May 30, 2013 12:24
Spent all night awake, in pain with migraine from working too much. Had to cancel work today - so paycheck will be lighter. Also worrying re Sophie. Vet saw her this am, she has another bladder infection. My VISA card is still crying from the $250 bill for exam, lab test and meds. Very nice vet thank goodness, didn't start pressing me to have x-rays and blood tests done. I hate it when that happens as I know that in humans we don't do a huge workup for simple infections. Treat with broad spectrum antibiotic, do testing if no improvement after at least one more antibiotic trial.
Reading vet income generating magazine aimed at pet owners- every article includes statements promoting getting pets seen by vet, blood tests and expensive food sold by vets. There should be a law. They are really pushing the doggie dementia angle. Since when does a dog need to know more than where the food and water are?
Back to bed, hope migraine lets up soon. Too much to do.
real life,