feeed meeee

Jul 20, 2016 00:29

it's shark week in my house and i want to eat everything. all the time. i'm not even hungry! but i want to stuff my face with bagels anyway. mmmm, carbs ( Read more... )

outer space, politics, science!, rip, schadenfreude is so delicious, ghostbusters, shark week

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Comments 9

amnisias July 20 2016, 07:59:34 UTC
Trump is the gift that gives on giving..., though not in a good way. I have visions/nightmares imagining Trump as POTUS and Ben Johnson as UK foreign minister having a meeting about the middle east - it's like Laurel & Hardy, just not funny. (o)(o) And yes, being a sane Republican must be so painful right now.


tsuki_no_bara July 21 2016, 04:27:41 UTC
trump is the gift that keeps on giving the same way that herpes is. i can't imagine him having a meeting with anyone on the middle east for any longer than, like, ten minutes. it's such a mess.


donutsweeper July 20 2016, 14:08:38 UTC
The whole RNC is just... like you, I have no words (awful? Embarrassing? Appalling? Unbelievable?) And it just keeps... keeping itself along that vein. Melania Trump's mess of a plagiarized speech, Donald Trump Jr's plagiarized speech (which turned out to somehow be acceptable plagiarism since the speechwriter copied himself?) And then there's Gingrich and Christie and their messes and I... *sighs ( ... )


tsuki_no_bara July 21 2016, 21:25:23 UTC
it's such a dumpster fire of an event. i can't even imagine what the rest of the world thinks of us. (well, i kind of can, and it's not super flattering.) donald jr's speechwriter's "plagiarism" - which turned out to not be, because you can't exactly plagiarize yourself - was so lazy and incompetent. i mean, really? you can't write all new stuff for the guy's speech? the fact that it's technically not plagarism after all doesn't make it a lot better. and you know the woman who supposedly took responsibility for melania's plagiarism? (even tho melania insisted she wrote the speech herself, and seriously, we laugh.) there's a question now as to whether or not she even exists. ted cruz very publicly (and apparently sincerely!) refuses to endorse trump, and i discover the tiniest shred of admiration for him. which i do not understand, because he is TED CRUZ, what the hell, brain? it's like we've fallen down the rabbit hole into crazytown ( ... )


donutsweeper July 21 2016, 21:34:06 UTC
you did it to yourselves, you jackasses. this is your own damn fault.

The current GOP mess kind of reminds me of Michelle Bachmann and how she was so against the census and totally bought into the 'evil overlord government using census data to track us' kool-aide and told people not to fill it out.. only to have numerous law enforcement types say "err, actually you are legally required to do that." But she still kept saying she was against it and then when the population numbers came in they had to do redistricting because the (completely gerrymandered) district that had been sustaining her political career didn't have the numbers needed anymore and ooops, suddenly she no longer had a job.

Someplace, somewhere, has to have a political system that works. *sighs*


dear_tiger July 20 2016, 22:12:10 UTC
Shark week in the house \o/ I like the phrase! I'm appropriating it. Gotta love the boost of progesterone :D


tsuki_no_bara July 21 2016, 21:12:01 UTC
more fun and less coy and old fashioned than "aunt flo", and it allows for the possibility of terrifying amounts of blood. :D plus which, you can pretend to be a shark for a week. >(((">


goldenusagi July 22 2016, 06:05:58 UTC
i'm actually starting to feel kind of bad for the sane republicans. i assume there's at least one, somewhere.

I keep hoping (in vain) that this whole thing would cause a real split in the Republican party and we'd finally end up with more than two parties. But I know that won't happen.


tsuki_no_bara July 23 2016, 13:53:49 UTC
i think too many party politicians are falling in line behind trump because they're that devoted to party cohesion or they're just that desperate to lick his boots so they can be part of his government. not that i had a lot of respect for a lot of republicans before, but the number of them gritting their teeth and supporting him drags that respect down to zero. except for cruz, which, what the hell. i was kind of hoping enough normal-people repubs would desert, but i'm not sure if that's going to happen. i bet a bunch of them just sit out this election.


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