you're all honorary dogs now

Jul 18, 2016 01:33

i think today was the last day i'll get to spend any time in my parents' house. it was definitely the last day to get anything i might want to keep. (the haul included two prints, a painting, my grandma's medical school diploma, and half a family tree.) (my sister has the other half.) i spent some quality time cutting photos, diplomas, and misc certificates out of frames and taking pictures of the non-photos. my mom's mom (the one who had the picture taken of herself and her friends and the lunch, also the one who went off to nyc after she graduated from high school) got not only a diploma from high school, but another certificate saying basically the same thing, plus another diploma stating that she's entitled to admission to high school. i guess it's like a graduation diploma from middle school or junior high. the high school diplomas say she completed the courses in the commercial program, so when my dad suggested she'd gone to business/secretarial school before she went off to new york, he was probably wrong, because she probably didn't have to.

so here's my grandma, eighteen years old, with her diploma in commercial subjects from a high school in the ass end of nowhere, taking herself to new york city, to do... what? i will never know and it is SO FRUSTRATING. someone's writing that story for me, right? :D

my other grandma, my dad's mom, graduated from medical school when she was twenty-one (which i don't think was so unusual back then) and married my grandpa when she was twenty-four. i've seen the engagement announcement, and she does not look twenty-four. she looks older. but she was a baby! but not for the time.

my parents are taking a massive number of unsorted photos with them when they move. fingers crossed we get to go through them sooner rather than later.

it was a little weird driving home from their house tonight knowing that i might not be back.

last night my sister and i saw the secret life of pets which was tremendously fun and so cute it was hard to cope. the animators/production designers/whoever made new york look weirdly like paris, but that wasn't really a turn-off. i highly recommend it, and i don't think you necessarily have to have had a pet to enjoy it.

yesterday afternoon tamalinn and i braved the heat - seriously, it was like 96º - for artbeat, which is a local art fair. they close the street and there's music and food and lots of neat art. and dogs! so many dogs! tamalinn's tiny dog loses her tiny mind at even the suggestion that there might be another dog within, like, fifty feet, but fortunately she's small enough that you can pick her up and carry her off if she can't control herself. it's a good thing she's cute. on the walk home i got to say hi to some chickens and talk to the woman who owns them, and learned that new england chickens can raise their body temp to like 100º, so when four of them huddle up in their little room at the end of their coop, it's like a sauna in there, and thus can they survive being outside in the winter. (i was concerned.) i like chickens. they're so cute and delicious.

i can't believe my parents are moving, artbeat, fun with friends, movies, family stories

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