ugh, 2017

Dec 31, 2017 15:00

if this year was good for you, personally, professionally, creatively, i'm genuinely happy for you and i hope 2018 is even better. if it wasn't a great year, i emphathize deeply and hope 2018 is better. i mean, my rent went up and i didn't get a raise, i started to start looking for another job, i had to go to the er and will be paying that off for another couple years, i didn't write anything other than bigbang and nano. but i did get to go to chicago and new york, and it was sunny and warm when i went to florida. and i got slightly more random responsibilities at work. and the eclipse was neat. but overall 2017 was a trash fire of a year and i'm not sorry to see it go.

you guys continue to be fabulous, tho, and i still love where i live.

at the gate of the year, the god of doorways is chasing his tail.

put the chairs on the tables if you're the last one out, and don't forget to lock the door behind you when you leave.

new year's

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