Children Games

Nov 17, 2010 18:29

Characters: bequeathal and vatheon
Location: The Park
Time: Dusk
Style: Any :3
Status: Open (just nobody eat him, I'm looking at you Amaterasu!)

He's Just A Little Batty! )

amaterasu, kazutaka muraki, alucard (hellsing), alucard (castlevania), altaïr ibn-la'ahad, akechi mitsuhide, kagome higurashi

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wavesoakedlegs November 17 2010, 19:14:37 UTC
Well, now. This was unusual. Mitsuhide stared at the little bat in view for a moment. He was pretty sure he'd never seen one before in Vatheon, at least within the main dome. What was it doing, laying down like that?

A very small smile. The young samurai was not having one of his better weeks, after all, and he'd gone out for a walk to clear his mind. It was not working all too well.

"A creature kin to Lord Motochika," he muttured slowly. "That is probably not a good place for you, little one."

Not that there was anything he could do about it... Mitsuhide shook his head and sighed.


bequeathal November 17 2010, 20:08:33 UTC
Who was that now? Adrian had almost fallen asleep when he suddenly heard a very familiar voice. He sat up (as best as he could in this roly-poly shape) and seemed to visibly squint at the figure... But it was no good, he was practically blind... Good thing he recognised the voice though.

That was Mitsuhide.

Adrian desperately wanted to say something to him but the best that came out were a few high pitched squeaks. Oh, he felt so little!


wavesoakedlegs November 17 2010, 20:16:14 UTC
...that was interesting behaviour. Mitsuhide raised a slender eyebrow and kneeled down next to the bench, so he could examine the tiny creature more closely. It certainly didn't look unusual, but this was Vatheon, after all. Who could judge by sight alone?

"You could almost be trying to talk to me," he said. "Though that is likely my imagination... and yet, here I am, continuing to talk to you, little bat."

He flicked a lock of hair out of his face.

"Better than talking to myself, I would suppose."


bequeathal November 17 2010, 20:19:32 UTC
Adrian had no idea what came over him, perhaps this form made him feel a little childish, a little young, or possibly just naughty and playful. But, as if to scare or tease Mitsuhide, he sat up straight being the round little thing he was and extended his wings. Not to fly, but to show off his wingspan and, maybe, to look just a little bit frightening.

Of course, he didn't look even the slightest bit scary. He looked like a tiny bat, sitting on a bench, showing off it's wingspan.


wavesoakedlegs November 17 2010, 20:25:36 UTC
Okay, that was just cute. Mitsuhide actually laughed warmly at the sight. It was impossible not to, even with all the problems he was dwelling on.

"You are quite a unique one, aren't you?" he chuckled. "One would not normally call a bat 'sweet,' but you most definitely are."

He tilted his head a little and pressed a finger to his mouth. When he spoke, his voice was perhaps a little teasing itself...

"But what magnificent wings!"

...which did make him inwardly laugh at himself. Gracious, was he seriously teasing a bat?


bequeathal November 17 2010, 20:31:03 UTC
Adrian could still hear everything that Mitsuhide said, he understood it too, he almost felt wicked for not revealing himself to his friend but he just... couldn't. He couldn't change back, what would Mitsuhide think? What if it frightened him (and truly frightened him, not like his impressive wings display).

He flapped his wings a few times and squeaked, why was Mitsuhide teasing? Weren't his wings lovely and scary?!


wavesoakedlegs November 17 2010, 20:35:49 UTC
The display wasn't getting any less adorable. It was almost like the bat was... trying to prove something? Maybe it was trying to frighten him off. Did it fear him? No, that couldn't be right. It would have flown away by now if that were the case, surely.

"Oh, I am sorry!" he said, making a little gasp and jumping backwards. "I'm supposed to be scared!"

His face twisted into a truly frightened one... for all of a few seconds. At this point Mitsuhide burst into laughter and shook his head.

"Honestly, I do not know what is wrong with me right now..."


bequeathal November 17 2010, 20:38:17 UTC
Oh now Adrian was offended and he turned around (with a little awkward difficulty) so that his back faced Mitsuhide (wings down and tucked away). He was just making fun, no fair, he was a terrifying bat, for goodness sake!


wavesoakedlegs November 17 2010, 20:42:39 UTC
...okay, this bat was definitely aware of what he was saying. He'd not really believed it beforehand, but that behaviour was not something he could argue with.

"You... understand me?" he said, mildly shocked. "Gracious. I do not know why I am surprised at that."

He took a seat next to the bat, a little confused as to what to say.

"Well, it would seem I have offended you, then, little friend. I do apologise. I would offer to make it up to you, but you could not tell me how and I have no clue what I would do."


bequeathal November 17 2010, 20:50:17 UTC
He should've just flown off, Adrian was feeling really quite guilty about this now, he almost felt like he was lying by not telling Mitsuhide the truth.

But the offer of making it up to him was... actually tempting, all that flying had exhausted him and he was feeling hungry. What if, just what if Mitsuhide had some food on him?!

At this idea Adrian's tiny mouth open and he squeaked again, leaving his mouth open as if to say feed me!


wavesoakedlegs November 17 2010, 22:29:31 UTC
The samurai stared down for a moment, and then nodded thoughtfully. That was a clear enough statement, really. There was a small bag slung at his side, and he opened it up to check through what he'd brought with him.

"I am afraid I only have this," he said, pulling out a flapjack. "But I could perhaps crumble it up for you?"

He did so, leaving a few morsals next to Adrian.

"You must forgive me, I have something of a sweet tooth at the moment."


bequeathal November 17 2010, 22:34:56 UTC
Now that brought on the most excited squeaking yet. Adrian could smell all the sugar, butter and syrup in those little dots of flapjack and he leaned over and hovered them up in an instant managing to get a bit stuck in the fur on his cheek.


wavesoakedlegs November 17 2010, 22:40:02 UTC
Another laugh was earned by that energy, though it was not so much of an amused one as a warm one.

"You like it then?" he said. "I made it myself; Vatheon has been especially good for introducing me to new desserts and treats like this."

He broke up a little more of it for the little bat.

"Such is one of many reasons that I am happy to stay here, even as many wish to go home... but that doesn't matter. I will not bother you with such talk, my friend. Is my apology accepted?"


bequeathal November 17 2010, 22:53:15 UTC
More happy squeaking, and more vacuuming up of that tasty little oaty treat. Oh yes Mitsuhide, you were very much forgiven. And Adrian quite liked the idea of trying this treat when he was human too.


wavesoakedlegs November 17 2010, 23:07:24 UTC
"I will take that as a yes."

Mitsuhide smiled a little more, and stood up again. Perhaps he had been out long enough now. It was getting late, and he never fell asleep easily as it was (not to mention the last, lingering touches of his hangover were still making him a more tired than usual).

"Well, my little friend," he said, leaning over to pull away the dot of flapjack stuck to Adrian, "the night calls, and I must face my dreams. I know not where you came from, but regardless, take care. It would probably be wise of you to find a higher perch soon."

A moment of hesitation. He had not introduced himself... but would a bat who could not talk have need of his name? Considering the many worlds that Vatheon drew its prisoners from, it was wrong to assume that it wouldn't.

" name is Mitsuhide, one who once fought under the bellflower crest... just in case such things are meaningful to you. Farewell."

A little nod of the head, and he began to wander home.


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