Missing Memories

Nov 10, 2009 22:50


Name/Nickname: It's Trixcy.
Age: 23
Gender: Female


Likes: Tennis. Chess. Victory. The sky! People. Greek mythology. Ancient civilizations. Arts & Literature. Architecture. Tv & Novels. Alchemy. Existentialism. Languages. Having a great time. Learning something new.
Dislikes: Anything I don't feel like liking at the moment, really.
Hobbies: watching anime LIEK WOAH, listening to music
Talents: crazy power of organization and a zest for life, cyeah.
Favorite Color: glitters of gold and sunset orange.
Favorite Animal: White tigers.
Strengths: Prideful. Confident. Daring. Competitive. Calm. Laid-back. Determined. Resourceful. Playful. Focused. Skillful.
Weaknesses: Ruthless. Selfish. Unyielding. Challenging.
Hopes: To build a business empire one day and bring a whole lot of crazy capable and promising men and women under my wings. I want to be great and have others to be great with me.
Fears: Losing myself, and to lose faith in all that is good.


Mature or Immature?: Mature.
Leader or Follower?: Leader.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: Optimistic. With enough realism to know my optimism is put to good use.
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: High, I can be easily challenged and excitable, though I always try to remain calm.
Confident or Modest?: Hmm.. gracious? haha I don't deny what I have and I'm happily confident in doing and using what I know.
Outgoing or Reserved?: Outgoing


Are you in love?: Oh, wouldn't I like to be. lol But really. It's not my priority in life, there are many other things I want to do, but if it happens, I wouldn't say no to it. I'm in love with life, I'd toast to an exciting life and fight for a successful future of my own making.
If you are not, what are the qualities you look for in a partner?: Possession of awesome. Maturity. Insight. Playfulness, and a willpower that can match my own. Just someone to spend a great time together.
What are you willing to sacrifice for your wishes?: My anime/manga and book collection. And this thing called effort, of work and toil (yes, the traditional way) - as price to change what I want in the world.
How far would you go for someone you love?: I'd do everything in my power, I'd break rules just for that someone, irritate those in high places if I have to. But never quite at the cost of my principles.
Who is your favorite Tsubasa RC character and why?: MO.KO.NA. I freaking love that white puff of awesomeness. I stand by my opinion that it is the cutest non-human living thing ever drawn in the history of manga. And that aside, I really like Watanuki, his story is just strong and sad and I just really love the guy.
Who is your least favorite Tsubasa RC character and why?: Hmm.. Seishirou. What can I say. I just don't approve many of his actions, for whatever reason he's doing what he does. I'd be on Fuuma's ass too, but I realize he's quite alright in TRC. hahaha


Post some pictures or describe your overall appearance: Dark curly hair, average height, slightly heart-shaped face and strong eyes.
Anything else?: Nope, I'm good. Thank you for the votes. ♥
Please link to three applications that you have voted on…

Here we go: X X X X

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