2013.08.13 AD - Failure is but a part of success.

Aug 13, 2019 11:21

<º)))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'.
<º)))>< Translations by ear (aided by Japanese transcripts).
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Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!

"Failure? I've just succeeded in confirming which things won’t work!" [1]

[BGM 'Summer Splash']

Ohh. That's for sure. That's a great quote.
This is a quote by American inventor Thomas Edison. Edison had developed over 1300 inventions in his lifetime. Amazing, huh?

Over his lifetime, right? Especially his 3 biggest inventions, it says here.

First, the device that was capable of recording and replaying sounds, the phonograph. Records? Amazing, right? I mean, it seems like a given to us these days, but that was something humans invented, huh?

Next, the first durable incandescent light bulb. The last is the motion picture camera, the Kinetograph. That's movies. That's even more amazing than photos. That's how it came about, huh?

That's the same with patents, right? Like, a lot of them are created by housewives, right? It comes from going about their daily lives and thinking "this is inconvenient", right? Like washing machines, or the thing that picks up trash. Like, you wouldn't have imagined it.

And like, now we're in the space age. I think we'll get cars that can fly. I think we'll definitely succeed in that. Except there's all sorts of issues with it so they won't let it be openly used. And I think time machines could be possible. It's just that there's various problems with it, right? Like if you go back in time, you might destroy the past. There are problems like that. That's what I think.

I mean, they're even making those things now. So like, I think an age where we've got proper laws in place for those things will be interesting. I mean, like 3D printers... That's the age we're at now! Terrific, isn't it? I think we'll be able to make artificial humans.

Mm. Folks, please watch out! (laughs)

That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!


[1] This seems to be a translation of the quote popularly attributed to Edison:
"I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work!"

That quote itself is a paraphrasing of a line from his 1882 article 'How to Succeed as an Inventor' and/or remarks from various biographies.

Grab the audio for this entry here; courtesy of the lovely


*ad: musings, *arashi discovery, -audio, **嵐, **嵐:大野智

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