
Mar 16, 2010 15:28

i slept thru my alarm this morning and was thus late to work. (i went to bed late and couldn't sleep, and instead of my body's annoying-ass habit of waking me up half an hour early, it woke me up almost an hour and a half late.) and yet today is still better than yesterday. it stopped raining last night and the sun came out, for one thing. and so far i haven't had the urge to kill anyone.

i shall blame the fact that i went to bed late and then couldn't sleep on the fact i was reading bits and pieces of apiphile and swear_jar's weekfight hotel, which i now need to sit down and read properly. but not as i'm about to get in bed, because it will keep me up.

12. In what story did you feel you did the best job of world building? Any side-notes on it you'd like to share?

BWAHAHAHAHAHA. *ahem* i'm starting to think that "worldbuilding" may as well just rename itself in my head as "oh honey, you will NEVER finish this, don't even think you will". i can do it for, like, the ot4, because they live in my world. but otherwise i get too caught up in the worldbuilding and end up neglecting the story, because i think i need enough of the world worked out before i can write the story. i like the world i started to build for my nanonovel in 2004 (which i never finished *cough*), and even tho i almost never used it i like the fact that in the post-apocalypse, in the early days especially, the roads sometimes change direction on you when you're not looking. i think worldbuilding is kinda fun, and as with everything else i like talking about the world i'm making, but it tends to bog me down in an actually-writing sense.

thirty days of writing meme

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