she doesn't even know how to RIGHT CLICK, and I didn't laugh at her. Amanda and her roommate Kristen were shocked that there were not just the "token gay male housemate" but TWO gay male housemates, Willie and Karamo. Karamo's orientation wasn't made blindingly obvious the second he met everyone so the girls were in shock when he answered the question "have you been to a gay bar before? with "Yeah, all the time." The look on token frat boy Logan and token jock MJ's faces was CLASSIC.
Then there was a heated debate over if he was "kidding", that his voice was too deep to be gay, that he was too athletic to be gay and why gay men tend to look much better than schlubby straight guys. I just sipped my drink and tried not to laugh at them too openly. I am happy that it's taking place in Philly, I love Philly and I'm utterly East Coast so I'm glad anytime we get represented. Bay-bee Bay-bee, okay I'm stoping now before I murder innocent butterflies.
Come on MTV show me lots of hot guys making out. "Gay men are in like lesbians were in the nineties." (Forget where I read that but it cracked me up.) I'm all for teh hawt mansex.