i'm cold and full of chinese takeout

Dec 30, 2017 23:59

i have chili cooling off in my crockpot right now - i want it to cool before i put it in the freezer - and yet i ordered chinese takeout because apparently i haven't eaten enough chinese in the past week. clearly i can never have enough.

this chili, except with meat, because it's good chili but the first time i made it i felt like it was missing something, and that something turned out to be a pound of ground beef. but if you're looking for a nice vegetarian chili recipe, that one works.

on thursday i actually had work to do at work! i didn't do all of it, but it also wasn't super time-sensitive. and then i left a little early and met my sister and cousins for dinner at... a chinese restaurant (coincidentally the same place my sister and i went on christmas, and we had the same thing) (the buffet) - they do chinese food and a movie some time between christmas and new year's, because all the kids are off school, and this year i couldn't go to the movie but i could meet for dinner. i like my cousins. they're fun (if occasionally high-maintenance and control-freak) people.

friday i slept in. :D i worked on my writing project for writing group, which is finished! more or less. i don't love it but it's better than my first attempt, and if i have to i can submit it and not be totally embarrassed. i think it's a little long, tho. today i got a very late start - like, my chili wasn't done until 9:15 because i got started so late - but made it to the comic shop eventually. fresh air! snizzle! comics! i seem to have missed a couple issues somewhere, tho.

so it's really cold out, right? on thursday it was 4º when i got up. four. degrees. (it warmed up to 12º by the time i went outside to catch the bus. ooh.) that's not right. those of you who live in parts of the world where it regularly gets that cold, how do you survive? besides heavy coats and long johns under your jeans.

bats! so many cute bats. so many.

elon musk was dismissive about public transportation, and a bunch of people shared their positive public transport stories in response. i love public transportation, i have to say, even though it doesn't go right to my front door and doesn't appear exactly when and where i need it. it gets me places without me having to a. drive, or b. park. and i've had some really fun conversations on the train or while waiting for the bus. i just wish the mbta had the heat lamps that chicago has, because FOUR DEGREES.

it's fucking cold, bats, cooking, fun with the fam, comics, public transportation is the best transp, weekend wrapup, chinese food

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