<º))))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'
<º))))>< Translations by ear (and
Japanese transcripts if I miss stuff).
<º))))>< Check my
FAQ if you have questions.
Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!
"The sequence for taking a deep breath is not inhaling and exhaling; it's exhaling then inhaling."
[BGM 'Sakura']
Ah, is that so?
This was sent in by listener Kanna-san from Saitama. The message reads:
"This is a quote by a professor from the university I attend. We say that we take a deep breath when we're nervous, but actually if you inhale and then exhale, it won't dispel your nervousness. You should literally do as the word says
[1], as if calling out to someone; that is, you should exhale deeply and then slowly inhale. Doing it in this order will dispel your nervousness. Satoshi-kun, when you're feeling nervous, try it sometime!"
Really? I've always just inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth.
Shall I try it?
(exhaling sounds)
(inhaling sounds)
...But I wasn't nervous just now, so I can't tell! (laughs) So I was already there from the start! If you do it when you're not nervous, you can't tell, huh?
I rarely get nervous much, though. Mm. Man, but I'll try it, this backwards thing. Maybe before concerts, just before the actual performance. That's right. There are a lot of ways to breathe, huh? Like there's
long breath and all that, right?
Lately... In the past I was aware of it, that meditation point below your navel. If you're constantly aware of it, your flesh gets harder. It's all a question of consciousness.
Mm. So I totally, well... The area around my stomach, I totally... It's sharp. Yeah. It was, I should say. Yeah.
Now... Honestly, I wouldn't want to show you. (laughs)
It's all squishy. It's pretty close to Nino's, lately. I've let my guard down. A bit too much.
Now, well, I haven't been doing situps. I haven't done anything. Um, I haven't done any long breath or consciousness stuff.
But! The sides aren't affected. My flanks are fine. So like, it feels like it'd drop quickly. I just let my guard down here.
So like, before it's too late, it's 1st April. Time for a change of attitude. I'd like to start working on my abs again. Some push-ups, too. I'll build an impressive body, and like, in 'an-an'...
'Ohno Satoshi, age 34, with this beautiful body'
...that's what it'll say. Yeah.
You'd be a little surprised if I managed that, right? I honestly couldn't show you that now. It's just that... we've entered April now so it's time for a change in attitude. I'd like to have a great body.
But well, today, with one thing or another... It's April Fool's!
Yeah. So even though I don't know how it'll turn out, I'll try it!
That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!
[1] The word for 'deep breath' - 深呼吸 - is composed of the characters for 'deep', 'call out' and 'suck'.
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Did Leader just prank us? ...I can't tell ( ̄■ ̄;)!?
I briefly considered posting some sort of spoof AD translation today but looks like the actual thing itself is good enough! XD