2015.04.02 AD - Greetings are opportune mediators.

Apr 02, 2015 07:42

<º))))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'
<º))))>< Translations by ear (and Japanese transcripts if I miss stuff).
<º))))>< Check my FAQ if you have questions.


Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!

"Greetings are opportune mediators." [1]

[BGM 'Sakura']

What? I have no idea!

This is a phrase that means during fights or disputes, if there is a mediator present then you should obey their arbitration. In this case, it means that greetings are the mediators.

There are all sorts of greetings out there, aren't there? Like 'good morning'...

I wonder if that's just a showbiz thing? Even if it's at night - when you arrive at the scene at night, you still say, "Good morning!" (laughs) I wonder why?

Eh? Is that only for showbiz? No matter where you go, it's 'good morning!'. It's something I've always wondered about ever since I debuted. Now, I just say it normally.

That's a mysterious thing, isn't it? 'Good morning!' kinda feels like it has has an element of 'Pleased to be working with you today!'

Now, with 'Good evening!'... (laughs) Kinda has that 'I've come over to play!' feel, right? (laughs)

In other lines of work, I'd like to know how it goes with greeting your colleagues. I'd kinda like to take submissions for this.

Man, but, well... Lately, the number of times that Arashi have had juniors come to our green room to greet us has increased. Mm.

Now it's fine when there's 5 of us. But when I'm alone at work and they tell me, "Ah, your junior has come to see you, is that all right with you?"... Man, I feel nervous. What should I say?

That's, probably... They're the ones who'd feel nervous, you'd think. Right? In any case, they're the ones who are greeting their senior. But I'm nervous too! Of my juniors.

So ultimately, in my case... It's fine if you don't come see me!

Man, um... Truly... I really can't do it. Like to give it a good feel: "Mm. Do your best, okay?" I can't do it!

(laughs) If they're someone who goes fishing, I could at least say, "Wanna go?" (laughs)

So fishing is interesting. You can immediately bond over it. So what I'm happy about is, um, like at the photoshoot location and stuff and when it's known that I fish. So often, there'd really be some staff who fishes and they'd suddenly strike up a conversation.

"Apparently you can catch flounder out there now." Out of the blue!

"Ah, is that so?"

"Have you been, recently?"

(laughs) But really, that's great! It's a great thing there are lots of people who fish out there. That way, it's easy to start a conversation. Mm.

So like, juniors... Please fish. If you do, we can talk for ages. Asking your favour please!

That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!


[1] The phrase is '挨拶は時の氏神' (aisatsu wa toki no ujigami).

Grab today's episode here, courtesy of nepheliads


*ad: fishing, *arashi discovery, -audio, **嵐, **嵐:大野智

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