(no subject)

May 15, 2015 11:23

Holy shit Mad Max was awesome :DDD

Yes, some parts were silly, and there were a few little things that grated - Cherlize Theron - I like her a lot, but she just sounded so wimpily out of place among all the different accents and I wish they'd made her use one. I mean she's Afrikaaner, so she knows what one sounds like, I'm sure? The little gaggle of models were a little bit too modelly (the scene where you first get a good look at them everyone in the theater laughed), and behaved embarassingly impractically for the apocalypse (one could argue they were sheltered, of course, but some of what they did was like, come on!). The writing was not too bad, there were some little bumps in the acting, a little too much melodrama at points...the plot with the treatment of opression, water hoarding, etc. was ham-fisted.

But, in the face of the whole experience all of that paled. There was just SO MUCH AWESOME shoveled in there. From the waving pole-cats dangling around, to the badass car designs, to the random stiltwalker scavengers, to the fattened up milk mothers, to the sweet armor, to the really cool looking warboys, to that nipple-accountant guy, to Nicholas Hoult's surprisingly endearing character, to peppering the population with deformity for visual interest, to the hilarious credits with everyone's character names, to cars decorated with TAIKO DRUMMERS AND FREAKY EYELESS GUITAR SHREDDING MUTANTS. The DETAILS! Now I really have to rewatch the original stuff, try to remember and make some comparison. I had SO MUCH FUN watching this movie. Action movies can bore me sometimes, but here all the little punky war-y details (and the environments, actually a lot of the shots were beautiful) kept me riveted! I even like that they really didn't explain much, though usually that annoys me. There kind of have to be sequels for any sense to be made of why we're even focusing on these characters. But, when one's made I'll go.

Saw on a Thursday night to get away from neighbors again -_- will write more about that after this weekend's househunting excursion. *sigh* Oh, also entertaining has beeen Grace and Frankie, the new Netflix series about 2 older women having to restart their lives when their husbands turn out to be gay with each other. Pretty funny (mostly that improvy writing that I like these days), touching at times, some great extra characters, well cast and acted (which helps counteract the sheer unrelatability all these people have to me personally :P), and for some reason it tickles me whenever I see Ernie Hudson in a thing :P This show is oddly comforting to have playing in the background while I'm doing something else, I've already run through the season twice that way :P

Oh, have also been watching R play Valiant Hearts, and it is the most adorable depiction of the horrible events of WWI that we've ever seen :D Cute and sad and fun. Really nice music too, I think a mix of original and public domain? I had to grab up one of the simple, sweet credits songs to play on the piano right away!

music, personal, television, movies

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