if you never hear from me again i got stranded at work when the t stopped running

Jan 04, 2018 01:46

so we're supposed to get a lot of snow tomorrow. like, a foot. the french toast alert is at severe. it's too late to run out and stock up on eggs and milk and bread, but new englanders can possibly comfort themselves with the fact that the weather looks scary but isn't necessarily that unusual. it will however be very cold. again.

(on monday morning when i woke up, my phone said it was 2º.) (fahrenheit.)

a fun thing to do after the snow stops. spoiler: the snow looks like a cake, and what do you do with cake? you cut yourself a piece. :D

first world problem - somerville called a snow emergency starting at eight tonight. fortunately my car was already parked on the right side of the street, but unfortunately i needed to a. do laundry, and b. pay my rent. >.< but if i drove anywhere i'd lose my parking space and not have anywhere to put my car during the snow. i took the bus to the landlady's to drop off my rent, but while the laundromat is close enough to walk to, i don't want to do it carrying a load of laundry. so i'm going to, uh, take some dirty socks and undies to florida and do laundry at my parents' house.

oh, i'm going to florida on saturday to see the parental unit. it's cold there too, but at least it won't be below freezing.

because it's been so cold i let the faucet drip in my bathtub so the pipes don't freeze, and for reasons that escape me, this has resulted in water i can't regulate coming out of the tap, meaning i've been taking the quickest showers in the west, because the water is scalding hot. what fuckery is this? did the cold water pipe freeze but the hot water pipe didn't? this hasn't happened before. (the pipes did freeze one year, tho, for a few days. i had to shower at my parents' house.)

i spent new year's eve at my sister's, where we planned to make fondue (first cheese, then chocolate) and watch the extended versions of all the lotr movies, but we overate on appetizers - the pigs in a blanket from trader joe's are realllly good - and had to have the fondue for brunch on new year's day. it worked for me. :D it was a really nice, really chill nye. and then yesterday i went back to work, yay, where i had stuff to do and mostly did most of it. mostly. today was more of the same, and tomorrow will be dead because even tho the office will be open, i doubt a lot of people will actually come in. i will be there, because i am stupid but also i can get there. there's orientation for the winter interns and new hires tomorrow and friday, so i guess they'll be there too. hopefully.

hanukah is over, but i must share this happy llamakah sweater, because llama.

the aleppo sandwich - a story of a sandwich shop, the best sandwiches in syria, and wanting a taste of home after you've had to leave that home.

this is just a really neat photo of a spacewalk.

i'm tempted by
snowflake_challenge. i haven't been that involved in fandom in a while, but hope springs eternal.

ah nostalgia, fucking cold, what fuckery is this, snowflake challenge, new year's, fun with my sister, outer space, snow, jewstuff

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