Stamped as C!Sakura // Best Friend theme

Sep 14, 2009 23:09


Name/Nickname: Diana / Now there are a variety of nicknames.... Yunie, Saki, Nami-chan, Mushroom, Mist.....Okaa san... er *laughs*
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Do you have a gender preference for this theme?: Not seriously!


Likes:Anime, Manga, Romantic novels, Books, Gardening, Art, Beach, Gardens, Astronomy, Astrology, Planetariums, Ocean related stuff, Figurines from anime/games, Mythology, Tv-series, Ancient History, Children, English, French, Graphic Making, Drawing, Writting, Sleeping, being lazy, video-games, shopping, Fire Emblem (to the infinite and beyond), etc....
Dislikes:Horror Movies, Overaction, Balloons, needles, allergies, Ignorant people, being sick, studying, Spicy food, bossy people, being ignored and bossed around, strong noises, being poked,over-obsessiveness, pointless people, stalkers, etc...
Hobbies: My hobbies can vary very much truth to be told *laughs* I find myself using housewife chores as an hobby but i also love to watch anime and read manga, alongside with window shopping with a friend or two , playing video games, reading, drawing and that kinda makes it for now
Strengths: My biggest strength might be myself to be honest, i am pretty honest and forward with the ones that i care about, i am also truthfully loyal to those that i love, caring, cheerful, positive and somehow always eager to be with them
Weaknesses: I am horribly stubborn and it's hard to keep an argue with me when i am in a bad mood, i think that i am very closed when it comes to the feelings' department, i have a poor health, deep down i am very insecure although i always show to be so sure of myself
Mature or Immature?: Above it all, i am pretty mature myself which does not mean that i do not have my immaturity attacks (specially playing fighting games xD; )
Leader or Follower?: Neither. I always thought that a person should follow her/his own pace, i do not like leading for the simple fact that there's a huge responsibility in doing so, if you take the wrong course everyone will end up badly and you as a responsible will well feel worst than crap xD; and following, i never really dealed well with people bossing others around in terms of I'm the leader so you do whatever the hell i want
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: Realistic. I think that i might play along with the optimistic or pessimistic depending on my mood but i have the tendence to remain as realistic as possible
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: Medium. I can't say that i am constantly High or Low, i just stand in between most of the time
Confident or Modest?: I am modest overall, i don't think of myself as a that much confident person *sweatdrop* although i am not depressingly modest ne D8
Outgoing or Reserved?: Somewhere in between, it depends on my own personal level of comfort. If i feel good around the group of people that i am in, i am very outgoing and i speak myself out but if i do not feel that well nor i trust the ones around me i am horribly reserved
Cautious or impulsive?: Can be over-cautious or jump to the impulsive right away, it depends on the situation
Patient or impatient?: Very patient with some, very impatient with others


Positive qualities: Being caring, friendly and somehow more extroverted than myself, dunno someone that is overall a good person at the heart, that doesn't mind to have a serious moment but liking to goof around a bit and that doesn't judge me for liking different things
Negative qualities:: I dislike rude people above everything, i hate cold hearted jerks that chove you away when you're in need and then come back whining, i dislike backstabbing and i also dislike people that discard others when they do not need them... I dislike fakers and i dislike copycats, if i wanted to be-friend someone like me i'd be-friend a mirror.. Hmm i hate people that don't think at the others' wellfare....Also i dislike self centered idiots that speak 24/7 about themselves and nothing else....I dislike people that spend their time too stopped if you know what i mean, like if you sugest to go somewhere it's like Naaah i have to move so no thanks. Ah idk xD;
Mature or immature?: Like myself, mature most of the time but able to have her immaturity moments, we're not perfect nor i aim for a perfect best friend
Wise or naïve?: Somehow leaning in between, i think i can take someone that is naive but not too naive, i like wise people *laughs*
Outgoing or reserved?: Not TOO outgoing, i feel a bit intimidated by people that are complete social butterflies since i can be somehow shy, but no need to be a sulker ahah
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: As i said above, i can deal with pessimism as long it doesn't pass the limits, i dunno, i guess i'd like to have a realistic/optimistic person C:
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: Oh either medium or high XD; my friends are like that after all
Leader or follower?: Ah a bit like myself, a stray cat, i do not mind if she has a leading attitude but not with me thanks *laughs*
Confident or modest?: Confident about certain things and more modest about others C: a healthy balance aye~
Selfish or generous?: I don't like selfishness in a person, i do not need a too generous friend but i'd like a person that knows how to be balanced there
Cautious or impulsive?: Well i'd say cautious xD; i am a bit impulsive at times so i need someone that has a hand on me
Older, younger, or the same age as you?: I get along with all ages to be honest, i get along with older people, younger and with the same age so just plop~


How would you describe your relationship with your closest friend?: Ah a typical sibling relationship. Sharing our time together at times, laughing, playing, chatting, calling each other from time to time, visiting each other and sharing our opinions and dunno, having the misunderstandings once in a while but overall a chill out relationship where we're be able to share our opinions and have a good time together
What would your ideal relationship with your Tsubasa best friend be like?: Ahah dunno, i guess that something alike what i said above, i'd probably be the lab rat to the strange inventions (This because i am indeed a lab rat for a friend of mine *laughs*) that come out of the head, s sisterly relationship ah dunno *laughs*
Would you prefer one-on-one time with your best friend, or would you be happier hanging out in a group?: I don't mind having a small group but it highly depends on the people around me, so it's ok for me to have other people around as long we'd be able to have a little time alone C:
What is one thing that you would have to have in common with your best friend?: Our excentric views
What is one thing that you would prefer not to have in common?: Er...our past, definitly do not wish ill to anyone like that
What do you think is the most important part of any relationship?: Friendship, trust and loyalty and hey good humour XD


How would you meet your best friend? Would you click at once, or have to work at the relationship?: I dunno, there are people that i imediatly click with but there are others that i have to work a bit C: either way i think that we'd do fine...And how we'd meet...Maybe in one of the worlds or something (having in account that i was stamped as C!Sakura that is)
Do you talk to your best friend about everything, or would you keep things from them in order to spare their feelings or protect them?: I usually keep things to myself to a certain level, if i feel that somehow i won't be stabbed and that it's essencial for me to explain things in order for that person to understand why i have certain reactions then i'd talk about everything but there are things that it's better to keep for ourselves, otherwise we never know when we're being a burden
Imagine that your friend has lost all of their memories of you. Would you consider the hurt to great to bear, or would you consider the friendship you had worth the pain?: It depends on how close my relationship was with that person, i think ... If that person was really important to me then i'd consider the friendship....Unless i knew that it'd be better that way


Anything else?: Nopey C:

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