Originally published at
VampAmber's Clutter. Please leave any
comments there.
So yeah, I got back a few hours ago from my parents’ place. I went up there for the fourth of July, and it was… interesting. I got the pleasure of trying to convince my step-dad that Pokemon and Speed Racer are animes. I’m still pretty sure he doesn’t believe me, or even my mother, who told him that she watched Speed Racer when she was a kid, and that yes, it was an anime. *giggles* But on a less funny note, I did all my laundry. I had dirty clothes from back before I moved here in October. -_-; But I have clean clothing now! I’m not sure what I should be feeling. It’s been so very long. Heh heh heh…
I barely got to see the fireworks, because I woke up so late. At least I got to see some while I was driving. I got stuck at a stop sign, and ended up seeing the finale of the Indian Lake fireworks, so that works. There were some people a few blocks away who must’ve spent at least $1,000 from the amount of fireworks they were letting off. Way late into the night, and yeah, they were all coming from the same spot. Damn, I wanna do that next year. Grab some of my friends, pool our money together, go on a road trip to Indiana to that fireworks warehouse thing, buy a metric ass ton of things that go boom, then haul everybody and everything up to my parents’ trailer park and let them all off. *drools at the thought*
Mental health-wise, I’m feeling a helluva lot worse than I did when I went into the hospital. I refuse to ever go back to that hospital for anything. First that twat tells me I’m faking it to get out of work, then they kick me out of the hospital cuz I wasn’t making them enough fucking money. Yeah, Kettering Medical Center can suck my cock. I’d buy one, just for them, and cover it in diseases first, that’s how pissed off I am at them. At least I get to see the psychiatrist at 1:30pm today. They wouldn’t give me a new one, even though the doctor at the hospital said they would (fuckhead), so I guess I’m going to have to MAKE her ass listen to me. The tiny bit of pills I’m on is NOT FUCKING WORKING! Gyah! I so hate people right now. Mostly, I just hate my life. Hate it so very much.
And yes, I know I’m not going to get any sleep. I don’t care right now. Let her deal with irritable Amber. She deserves it.