star trek was on tonight, speaking of space

Jul 21, 2016 01:18

on this date in 1969, human beings stepped on the moon for the first time. and look at how far we've been since then. i mean, pluto! i wonder how long it will be before someone touches down on mars, or another planetary moon.

i watched mr robot but only half of it made sense to me, so i'll have to watch it again. elliot on adderall is the most disturbing thing. he was smiling! and doing dishes! and cheering at the basketball game! and skipping! and that was profoundly weird.

the grand beedapest hotel - for bees, natch.

a little old lady in the uk fought off a would-be mugger with a pack of bacon. and here we thought bacon was just a tasty foodstuff. weaponized pig!

and in the "holy shit that's adorable" department, a man put his large dog in a large bag and took it on the subway, no doubt cheering up everyone in that car.

outer space, bacon, doggie love, mr robot, little old ladies are the best, historical nifty, bees

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