pokemon, ideas, games, community, animal crossing, progress, harvest moon

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  • Slow Going

    usamichan13 May 30, 2009 21:50

    So....like I said last week.....I'm working on the next chapter to "Power of the Pack". And like I also said last week, it's going really, really, really slowly. But it's getting there.

    I'm not sure how good it is, though. Plus, my laptop is developing a deep hatred for me and is not cooperating, so we'll see how well this works.

    progress, road rovers, real life

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  • (Untitled)

    usamichan13 May 23, 2009 20:47

    So, it's real slow going, but I am working on the next chapter for "Power of the Pack." And the more I work on it, the easier it's becoming. I'm hoping to finish it up soon.

    stories, progress, road rovers

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  • To do list

    usamichan13 May 13, 2009 21:15

    Things I want to try and accomplish this summer:

    1. Update "Power of the Pack" (Road Rovers).

    2. Update "Dreams of the Heart" (Sonic the Hedgehog/NiGHTS crossover).

    3. Update "With the Flow" (Mario).

    4. Update "Rattle the Chains" (Super Robot Monkey Team).

    5. Update "Snapshots" (Mario).

    6. Write a new epic Sonic the Hedgehog that my friend ( Read more... )

    videos, ideas, x-men, inspiration, road rovers, super mario, stories, srmthg, sonic the hedgehog, progress, nights

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  • Not dead yet

    usamichan13 Apr 03, 2009 18:31

    *stares* January 18th? That was the last time I updated? Good geez! I really have to get better at that. Honestly, how could I not do anything for nearly three months ( Read more... )

    videos, ideas, wallpaper, road rovers, real life, srmthg, sonic the hedgehog, static shock, progress, harvest moon

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  • Progress....?

    usamichan13 Oct 09, 2008 20:54

    So....I kind of wrote stuff for "Power of the Pack" today. It was only a couple of lines, though. Normally on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I write mostly in the morning before my first class, and try to squeeze out a few sentences between classes. But this morning the door was locked until class started, so I didn't have time to write. I only managed to ( Read more... )

    progress, road rovers, real life

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  • Another "Power of the Pack" update

    usamichan13 Oct 06, 2008 20:59

    So I had some time today, and I managed to write a full page of the next chapter for "Power of the Pack." That doesn't seem like much, but I'm glad I managed to get past that little snag I had before. My only problem now is that I'm afraid I'm not keeping the characters....well, in character. It's kind of hard, given the nature of the show versus ( Read more... )

    ideas, progress, road rovers

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  • A Breakthrough!

    usamichan13 Oct 04, 2008 22:52

    I hope....

    Anyway, I think I've finally thought of a way to start the next scene in "Power of the Pack", and I should start working on it again on Monday (after my test is done), even though I'm still working the research assistant thing and I've got some assignments that also need some working on.

    But I'll do my best to get to it soon.

    progress, road rovers

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  • Excuses, excuses...

    usamichan13 Oct 03, 2008 22:04

    I'll just come out and say it: I've been pretty lazy today. I haven't written anything for "Power of the Pack". I'm still stuck on how to start the first scene, and I've got a test on Monday that I need to study for. But putting all that aside, I just can't get to writing the darn thing. Hopefully I'll figure out what I'm doing after my test is ( Read more... )

    icons, progress, road rovers, real life

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  • "Power of the Pack" update

    usamichan13 Oct 02, 2008 21:49

    Unfortunately, I wasn't able to work on my Road Rovers story today. First off, I'm trying to start the next scene in the chapter and am stuck on how to proceed with it. Second, even if I knew what to write, I didn't have time to write it down. I'm a Research Assistant in a Psychology study, which takes up most of my afternoons. The only time I had ( Read more... )

    tmnt, progress, inspiration, road rovers, real life

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