Children Games

Nov 17, 2010 18:29

Characters: bequeathal and vatheon
Location: The Park
Time: Dusk
Style: Any :3
Status: Open (just nobody eat him, I'm looking at you Amaterasu!)

He's Just A Little Batty! )

amaterasu, kazutaka muraki, alucard (hellsing), alucard (castlevania), altaïr ibn-la'ahad, akechi mitsuhide, kagome higurashi

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Comments 124

eatingwings November 17 2010, 18:38:33 UTC
A massive, ominous shadow emerged, covering Adrian. Out of it came a massive, black bat with six red eyes that landed on the edge of the bench. Its infernal head was adorned with a crown of vicious, demonic looking horns. Alucard's found you Adrian. My, my. You are quite an adorable little dhampire bat.

The No Life King crawls along the edge getting closer to the dhampire bat. When he got close enough, he nudged the dhampire bat's head with his nose.


bequeathal November 17 2010, 18:46:08 UTC
What a strange feeling, as frightful and shocking as that creature should have been, Adrian knew exactly who it was and he crawled to meet Alucard; dragged himself along very slowly with his tiny claws.

When he was close enough he began to squeak repeated, as if whining for attention.


eatingwings November 17 2010, 18:51:31 UTC
The sound that came out of the Vampire King's mouth was nothing like the adorable squeak Adrian had. No, his voice was infernal, rumbling, demonic. It was more akin to a disjointed growl than anything else.

Alucard crawled closer to Adrian, wrapping a massive, leathery wing around the tiny dhampire bat. The vampire nuzzled his magnificent, regal forehead against Adrian's tiny one.


bequeathal November 17 2010, 19:48:31 UTC
You're... so large and magnificent, Father

Adrian thought to himself, leaning his tiny body against Alucard's weight. He was lost in those wings...


wavesoakedlegs November 17 2010, 19:14:37 UTC
Well, now. This was unusual. Mitsuhide stared at the little bat in view for a moment. He was pretty sure he'd never seen one before in Vatheon, at least within the main dome. What was it doing, laying down like that?

A very small smile. The young samurai was not having one of his better weeks, after all, and he'd gone out for a walk to clear his mind. It was not working all too well.

"A creature kin to Lord Motochika," he muttured slowly. "That is probably not a good place for you, little one."

Not that there was anything he could do about it... Mitsuhide shook his head and sighed.


bequeathal November 17 2010, 20:08:33 UTC
Who was that now? Adrian had almost fallen asleep when he suddenly heard a very familiar voice. He sat up (as best as he could in this roly-poly shape) and seemed to visibly squint at the figure... But it was no good, he was practically blind... Good thing he recognised the voice though.

That was Mitsuhide.

Adrian desperately wanted to say something to him but the best that came out were a few high pitched squeaks. Oh, he felt so little!


wavesoakedlegs November 17 2010, 20:16:14 UTC
...that was interesting behaviour. Mitsuhide raised a slender eyebrow and kneeled down next to the bench, so he could examine the tiny creature more closely. It certainly didn't look unusual, but this was Vatheon, after all. Who could judge by sight alone?

"You could almost be trying to talk to me," he said. "Though that is likely my imagination... and yet, here I am, continuing to talk to you, little bat."

He flicked a lock of hair out of his face.

"Better than talking to myself, I would suppose."


bequeathal November 17 2010, 20:19:32 UTC
Adrian had no idea what came over him, perhaps this form made him feel a little childish, a little young, or possibly just naughty and playful. But, as if to scare or tease Mitsuhide, he sat up straight being the round little thing he was and extended his wings. Not to fly, but to show off his wingspan and, maybe, to look just a little bit frightening.

Of course, he didn't look even the slightest bit scary. He looked like a tiny bat, sitting on a bench, showing off it's wingspan.


limitless_land November 17 2010, 21:46:23 UTC
He'd just escaped Kairi's constant questions and Sora's worried gaze, and seemed to be a little weary from the stress of it all, as he entered the park. He was about to take a seat on the aforementioned bench when he noticed a little bat resting on it- ...Well, that was a first.

Riku tilted his head to the side for a moment, seemingly studying the vampire bat for a few seconds before shrugging it off mentally and taking a seat next to it. "What a crazy week..."


bequeathal November 17 2010, 21:49:12 UTC
Adrian had seen this boy somewhere before, only he had had little ears and a tail. The thought would've made him smile if he could've and he shifted to sit up. A small ball of fur and fluff and leathery little wings.

He squeaked a few times, pulling his wings up as if somehow greeting Riku.


limitless_land November 17 2010, 21:54:00 UTC
Which is why he commented, saying that it had been a rather crazy week. ...Okay, that was a little cute...and odd - seeing a bat sit upright instead of the usual upside-down that he was familiar with growing up on the Islands. Something was definitely up with this bat.

"Hey there," he replied, hoping that was a greeting. ... And seeing those wings pull up, he was reminded of his Keyblade. After all, its design did consist of dove and bat wings...


bequeathal November 17 2010, 22:07:45 UTC
Riku seemed so huge.

Adrian made the effort to try and stand but his legs were far too small and stumpy to support his weight and he toppled forward, in a sort of meek, all-fours, crawling position. He seemed to squeak another whine. He was much more graceful when he flew...


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bequeathal November 17 2010, 22:30:35 UTC
Blood. Blood.

Adrian could smell it and it quickly piqued his interest. He didn't quite feel so fatigued anymore and he sat up (somewhat wobbly) as his tiny, beady eyes squinted to try and see who had brought whatever it was that was so bloody. Damn these little eyes, he thought, he couldn't see!

Perhaps he could just get a little closer... Maybe he'd be able to smell it better then too!

Since he couldn't exactly walk in this form he flopped forwards (onto all fours) and crawled slowly, he probably wouldn't be noticed... after all, he was quite small!


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treadjack; haaaaay eatingwings November 17 2010, 23:52:30 UTC
A large ominous shadow appears, engulfing the assassin and the dhampire bat. A massive black bat, with six searing red eyes and a crown of demonic horns jutting out of its forehead swooped down in front of the tiny dhampire bat.

Alucard wrapped a large leathery wing around his child, his eyes staring at Altair. He looked more like a demonic and regal looking fruit eating bat than the vampire ones. Nevertheless, he opened his hellacious jaws to speak. The voice was not of Adrian's tiny adorable skreeees, oh no no no. 'Tis a disjointed and demonic purr, more akin to a growl.

The Nosferatu inclined his crowned head towards the assassin.


to_takamagahara November 17 2010, 22:40:53 UTC
[Hey, hey, Ammy is more inclined to feed tiny animals than eat them!

...But what do bats eat. Hmm. Not herbs or grains... probably not fish? But meat seems silly...

Ammy simply sits and stares, deciding what kind of food to offer.]


bequeathal November 17 2010, 22:48:29 UTC
[ Ammy wolf is big next to tiny, fluffy Adrian bat!

Adrian hadn't come across Amaterasu before either, so he was unfamiliar with her and felt somewhat nervous. He did not want to be spotted... but there she was, staring at him

Oh dear... I've been spotted... ]


to_takamagahara November 17 2010, 22:52:03 UTC
[...After some thought, she pulls the bag-o-meat out from her hammerspace fan, setting it in front of the tiny critter.]


bequeathal November 17 2010, 22:56:19 UTC
[ And there was a momentary pause before Adrian crawled slowly, on all fours, towards the meat. He sniffed it carefully, trying to focus on it with his poor eyes, he couldn't see very well. Eventually the scent was just too tempting and he began to nibble at it with teensy teeth ]


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