feeed meeee

Jul 20, 2016 00:29

it's shark week in my house and i want to eat everything. all the time. i'm not even hungry! but i want to stuff my face with bagels anyway. mmmm, carbs.

so the republican national convention is a farce and the party is imploding and i'm reading about it with a little bit of schadenfreude, a little bit of disbelief, and a little bit of whatever the noun form of "appalled" is. just... what the hell is even going on? is this what we've been reduced to? ben carson saying hillary clinton is in league with lucifer? (he said that. on stage. no doubt with a straight face. i have lost the ability to can.) i'm actually starting to feel kind of bad for the sane republicans. i assume there's at least one, somewhere.

and garry marshall died! :( i know he did a lot of things and wrote and produced a lot of tv, but i always think of him in hocus pocus, as this old guy in a bathrobe getting all excited that the sanderson sisters are in his house. he's slow dancing with sarah jessica parker and they both look so blissed out. (the other good part of that scene, of course, is penny marshall as his wife with curlers in her hair and extreme amounts of impatient cranky.)

in more positive news, this is what it might look like to land on pluto. because can't we all use some outer space?

ghostbusters got a couple of scientists from mit as consultants. female scientists, of course. :D they even helped the set and production designers with books and papers and actual scientific equations for better set accuracy. neat! i love it when movies have fairly accurate science.

outer space, politics, science!, rip, schadenfreude is so delicious, ghostbusters, shark week

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