Mar 25, 2012 22:10
Today, I shut off my phone in attempt to try to catch some sleep and threw it somewhere in my room. It took me awhile to find it but after I rolled in the bed for hours playing with kitty, I decided to turn it on. I had a whole load of texts from Ray and a couple of missed calls from him and my mom. I didn't bother calling them back. I was too tired to deal with anything, but when Ray told me they were still in the kitchen of my dorm I decided to join them. I showered and met up with them, when we decided to head off campus for food and dessert. My other friend, who volunteered to drive had her car parked across campus so we decided to take the walk there.
On the walk there, my mom called me with my grandpa's phone. I thought for a moment it was my grandpa and he was fine and out of the hospital, turned out it was my mom. My mom told me that my grandpa's heart beat stopped today. Everything stopped, everything was zero and the doctors had to bring him back to life. He was supposed to be getting better... Not getting worst, and it hurts, it hurts to know that my grandpa might die soon and I'm not there. I'm tired of only getting bad news from everyone, why can't there be good news? Can someone please shake me awake and tell me that everything's just a bad nightmare and everything was fine?
After the phone call, I was very quiet, we walked to the parking lot quietly and I got into the car sitting in the back by myself. I let Ray and my other friend talk in the front while I just stared at the sky. It was a gloomy day, not bright and sunny and I held kitty while we were in the car. They let me bring kitty out after I asked for their permission and he sits quietly in my bag. I didn't say much during the whole dinner, and instead pretended everything was ok. I laughed and was hyper through out the dinner and night, trying not to worry anyone. Now I'm sitting in the library while Ray is studying besides me, and I don't want to go back into my dorm room. I feel if I'm back there on my bed, I'll just hug kitty tight and cry. Crying by myself in there, all alone, letting everything just sink in like always.